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Amazon incorrectly flagged 400+ units as 'Defective'
by Seller_qe9VP9AjFqHRZ

We are a long-time Brand Registered manufacturer/seller. Last month, 400+ units of one of our best-selling ASINs were flagged as defective and an automatic removal was initiated.

We received 258 units back on one pallet. Every single one of the units is in perfect sellable condition. They are double sealed and bagged EXACTLY as Amazon requires. The barcode is easily scannable. We have been selling this product for 10+ years, and there are thousands of active inventory currently attached to this listing that are packaged the exact same way. There are no shipment level issues with this ASIN - all of the products we have sent in have been received without incident. These flagged units were removed from active inventory.

As soon as we realized that Amazon made a mistake, we cancelled the remaining 144 'defective' units on the removal order but had not been sent back to us yet. Our hope is that we can get these units investigated and added back to our active inventory. We are being told by Seller Support that this is impossible. They are saying that once an item has been flagged as defective, the only option is to have it removed from your inventory. (Case ID 17391311841)

We also want a reimbursement of the removal fee for the 258 units that were incorrectly flagged as defective and sent back to us already. So far, we have been told this is also impossible - but Seller Support is clearly not reading the case details because their copy and pasted responses are vague and often irrelevant. We have supplied multiple pictures of ALL returned bottles that clearly shows them in perfect sellable condition. (Case ID 17389963261)

I would be grateful for any insight other sellers may have who have dealt with similar issues before. Browsing the forums, it looks like there have been many instances where Amazon mistakenly flagged products as defective - but I am not seeing any firm answers about a path to resolution.

Thank you in advance for your help.

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Daily total Incorrect
by Seller_ZWJu6SC7QqWWD
Amazon replied

is anyone else's daily total wrong today.

My daily total so far does not match the sales that have come in so far today. It's quite higher

Just want to see if it's all of us before I contact SS

Thanks all !!

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Inaccurate Daily Sales Totals
by Seller_1iXOGxZxBPOGa
Amazon replied

Front Display Page showing twice as much sales volume as orders cleared or pending. Never seen this before.

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This kind of thing is really frustrating
by Seller_eE5LQ6j66fVMf

Why is this scam seller allowed to sell on Amazon?

No delivery. Or send fake products with serious quality problems. No refunds.

They also freely sell other people's hard work ASIN, stealing the fruits of honest sellers' labor.

Why doesn't Amazon punish such sellers?

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Your listings have been removed.
by Seller_1SCoVaG3htvlZ
Amazon replied


Your Amazon seller account has been deactivated in accordance with section 3 of Amazon’s Business Solutions Agreement. Your listings have been removed. Funds will not be transferred to you but will stay in your account while we work with you to address this issue. Please ship any open orders to avoid further impact to your account.

Why did this happen?

We have deactivated your account because you created one or more ASIN variations that violate our ASIN Creation policies. Selling partners may not:

-- Change the product’s detail page (parent or child) to become fundamentally different from the original product listed.

-- Change the parent product's detail page so it does not match the children.

-- Add incorrect child variations that are not true variations of the parent product.

-- Add multi-pack variations that are not manufacturer created to an already existing parent.

Please review Amazon’s policies regarding ASIN creation for additional details (

Has your account been deactivated in error?

If you believe there has been an error, submit an explanation by following the guidance in the "Next Steps" column next to the policy warning on your Account Health page. Your explanation should include the following information:

-- How you have not misused ASIN variations.

-- Evidence that shows that your account complies with our variation policy.

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My brand has been removed from the brand registration.Case 11841737361 I have tried to appeal multiple times, but have been rejected by the brand team. Can any officials explain the reasons for the brand being removed and how to appeal this decision@ Amazon

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My product has been incorrectly classified as a sexual wellness product. It is not showing up in search and is ineligible for advertising. It is a massage oil.

Is it possible to get someone from the internal team to look at the listings?

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useless help
by Seller_t5e9pv6Rnnnbt

I do not know how to get through to these people. My bank account was hacked so I had to change accounts. I sent put my new information into the deposit methods. They want a bank statement with my name, address and account number on it. I had to wait a month to get the statement, sent it in and they will NOT accept it. My credit union will not put the full account number on a bank statement so they will not verify my information. I have a letter from the credit union stating the full account information, but as is usual, no one will talk to me or contact me, or let me send the information to the correct department. They want my credit union to change their WHOLE system to add my FULL account because they're too dumb to take my information. All my other direct deposit companies and even Social Security has accepted my information but, oh, no, not Amazon.

What do you people suggest I do? I've contacted them so many times now that they won't even let me on the banking information any more.

My guess is I won't get any help from the "big guys" here either.

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Require approval for returns?
by Seller_A9YD6SqY0jP7o

Hello, how can we require approval from us/ seller to return an item? For example, a customer wants to return something saying received too late but it was delivered within the correct timeframe. We would like the customer to contact us and not receive automatic approval for a return. How do we do this? Thank you.

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