Some history on our company to garner some credibility. We have serviced over 3 million unique customers on Amazon. We own multiple private label brands. Our CEO gave a speech at Amazons grand opening in Austin for their tech nexus. We are very well versed on Amazon and pride ourselves in ensuring customers receive their products on time.
I am once again trying to raise awareness to Amazon incorrectly adding 5-7 days to all of my offers on Amazon. We first noticed this problem and contacted Amazon on October 1st. We reviewed all of our shipping metrics and confirmed then, as well as now, that our On Time Delivery Rate (OTDR) was above 95%. We have have opened no less than 15 different cases asking and begging for help. The most recent one can be followed here: 17130751491
@Seller_l7Jtck9jxnEA0, @Seller_RSwABJNHpHnEZ, @Seller_YeWcEeTwlVO93 @Seller_37l8i4vuvugjG @Seller_khUF6HPR2AHxu and @Seller_JT2cdQLa0Oueg
I need everyone that is having this problem to continue to keep this discussion going until Amazon addresses this and resolves it for everyone.
For reference, we ship 100% of our products within 24 hours. We use USPS for 98% of our products and 95% of that is Priority mail. We ship items as FAST as possible using the FASTEST possible shipping service. We have been selling on Amazon for 14 years and out of no where amazon has effectively ended our ability to offer FBM products.
Below is our current shipping health. The key metric here is the OTDR (95.2%) and Amazon is showing we deliver all items within 7 days but has decided to show 12 days to all of my customers. This means we get the buy box on less than 5% of our offers now. We are watching as our competitors do NOT have this problem. Amazon appears to be throttling our account and selectively not allowing us to offer FBM products. Can someone please review this, get the captive team to assist and allow us to properly display our delivery times to our customers?
We have shown revenue loss currently is over $200,000 in the last 4 months.