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Hello, we recently created an ASIN in our account without issue under nutritional supplements category, but shortly after, it became inactive due to Amazon stating that they are not currently accepting applications to sell “Other Human Ingestible products in New, Used, Refurbished, Collectible condition(s)”.

Seller Support has not been able to provide any update or timeline as to when they will begin accepting applications or how to push it through. We already have Amazon brand registry and all the compliance documents. Any assistance is greatly appreciated!

Corresponding Case ID: 17372341881

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This new error message is showing up when I go to edit permissions. We have 3P vendors and integrations that leverage accounts that do not have users tied to them. Verification on these accounts is not possible. Furthermore we do not feel comfortable adding a employee and providing their ssn or passport and personal info for verification purposes. We have around 50 Amazon sub-user accounts as well.

I understand verifying the seller account and providing this info. Sub-users is way too excessive. Not being able to also update permissions for existing users is also ridiculous.

Clicking the Verify Identity button redirects from Amazon US to Amazon EU, which we have not sold in for like 5 years, so I am pretty sure this an Amazon EU requirement imposed on Amazon US accounts.

Is there a way around this?

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Shipment Cancellation problem
by Seller_z9yM92D4QrmnJ

Hi! I am having some trouble with my FBA shipment and would like some help. I have a shipment on the way to BNA6 with boxes that already have the box label on them but my shipment says cancelled. I created a new shipment but the FBA box label numbers are different. I would like to talk to somebody so we can sort out what to do with my shipment so it doesn't get lost.

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Manufacturer brand is not on the product or box
by Seller_NI0dEZUBdT9dt
Amazon replied

Trying to get approval for a brand but need the exact brand name for photos. The brand doesn't have any sort of labels for the exact brand name between the box, packaging, or the products itself. The brand simply goes by one name that is labeled across all products but no where is the exact brand on the product. Not sure how to go about it and any advice would be appreciated.

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Legal Entity Problem
by Seller_Y9dujYFbB1muw

Hello, I am having trouble with something, can you please help me? My Amazon account is registered on my UK company. I want to register this Amazon account on my American company. I can change the Business Address and Tax information, but I cannot change the Legal Entity part, it does not allow me to enter the country in the Legal Entity, the United Kingdom is selected and grayed out, it does not change. I have attached it as a picture, I think it is a systemic error, please help me with this.

"I have been trying to solve this issue for days, but I haven't been able to resolve it. Could you please forward this to the relevant team?"

CASE ID : 17332960351



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A+ Premium Not Unlocking, Again
by Seller_XY5hA5qZJPFYn
Amazon replied

Hi @Seller_PIHyltK09pbl3

I'm once again having problems getting A+ Premium to unlock, now for the brand "Sunday Afternoons". Qualified for over the past 2 weeks, but still not being shown access for A+ Premium. Seller Support has been of no help as usual and are refusing to escalate it to leadership.

Case# 17380258211

Thanks for looking into this for me!

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Someone changed our product title name on ASIN B0CV4NYDQL to include a different brand name. We are the sole owners of this brand and seller support said someone else has now claimed control to make any changes on this ASIN. We have talked multiple times with seller support and they have not been able to help.

Please help me with this matter.



@Seller_t9kvdr2yixQej@Seller_guPeMXBrBxqyU @Seller_l7Jtck9jxnEA0 @Seller_8hQgfj6OVZYse

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Buyer returned item outside of Return window
by Seller_UIOHXlB4Ywpr1

amazon did not approve the return because it was 40 days after purchase. the buyer then went to ups, paid out of their pocket to ship item back to us.

now i have their USED item in my possession.

now what do i do?

why would they do this?

Can any mods please give me some insight or experienced sellers?

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Case# 17217022571 (original case 16899404121 )

Shipment FBA18FG7279Z

Its been 11 days since we last heard from Amazon support.

Amazon lost entire Inbound shipment box of 24 items, we provided invoices from the distributor, POD from UPS and were denied for the following reason:

"Our research shows that the 24 units of FNSKU XXXXXXXXXXX that you sent with shipment FBA18FG7279Z have arrived at our fulfillment center as an unexpected FNSKU when compared to your shipping plan. Unfortunately, we are unable to recover the physical inventory of the located item at this time, due to the error in shipment plan creation. We are unable to reimburse or reconcile the discrepancies you have asked to investigate for these items because of the error."

The problem is that we selected Amazon as the party responsible for labeling the FNSKU, the distributor does not do this, they simply ship the item with UPC uncovered. Therefore if there was a FNSKU labeled then it was amazons erorr.

Can @Seller_OOVUXZLmb2UEH , @Seller_s3amN64nZ4y9V , @Seller_RSwABJNHpHnEZ , @Seller_YeWcEeTwlVO93 @Seller_WIFV02H2XUFgS@Seller_khUF6HPR2AHxu@Seller_Lz6S1nnAIzbYB@Seller_hme3Wbydd1ihr or another moderator please look into the case and help? We'd appreciate it very much.

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I need to know how to process the shipment of my products to the corresponding amazon warehouse since the external carrier asks me for name, phone number and Amazon's email address to be able to manage my shipment.

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