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Scale faster with apps
by Seller_37l8i4vuvugjG

Hi Sellers! Connor here again! 👋👋👋

I would like to share knowledge and insights about our Selling Partner Appstore that can make your selling experience easier with over 3,000 apps to choose from.

Instead of spending hours on tedious tasks, these apps can automate your work and save you valuable time. Whether you need help with just one thing (like automatic pricing) or want an all-in-one solution to manage your entire business, you'll find tools that can turn your daily headaches into simple, automated processes. The best part? You can focus on growing your business while these apps handle the heavy lifting.

The app categories that are currently available are: Product listing, Inventory and shipping, Marketing, Ecommerce management, Finances and Customer Engagement.

If you're interested in exploring any of those apps, follow these directions:

  1. Visit the Appstore (From the main menu in Seller Central, select Apps and Services, then Selling Partner Appstore)
  2. Discover Solutions (you can search by keyword, filter by category, or browse by curated collections.
  3. Evaluate your options (Select an app to review more information on its detail page, including specific features, a “Who should use this?” recommendation, pricing, and more.)
  4. Get the app (Select Visit Developer Website to go to the third-party’s site where you can purchase or download the app).
  5. Authorize the app (From the app’s detail page, select Authorize Now to authorize the app to access your selling data. You can also authorize, re-authorize, disable authorization, or opt out of notifications in Manage Your Apps in Seller Central).

Let me know if you have any questions.



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Can a MOD PLEASE step in.

Trying to help another seller. They have NO WAY to post here, so they posted over in the EU Forums -

I know they have tried emails to Amazon and X/Twitter, but no help at all. They have no way to get into their account to update account information and such.

Just throwing some names out there to get attention.

@Seller_RSwABJNHpHnEZ , @Seller_pAPBCLhysbW5T , @Seller_t9kvdr2yixQej , @Seller_zukQNO61PzGck , @Seller_GEZPMc4CeQfh6, @Seller_37l8i4vuvugjG , @Seller_guPeMXBrBxqyU

Seems when this happens it's hard to get anyone from Amazon to do something ...


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I did a report violation against a seller and AMAZON keeps the seller that I put the violation against and kicks off my distributor. AMAZON won't fix it and I have been trying to correct it for a week. I have spoken to 8 different AMAZON people and NO RESOLUTION. BEYOND FRUSTRATED!!!

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I deactivated my seller account but I am still seeing myself listed as a seller for a product. This is the item in question and you can see that I am the only seller with the item available. How do I remove this from amazon? My seller account is already inactive.

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❓Terminology Trivia with Amazon!
by Seller_zukQNO61PzGck
Amazon replied

Hey Sellers!

Today we are looking to test your knowledge of Listings Terms! Below is a list of terms commonly used as Amazon Sellers, your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to identify how these terms are used by Amazon and what makes them different! Next week I’ll let you know the result and who can call themselves an Amazon Term Expert! Extra points awarded for detail!

  • Listing
  • Detail Page
  • ASIN
  • Offer
  • Attribute
  • Contribution

Good luck and thanks in advance for showing your skills!


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Daily total Incorrect
by Seller_ZWJu6SC7QqWWD
Amazon replied

is anyone else's daily total wrong today.

My daily total so far does not match the sales that have come in so far today. It's quite higher

Just want to see if it's all of us before I contact SS

Thanks all !!

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FedEx Adjustments $30,000+
by Seller_pmUw7e4ehjNj4
Amazon replied


We've been shipping boxes through USPS/FedEx and UPS for over 10 years. Suddenly in January 100 or so of our packages got hit with FedEx adjustments.

We calibrate and log our scales every week.

We have a third party package collection company that verifies our weights and measurements.

We use automated filling machines to package our products.

Once we spotted this adjustment fee we checked every package in our WH and verified our numbers are accurate.

I have over 100 order IDs. This is absolutely devastating to our small business. MODs - I've reached out to Seller Support and only get boiler plate replies. I need help desperately. We can't afford to keep the doors open with this loss. Can I send a MOD the order IDs to take a look?

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FBA Dangerous Goods Program and inventory
by Seller_Fsm44HJvIzc7I

Question 1: We have a batch of ASINs of the same model and composition which have been successfully classified as “DANGEROUS GOOD PROGRAM FULFILLABLE” after submitting the SDS documents and added to the FBA Dangerous Goods Program waiting list. And they have been added to the FBA Dangerous Goods Program waiting list.

REQUEST 1: We would like to know how long it will take to send inventory to Amazon?

Question 2: One of our ASINs was able to sell by FBA about a month ago and we have sent inventory to Amazon.But it was suddenly re-reviewed. And it is now classified as unfulfillable Dangerous Goods (Hazmat) and is not eligible for sale through the Amazon fulfillment network. Yesterday customer service told us that the inventory we sent before may be destroyed by Amazon.

REQUEST 2: We would like to request that the inventory not be destroyed and request an alternate method of processing such as a return. If it can be returned, where will the inventory be returned to?

The review has taken us a long time. We have lost a lot of money and are in a real hurry. We can provide valid SDS documents that have been certified by customer service. We would appreciate any help you can give us.

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6k in sales gone
by Seller_vn4peRuGOrfij

This may be a glitch in the system so wanted to see if anyone else experienced this.

Between yesterday and today we had 6k in posted sales disappear all within about 5 minutes this afternoon (5k from yesterdays sales and 1k from today). Earlier today I checked FBA and FBM pending orders and there was no single order that accounted for more than about $150 so I don't think this was caused by a cancelled order unless I have some well coordinated customers.

I've had sales be slow to reflect before but have never had this happen where huge swings like this happened in a matter of minutes. Anyone else experience something similar?

***Update*** I found some instances where people were seeing doubled sales yesterday so it could be part of that. Still an odd occurrence

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What happen in POC3, Why take so long to recive my package.

Shipment ID: FBA18TZ98C45

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