I have a problem verifying my bank account for the deposit method.
Recently, my US account was deactivated because the associated account in the UK region (which I never used because it was no longer needed) was deactivated due to the lack of a bank account for the deposit method.
I entered all the necessary data for the deposit method in the UK region, but verification was not successful.
Reason: "Why is this happening?
We took this action because the business documentation that you submitted could not be verified because the document does not match our requirements".
Then I received this letter from Amazon.

To verify the bank account for the deposit method, I provided a bank statement from PAYONEER, an official Amazon partner. This statement was successfully verified in the US region, but for some reason was not verified in the UK region.

In the recommendations for the documentation on the first screenshot, there is a 4th point that the document should not be a screenshot.
Payoneer provides a bank statement in PDF format (as in the second screenshot).
Now the main question:
Do I need to print this PDF file from Payoneer on A4 format and photograph it or scan it in high resolution to submit for verification?
If yes, should the copy be in color or will black and white be enough?
When I click on the "Try again" banner for verification, there are two options:
1. Re-enter bank account information
2. Upload A Bank Statement:
Please provide a bank account statement for manual verification. The account holder name on the bank statement must match the account holder you selected in the previous step. Please note that it may take a few business days to complete the verification.
Perhaps I need to provide this PDF document for manual verification by a specialist as described in the second paragraph?
Can any of the moderators help me?