Case# 17217022571 (original case 16899404121 )
Shipment FBA18FG7279Z
Its been 11 days since we last heard from Amazon support.
Amazon lost entire Inbound shipment box of 24 items, we provided invoices from the distributor, POD from UPS and were denied for the following reason:
"Our research shows that the 24 units of FNSKU XXXXXXXXXXX that you sent with shipment FBA18FG7279Z have arrived at our fulfillment center as an unexpected FNSKU when compared to your shipping plan. Unfortunately, we are unable to recover the physical inventory of the located item at this time, due to the error in shipment plan creation. We are unable to reimburse or reconcile the discrepancies you have asked to investigate for these items because of the error."
The problem is that we selected Amazon as the party responsible for labeling the FNSKU, the distributor does not do this, they simply ship the item with UPC uncovered. Therefore if there was a FNSKU labeled then it was amazons erorr.
Can @Seller_OOVUXZLmb2UEH , @Seller_s3amN64nZ4y9V , @Seller_RSwABJNHpHnEZ , @Seller_YeWcEeTwlVO93 @Seller_WIFV02H2XUFgS@Seller_khUF6HPR2AHxu@Seller_Lz6S1nnAIzbYB@Seller_hme3Wbydd1ihr or another moderator please look into the case and help? We'd appreciate it very much.