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❓Terminology Trivia with Amazon!
by Seller_zukQNO61PzGck

Hey Sellers!

Today we are looking to test your knowledge of Listings Terms! Below is a list of terms commonly used as Amazon Sellers, your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to identify how these terms are used by Amazon and what makes them different! Next week I’ll let you know the result and who can call themselves an Amazon Term Expert! Extra points awarded for detail!

  • Listing
  • Detail Page
  • ASIN
  • Offer
  • Attribute
  • Contribution

Good luck and thanks in advance for showing your skills!


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I am writing to express my extreme frustration with the growing issue of customer fraud on Amazon and the lack of effective protections for third-party sellers like myself. It has reached a point where we are losing money repeatedly, and it seems that Amazon is not doing enough to address these concerns.

s sellers, we file safety claims with evidence, send emails to customers gently suggesting there might have been a mistake on their end, and yet Amazon simply refunds the customers without investigating thoroughly. Customers are increasingly dishonest when returning items, claiming false reasons for the return, or sending back products that are not even ours. The level of dishonesty is appalling.

Many of these customers are clearly taking advantage of Amazon's generous return policy, knowing that they can lie and get their money back without consequence. Often, they mismeasured items, misrepresent their condition, or simply abuse the system for free returns. Unfortunately, we as sellers are the ones left to bear the brunt of these fraudulent returns.

What is most concerning is that Amazon seems to consistently side with the customer, issuing refunds without properly investigating the return. This leaves us vulnerable to significant financial loss with little recourse. I firmly believe that Amazon should take stronger steps to protect sellers, such as:

Requesting pictures of the returned items and packaging to ensure that returns are legitimate and that customers are not falsely claiming damages.

Implementing stricter return policies for customers who repeatedly abuse the system, including limiting returns in cases of fraud.

Better communication and investigation of claims, so sellers aren’t forced to simply absorb the losses when customers lie or misrepresent returns.

It feels as though Amazon is turning a blind eye to the fact that a significant percentage of customers (in my estimation, 49%) are taking advantage of this system, and it is ultimately hurting small businesses and sellers like us. We need more protection and accountability in these situations.

I hope that Amazon will take immediate action to address this growing issue and help protect the sellers who contribute to the platform’s success. Our livelihoods depend on fair treatment, and the current system is leaving us vulnerable to fraud and financial loss.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing how Amazon plans to support its third-party sellers in dealing with these types of issues.

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We have a natural insect repellent that is correctly classified as a FIFRA minimum risk pesticide. It has contact information on the bottle, bottle contents listed, and all contents are specifically categorized as minimum risk products.

When we listed the product it was immediately deactivated, and trying to appeal the deactivation just leads to an endless loop of automatic responses. I know we're correct, I'm very familiar with the requirements.

Here's the case, if any mods are available: 17288084841

Thank you!

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Bring a new seller I’m trying to better understand the business I’ve currently set up everything and am now ready to purchase items to be able to sell. I wanted to understand how to ship my products that I purchased from alibaba to a FBA warehouse? Also how do you figure out which FBA warehouse you ship to exactly? Please help thanks everyone….

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You can type in the exact name of our product which has 4.5 star rating, and sold thousands over the years.. but Amazon will place the competition's products [china made mostly] before ours. Sales have decreased over 50% over the last few years.

Amazon doesn't reward hard work and good products, but those who will pay them off to place their items at the top of the search.

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Brand registry are they okay?
by Seller_qjjK6BmGqxzXy

really? What is the point of working so hard to build the brand, the reviews, the A+ listings when Amazon is just gonna let some random company win the “buy box” when I can guarantee you they can’t even send the same product because we’re making them in house? How far can this go!?!!!!

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CPSC Recall Documentation Requirement
by Seller_gOvg0lj7q4qp7

We are working through Amazon stranded inventory and based on CPSC we need to provide documentation specifically for recalled items being disposed. We need need to understand the process to submit for approval. Any insights on the what the Amazon's disposal process looks like and documents Amazon provides to submit to CPSC regarding disposal?

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On Feb 23rd there was a sudden change to the used "buy box"(featured offer used) in the books category.

For as long as the  used "buy box" in used books has been around, it has favored FBA sellers. Now on about 50% of all book detail pages, seemingly randomly, it is no longer favoring FBA like it was, night and day difference. This change is affecting all sellers across the board.

I understand if this is a change to the ruleset for the Used buy box. I just want to make sure it is not a glitch, an unintentional change made when there were other changes made to the formula/ page format. 

9 years ago, a very similar issue came up, and the forum moderators were very helpful in resolving it. My business is at a standstill until we can know which direction this is going, would be so grateful to get some direction.

Can a moderator here contact the appropriate internal team and confirm if this is a glitch or a change?




Would really appreciate it!! :)


Some example Asins old ruleset:





Some example Asins new ruleset:





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Related account deactivation
by Seller_fnBF0exJxpfNP

My account was deactivated due to related account

My next question is can I have a store name in the US and have a different store name in Australia for example could i have somehow Created a separate account in another country without knowing because I recognized the account that they are saying is related it was a store Front name was in my one and only account that I know of and also it's misspelled and has special characters in it I need help i've been at this appeal stuff for about a month and I've gotten nowhere is it even worth it should I just deactivate my account and Try again

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by Seller_YbgAggpCz0czb

We are selling a product which is $17.99 and the customer pays for UPS next day shipping which is $45. So when the customer wants to return the product Amazon issues a full refund so we end up having $45 loss just from the shipping and also the returned product whether it is resalable or not. WHY AMAZON DOESNT PROTECT SELLER FROM THIS PREMIUM SHIPPING SCAM?! If a buyer wants to hurt a seller he can go with premium shipping and the damage will be huge!

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I have created a shipment plan on Amazon to send a small parcel shipment to the Amazon warehouse. The shipping labels generated by Amazon show the following address:

PBI3 - 7600 LTC Parkway, Port Saint Lucie, FL 34986, United States

However, in the important notice section, Amazon has mentioned that for small-parcel shipments via UPS to the PBI3 fulfillment center, the following address must be used to avoid possible disruptions:

21 Jump Street, Jacksonville, FL 32206, United States

The issue is that when I try to print the shipping labels on Amazon, it still shows the old address (Port Saint Lucie) and does not give me an option to update it to the new required address (Jacksonville).

Has anyone faced this issue before? How can I ensure my shipment goes to the correct address? Any advice would be appreciated.

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