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❓Terminology Trivia with Amazon!
by Seller_zukQNO61PzGck

Hey Sellers!

Today we are looking to test your knowledge of Listings Terms! Below is a list of terms commonly used as Amazon Sellers, your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to identify how these terms are used by Amazon and what makes them different! Next week I’ll let you know the result and who can call themselves an Amazon Term Expert! Extra points awarded for detail!

  • Listing
  • Detail Page
  • ASIN
  • Offer
  • Attribute
  • Contribution

Good luck and thanks in advance for showing your skills!


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Buyer Returned Different Item
by Seller_wYag8SzqGclMs

Customer bought a wooden tobacco pipe from us and returned a digital tv antenna. What am I supposed to do with this?

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Can someone please shed some light on what date a shipment for an order affects the On Time Delivery Metric?

We understand SFP is analyzed on a Sunday thru Saturday date range.

Which one of these dates are the date that the late or on time delivery date hits the metrics?

Is it:

1) Order Date

2) Ship Date

3) Delivery By Date

4) Delivery Date

Or some other date?

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I cannot upload my driver's license for review
by Seller_zYM280b1Z9gkp

Note: Originally categorized under Account Setup. But reinstating after inactivity is what I’m trying to solve for.

I cannot upload my driver's license to be verified. I’ve tried every extension listed for the files but I keep getting the same error message. Anyone seen this before? If so how were you able to get support to fix it for you?

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Account deactivated due to DAC7
by Seller_t3tqDUT7U71Ve


These 10 days have been crazy. My account got deactivated due to the DAC7, i put in the correct information and amazon reviewed it after 5 days! and rejected it even tho my VAT information and other information is correct.

I have tried to appeal it again but still no review in 5 days, again! I have lost so many sales in these 10 days because amazon is absurdly slow.

Tried contacting seller support and got the same bot responce 4 times in a row. This is just crazy that im just being ignored by amazon.

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Fee deduction information
by Seller_6U19DdfuOBeJ1

hi I have deducted 39.9 usd, if I don't do work or if I don't make a single sale in this month, still 39.9 usd will be deducted on next month ?

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Brand Registration
by Seller_em7GXwtcO6zkq

I am an Amazon seller Yuanhongfeng. I've been having trouble using Amazon branding features recently. Our company successfully registered the brand Fiedle(CASE ID 9679230901) on Amazon to use the brand features provided by Amazon.

Until around July 2023, my brand [Fiedle] disappeared from my account. I tried to re-register the brand, but Amazon claimed that my account or brand was being abused. Why is this so! My account is fine now and I don't know why this abuse is happening. Therefore, I hope you will help me add my brand [Fiedle] to my account so that I can run my Amazon store better. I have uploaded the trademark certificate and company business license to the attachment, please take a moment to check it.

Brand name:Fiedle

CASE ID 9679230901

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Restricted Product Appeal ASIN B07NTWSMJR
by Seller_0Z7YsZjqwHcDY

@Seller_zukQNO61PzGck @Seller_8hQgfj6OVZYse @Seller_37l8i4vuvugjG

My ASIN B07NTWSMJR has been flagged for antifungal claims. However I have never made any type of antifungal claim and the case responses im getting are from robots it seems. I have attached actual photos of the product and the label file.

A digital mockup image that was uploaded to the listing and then subsequently removed is what cause this trigger. That image is not the actual image just a digital mockup and even in that there is no antifungal claim.

I have always had long conversations and chats regarding my products and they have never violated any type of antifungal amazon policy. I need help on this ASAP this puts my entire business at risk.

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Dear Amazon,

* We listed 23 Easter listings.

* We uploaded all Compliance documents

* 30+ days have passed since and not even 1 out of the 23 have been activated.

This is a HUGE $$ loss. (2 full containers of Easter Goods down the drain)

Please kindly activate these listings immediately, Thank you!

Case ID: 17286774941

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Hello everyone,

Hope all is well. I need assistance/help on a issue. My account was deactivated 2 weeks ago, due to INFORM Act verification process. I completed the verification process and got fully verified. The account health team sent an email stating that my account will be reactivated in 48 hrs. It didn't. So i called them, chat with them , opened cases... They replied, in short; "We are working on it"..It has been 8 days and it is still deactivated, nothing changed. Seriously, how hard can it be to activate a account?

PS: Same thing happened in Amazon EU zone accounts, and my accounts were reactivated a day after I completed the verification process.

Anyone else has/had the same problem? Any suggestions on what more can be done/where else can be emailed?

Thank you all in advance.

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This detail page was removed for potential policy violations.
by Seller_vaF7bWknOUZcd
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I got this notification and it said to goto Visit the account health dashboard for more information.

However, when i go there the account is in perfect health and has ZERO Compliance issue .

How do i contact the catalogue department

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