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❓Terminology Trivia with Amazon!
by Seller_zukQNO61PzGck

Hey Sellers!

Today we are looking to test your knowledge of Listings Terms! Below is a list of terms commonly used as Amazon Sellers, your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to identify how these terms are used by Amazon and what makes them different! Next week I’ll let you know the result and who can call themselves an Amazon Term Expert! Extra points awarded for detail!

  • Listing
  • Detail Page
  • ASIN
  • Offer
  • Attribute
  • Contribution

Good luck and thanks in advance for showing your skills!


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Dear Amazon

Please urge team to review my case (17328167871, 17327270661) as soon as possible. The case was submitted on March 3th, but it has not been reviewed for 7 days now. Our products are mother's day gift products,It has a great impact on my business.

@Seller_FJwyF3iu5qxUY @Seller_zukQNO61PzGck @Seller_ovM5p622oIbGp @Seller_GEZPMc4CeQfh6 @Seller_R6oYCnTB9O1Uy @Seller_khUF6HPR2AHxu @Seller_l7Jtck9jxnEA0 @Seller_l3eCP9f1PtJXC @Seller_1KYLYkgAlu4xX @Seller_7e4TizkSOVtBf @Seller_t9kvdr2yixQej @Seller_guPeMXBrBxqyU @Seller_8hQgfj6OVZYse @Seller_PIHyltK09pbl3 @Seller_RSwABJNHpHnEZ @Seller_aEROSwwdnzGiU @Seller_W3eIqgXUINUui @Seller_JT2cdQLa0Oueg

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Dear Amazon Seller Support Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to seek your assistance regarding our seller account, which has recently been deactivated. We are new sellers on Amazon and are currently in the process of familiarizing ourselves with Amazon's rules and preparing our products for listing. Due to this, we have not been actively using our account for an extended period.

We were surprised to find that our account has been deactivated, and we are unsure of the reason behind this action. We kindly request your help in reinstating our account and guiding us through the necessary steps to verify our identity once again.

We greatly appreciate your support and understanding as we navigate through the initial stages of becoming Amazon sellers. Please let us know if there are any additional documents or information required from our side to facilitate this process.

Thank you very much for your time and assistance. We look forward to your prompt response.

Best regards,

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-- 品牌所有者授权更改品牌名称、商品名称、商品详情页面或品牌属性的授权书。

-- 通过提供支持文件证明您拥有相应品牌的证据。这包括但不限于任何品牌注册文件。

-- 您的供应商在过去 365 天内开具的发票、收据、合同、配送订单或授权书的副本。

-- 供应商的联系信息,包括名称、电话号码、地址、电子邮件地址和网站。


-- 有效(未过期、被撤销或封闭)

-- 彩色、无遮挡的高质量文件(不得为特定角度拍摄、模糊不清或被裁剪过的文件)且显示完整页面

-- 显示的信息与您为在亚马逊商城销售商品进行注册时所用的信息(例如客户姓名和地址)相符

-- 显示完整文件(如适用,正反两面)

-- 采用以下格式之一:.jpg、.pdf 或 .docx

-- 真实且未经修改









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by Seller_mKmFZD2k934lj

Hi everyone,

Has anyone experienced a similar issue?

We have 40 FBM listings and recently lost the Buy Box due to an A-Z Claim. The claim has since been resolved, but we’re still not able to regain the Buy Box.

I reached out to Seller Support, but we keep receiving generic, scripted responses.

Any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Case ID: 17387898071

Thanks in advance!

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Reimburment being delayed unnecessarely
by Seller_mw4YL76HOrTna

Case id 16887460071

I was given the date of 23feb 2025 till my units were in researching status for almost 60 days for reimbursement , but now as the due date has passed i am being told to wait again to wait 10 days for investigation which now has become almost 20 days !!, I was told to reply on a thread if the problem still persisted but that thread has been closed and i am unable to reply on that, kindly expediate the process and help me , i have shared the case id with you. i hope you will do the needful , thank you in advance.


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Dear Amazon Support Team,

I am reaching out regarding an ongoing issue that is significantly affecting my ability to conduct business on Amazon. Every time I find a product to sell, I am met with the "Your Account Does Not Qualify"message, preventing me from listing the item. This has become an ongoing frustration, as we only deal in **genuine, brand-authorized products** and possess both **Letters of Authority (LOA) and paid invoices** directly from authorized distributors.

Despite meeting all compliance requirements, we continue to face unnecessary roadblocks, which directly impact our ability to provide customers with high-quality, authentic products. As a committed Amazon seller, we take compliance seriously and ensure that we adhere to all policies.

I kindly request Amazon to **permanently resolve this issue** so that we can continue selling without disruption. This will not only allow us to grow our business but also help customers receive the best products from a reliable and authorized seller.

I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to a resolution soon.

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I am writing to express my extreme frustration with the growing issue of customer fraud on Amazon and the lack of effective protections for third-party sellers like myself. It has reached a point where we are losing money repeatedly, and it seems that Amazon is not doing enough to address these concerns.

s sellers, we file safety claims with evidence, send emails to customers gently suggesting there might have been a mistake on their end, and yet Amazon simply refunds the customers without investigating thoroughly. Customers are increasingly dishonest when returning items, claiming false reasons for the return, or sending back products that are not even ours. The level of dishonesty is appalling.

Many of these customers are clearly taking advantage of Amazon's generous return policy, knowing that they can lie and get their money back without consequence. Often, they mismeasured items, misrepresent their condition, or simply abuse the system for free returns. Unfortunately, we as sellers are the ones left to bear the brunt of these fraudulent returns.

What is most concerning is that Amazon seems to consistently side with the customer, issuing refunds without properly investigating the return. This leaves us vulnerable to significant financial loss with little recourse. I firmly believe that Amazon should take stronger steps to protect sellers, such as:

Requesting pictures of the returned items and packaging to ensure that returns are legitimate and that customers are not falsely claiming damages.

Implementing stricter return policies for customers who repeatedly abuse the system, including limiting returns in cases of fraud.

Better communication and investigation of claims, so sellers aren’t forced to simply absorb the losses when customers lie or misrepresent returns.

It feels as though Amazon is turning a blind eye to the fact that a significant percentage of customers (in my estimation, 49%) are taking advantage of this system, and it is ultimately hurting small businesses and sellers like us. We need more protection and accountability in these situations.

I hope that Amazon will take immediate action to address this growing issue and help protect the sellers who contribute to the platform’s success. Our livelihoods depend on fair treatment, and the current system is leaving us vulnerable to fraud and financial loss.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing how Amazon plans to support its third-party sellers in dealing with these types of issues.

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Listing Hijacked by brand Partyreal
by Seller_jnMW8NLOsA3OZ

One of our listings have been hijacked by the brand Patyreal. This seems to be a common scam.

We are the manufacturer and sole owner of the brand. We are unable to make changes to the listing due to another seller changing vital details and we're being told that we need to get permission from them!

Any help from the mods would be appreciated.

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Liquidations - realistic outcomes?
by Seller_YoqzncYLlALe4

If I liquidated a product that normally sells at $25. Am I expected to get $2.50 for it through the liquidation program? Or is it more like $1.25?

In addition, does Amazon take a chunk out of that?

It mention it can take over 90 days which seems very long. I'd be interested to hear what the realistic time frames are - 4, 5, 6 months?

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Trademark text misuse violation
by Seller_u4u8YfqwZsZhT

Hi Amz seller, and support team. My listing has no word Trump but i don't understand why Amazon is sending me an email and deleted my product? Have you experienced this before? i see the appeal button, what can i do through this?

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