Note: This article was updated on March 25, 2025, with adjusted event details
Deals and coupons give you access to additional merchandising benefits that make your products more discoverable, drive customer reach, and may generate additional sales. We’re making several changes that are designed to make it easier to test deal and coupons strategies by giving you more control on deal duration, lowering up-front deal costs, and making deals and coupons fees performance-based so they are better aligned with your business.
Deal durations are becoming more flexible: Starting June 2, 2025, you will be able to run Best Deals on any day of the week, for a duration of your choosing, ranging from 1 to 14 days. This will allow you to align your deal dates and duration with consumer trends and your objectives. However, deal dates and duration will continue to be fixed for Peak Events (Prime Day, Prime Big Deal Days, Black Friday/Cyber Monday). For details, go to Create a Deal.
Promotions and deals fees are becoming performance-based: We’re making it easier for you to reach more customers through promotions and deals, by linking fees to performance. We’re lowering up-front deal fees and using variable fees that are based on sales to make it easier for you to try out various promotion and deal strategies. The variable fees are capped for deals, to ensure you gain the upside when running offers that customers love. In addition, we’re aligning fees to reflect the level of merchandising visibility of each promotion and deal type. Less visible merchandising will have lower fees, while more prominent placements will have higher fees.
Updates to non-Peak day promotions and deals fees We intend to apply this approach across all of our promotion and deal capabilities and fees over time. Effective on June 2, 2025, deals and coupons fees in the Amazon US store will change as follows:
- Best Deals and Lightning Deals receive high-visibility merchandising placements including on deal pages, search results and detail pages. Up-front fees for running these deals will be reduced from $300/$150 per deal respectively, to $70 each per day plus a variable fee of 1.0% of deal sales with a cap for the variable fee at $2,000 per deal. For more information and fee examples, go to Understand deal fees.
- Coupon fees will change from $0.60 per unit sold to an up-front fee of $5 per coupon plus 2.5% of coupon sales. For most products sold in our store, this change will result in lower coupon fees per unit sold. For more information and fee examples, go to Coupon fees.
We’ll continue to maintain different deal capabilities and fees during Peak Events and non-Peak days. Peak Event fees will vary by event to reflect the unique scale and growth opportunity of each high engagement period.
Updates to promotional fees for Prime Day: We will have the following promotional fees for the Amazon US store for Prime Day:
- Prime Exclusive Discounts (PEDs) are a highly visible and popular promotion type during Prime Day. Fees will change from $50 to $100 per PED.
- Best Deals and Lightning Deals will remain unchanged from 2024 at fixed fees of $1000 and $500 respectively.
- Coupons will have the same fee ($5 per coupon plus 2.5% of coupon sales) as non-Peak days.
We hope the above changes will enable you to experiment faster with deals and coupons, and use these capabilities to generate even more customers and sales for your products.