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What is your Amazon Seller Olympic event?
by Seller_RSwABJNHpHnEZ

The Paris Olympics are getting underway and will soon be in full swing. From archery to wrestling to everything in between, the world's best athletes have gathered to compete for the gold.

And sure, it's impressive to swim fast or be good at basketball, but what about something really challenging: starting your own business and being an entrepreneur?

We want to know: if Selling on Amazon were part of the Olympics, what would your event be? The Hundred-Order Dash (to the post office)? The FBA Triathalon (Listing, Packing/Prep, and Shipping)?

Let us know your event! We'll be awarding a (virtual) gold medal to our favorite.

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On-time delivery rate -- W*F?!?!?
by Seller_r9wMm8LrE5iKj
Amazon replied

First off, per the services agreement, Amazon needs to preannounce policy changes, and did not in this case (or many others). Also, apologies if the search function in the fora is so poor that this is effectively a duplicate of another thread ... the most germane thing I can find is a month ago, when a Mod reiterated old policy shortly before Amazon instituted a new one.

As of today (7/25), OTDR has a new definition, and this at-one-time info-only metric can now kill your account. In this change, Amazon is announcing that they recognize that sometimes stuff -- like hurricanes, riots, state-wide power outages, strikes, etc. -- can happen which will make even Amazon's automated estimate (over which we have no control) of delivery time wrong. When this happens, buyers will be notified, but according to the OTDR page, sellers will not be cut slack. "An OTDR below 90% may result in account deactivation" ... and this metric ("On-time delivery rate without promise extensions") is prior to any extensions. Effectively: if there's a natural disaster in your shipping lane, expect to have your account shuttered. Who comes up with this? Either the description of an unannounced, new-release feature is so poorly written as to be wrong in a way that will make long-time sellers think they'll lose their accounts (ooops! our bad!), or it's accurate and the idea is insane.

Other platforms I can name simply ignore metrics for orders affected by these unavoidable issues. [I bet this doesn't apply to FBA, which is just another anti-trust-worthy measure instituted by Amazon to illegally push people to that platform.]

(p.s. this forum software is also heinous ... making me reload to post, or logging me out mid-screed, and throwing away my work in the process simply doesn't happen in any other forum software I've ever used)

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My account's sales authority has been suspended because I haven't listed any products. To appeal for the unsealing, I need to provide water, electricity and internet bills. However, I can't provide the bill for this address for the time being. May I change the address on the business license of the company and the company address of the store, and then provide the bills for the new address?

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Copy listing is not working
by Seller_1F2rN6ihZKT6X

Please fix amazon!!! Adding new product works but then you have to re add everything where as copy listing keeps all the prefilled info that you always use so you do not have to put it all in again which is very aggravating. FIX copy listing please! No products are showing up in inventory if using copy listing. You all always have to screw around and do updates and mess up everything. You cannot just leave things alone that have always worked.

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My account's sales authority has been suspended
by Seller_7zu1dSvgw1JK8

My account's sales authority has been suspended. To appeal, it is required to provide the utility bills (water, electricity and internet) of the legal representative. But the legal representative is renting there. Can the legal representative provide the lease certificate combined with the utility bills of the homeowner to pass the review?

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I know Voice of the Customer is not a hard metric, but man it gets annoying. We sell used books. We take great pains in putting the correct USED condition based on Amazon's standards and write out any potential defects (highlighting, dog ears) in the description. We've seen so many negatives and returns based on the fact that the customer thought they ordered a new book, only to receive a used copy with the exact defects we described. I am also an Amazon customer and I'm very aware when I'm ordering a used item, a new with damaged box, or brand new item when I make my selection. Is there something I'm missing in my seller listings that customers cannot plainly see when an item is new or used?

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I've been selling on Amazon for 23 years. Amazon won't let me pay myself and appears to be holding my balance in reserve for the last 4 days for no reason. I've called Amazon 5 times and no one can tell me why I cannot pay myself and why my money is being held in reserve. My health on the account is "healthy". There are no chargebacks, no claims, no issues at all with my account. No emails from Amazon regarding why they are holding my balance in reserve. No warnings, nothing.

I'm being told by Amazon that my money is being held in reserve. They cannot tell me why, and they cannot tell me for how long or when I will be able to pay myself. I'm told they will transfer the issue to another team who never not contacts me back. Next time I'm told that they will have a supervisor call me back. That has not happened.

Has anyone else had this problem? I don't know what to do at this point and can't get any help from anyone.

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does Buying shipping program protect INR charge back?
by Seller_kBd7i9AloHzre

i knew buying shipping through Amazon would protect INR az cliam. how about Charge Back? i recently had a customer file a charge back for INR with their credit card company and they hold me responsible for the loss. i bought the shipping through Amazon.

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2 people selling?
by Seller_ErvUNDoQAFh9E

HI- We make a product called the Sonar Shield., We sold a large Quantity to FISHUSA and they asked if they could sell on Amazon. We Ok'd them to sell on Amazon. We now would like to have our OWN listing of the sonar shield but wehn I put it in Amazon it shows being sold by FISHUSA. It is my product that I make so it should be made and sold by Sonar Shield. How can we both sell the same UPC on Amazon?

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amazon pending cases
by Seller_zF7s1HIDoU71u
Amazon replied

my shipping/inventory case is pensing in amazon case log for weeks now. is there any way to regist my complaint? case ID is 15660204991

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Amazon gave me the Axe.... after 15 years
by Seller_rttt1yARiCuPx

So I guess it was my turn.

After 15 years selling here, I unfortunately think we are done. I have an item that I purchased 1-2021, listed it within days but unfortunately it sat in my inventory. Never sold one on Amazon but I know that does not matter.

Being told that my invoice is too old, system will not let me "admit my error", I just keep getting bot responses at this point saying the invoice is too old. I know this, but Im not sure what else to do.

It was a nice ride, but at this point if I cant reactivate, Im going to cancel Prime and all my Amz subscriptions and move on - I guess now I will have more time to concentrate on my teaching and my PhD.

I will pop by every now and then. Be well everyone.


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