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Hi Sellers,

As we are all aware, your detail pages can make or break your success on Amazon. It can be incredibly difficult to try to figure out what to improve when you have been working with products for a long time alone. We're starting this thread to help each other optimize listings through peer review and shared insights.

There are TWO ways to participate:


  • Tell us your product story: Is there something special about your product that’s hard to capture on the detail page?
  • Mention your target customer: Who are you trying to reach?
  • Highlight any current challenges: What barriers are you seeing in getting the detail page that you want?


  • What makes your detail page stand out: How did you make your products best features center stage?
  • Which elements have had the biggest impact: What areas have you seen sales spikes when the detail page changed?
  • Include any testing insights (A/B testing): Were there any specific strategies when developing your options?

The goal is practical, actionable feedback from fellow sellers and even some from your Community Managers who understand the challenges you're facing and have tools you might not have available!

Get posting everyone and lets improve your Amazon Catalog one ASIN at a time!


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Multiple boxes/units Shipped from AWD TO FBA missing
by Seller_aghoOA4Qp0PhZ

We have multiple case logs requesting investigation of missing units and boxes, the first case log dating back to 30 December 2024. They are not being dealt with. I had one case dated 02-09-2025 resolved but all of the following are prior to that date including one case dating back to 30 December 2024 and are not resoved

FBA18LGB6392 - case 16930600411 - 12-30-2024

FBA18HZ8CFC4 - case 16952396011 - 01-03-2025

FBA18H8HPM2Q - case 16985251851 - 01-09-25

FBA18N1NSK73 - case 16997818141 - 01-11-25

FBA18MKGZZB2 - case 17003996971 - 01-13-25

FBA18PSGY61K - case 17167836121 - 02 -08-25

THe rest of these cases are after the 02-14-25





So some of these are 2 months old. It appears that they have been forgotten. Please look into it somebody from Amazon.

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Every time Amazon gets a return from my ASIN, Amazon relist it as used and sell it at a reduced price. This however creates a whole new listing in my manage inventory. I havn't been touching them because I don't know what it might affect. Therefore now I have way too much of them and it's hard for me to manuever and manage my listing in the Manage Listing. Am I able to delete these type of listing with no problems? Of course I'll be deleting the one that says 0 Inventory.

Just want to double check and make sure. Once you have a problem on Amazon, it takes forever to get it fixed. Amazon support is horrible.

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A tô z denied with proof of delivery
by Seller_Z6P0x6iB1IZgR

Dear moderators, the customer claimed not to have received the order. The customer purchased 3 high ticket products, and I have the photo that proves delivery to the customer's door. The claim A to Z was denied supposedly because the tracking was not valid, but the tracking is valid. Just go to the FedEx website and you can track it and see the photo. In addition to the loss of more than 600 dollars, my ODR was severely affected by this. Please can a moderator help me?

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Application to Sell Brand Products is rejected
by Seller_QsSILMQJMe911

I recently applied for brand approval (Case ID: 16915091731), but my application was rejected for an unknown reason. I sourced the products from the brand’s authorized distributor, and the brand itself has confirmed the distributor’s legitimacy. Could you please clarify why my application was denied?

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Amazon FBA Remeasure Reimbursement Help
by Seller_cbCNH6BPOG4pe

Hi, I recently had one FNSKU that was incorrectly measured and I was charged double the typical fulfillment fees while the remeasure took place. 7 orders happened and I was overcharged around $18. After the remeasure, the fees dropped back down to the previous rate, but I was not reimbursed. Support then did not understand my request for reimbursement and instead did another remeausure, which still resulted in lower fees. Can someone help look into my case and help me get reimbursed for the incorrect charges?

My case ID is 17153269331. I have outlined the orders with the incorrect fee in the case.






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Generic Brand Issue
by Seller_NUFH55K7A7jnk
Amazon replied


Is there anyone who can help us in the serious matter, we are not able to change our generic listing brand, even we provided all of the details to the team but nobody is helping us in this matter even everything is align with amazon policy we have branding on product and on packing but still getting irrelevent response

Please help if here any amazon support team member

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GTIN Exemption?
by Seller_2g2XiqtiG53BW


I am looking to sell generic compression socks. I got a GTIN Exemption for the category "Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry" and I am able to verify this in the View Selling Applications. However, when I list a generic product under the category "Health & Household" I was able to list it without error but I do not see the GTIN Exemption for that category. So I am wondering, if I am allowed to sell generic in the "Health & Household" category?

If not then why was I able to list it without any error? Why does it not clarify the GTIN Exemption policy for that category in View Selling Applications?


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USPS recycling and reusing tracking numbers
by Seller_35YCctDNERucc
Amazon replied

Not sure if it's just my luck but for 2 orders, seems USPS labels purchased through Amazon have been recycled for items (not mine) that were delivered some time ago in the recent past. Going to assume I'm out of luck on getting a refund because they show as delivered by USPS.

Happy Monday... :(

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BUYER REQUEST RETURN better price found
by Seller_RfO4nP7bWLuI1

Hello, Have a customer that ordered an item yesterday. shipped out immediately. Most of my customers and satisfied with their items; I almost never have to do a return.

tonight he writes and says 'return requested, better price found". Looks like the return is on 'auto-authorize'. So, I believe that once he gets the item, he will have a label and he can return it. Once I receive it, I want to do a refund unless its returned damaged. However, can I do the refund minus the outgoing shipping fee? Thanks!

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CUSTOMER WROTE on 02/28/25: $60.00 to return the item to you. What a scum way to do business. Ok you bent me over so give it to me.

OUR RESPONSE: Dear Confused Individual, Product ordered on 02/27/25 and just shipped on 02/28/25. How could you return the product when you haven't even received it yet. You are being reported to Amazon and we are requesting an investigation be opened up on your account. Please do not order from us again because we will refuse your order.

Amazon's System Refuses to investigate, and considers the case closed as nasty of a post it is. We filled out Amazon form to have removed with all information and UPS Tracking showing product was not even delivered yet. We have made numerous attempts to reach a live person within the organization with no luck. We have never received a 1 rating. Poor Seller Support from Amazon. We would hope Amazon would step up and stop fraudulent post and take action against the Buyer for posting misinformation and harming our company reputation.

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