Hello there,
We are owners and manufacturers of a maple syrup brand. We have two sellers selling under our brand listing and they are actually shipping to customers a maple syrup from a different brand. We have tried Brand registry and they said they cannot do anything, and pushed us to another violation report tool on Seller Central which does not create a case, so we don't have a case number. We got a message saying we did not present proof of trademark, but we actually have the brand registered with Brand Registry, so technically we have proof of trademark.
This same situation happened last year with the same seller on a single listing and we reported to Brand Registry and the seller was removed from the listing, now they are back on the pack of 2, but we haven't been able to get anyone to do anything, we even sent the old case number to brand registry so they could see what happened last year and that was ignored, like most messages anyone send to any amazon seller support, they always answer with copy and paste messages.
In my personal opinion this is not a trademark violation, they are just scamming the final customer shipping a similar product to them, and of course, taking sales from us.
Here are the cases for you reference.
Last year's case: 16539249931
This past week cases: 17242958501, 17205335571
In addition to these cases, we did reports through these two pages below, but we did not get a case number when we did the report.
From these two reports we got one answer, with these case number: 17242920841, not sure which one is from.
I would appreciate if any community manager here could give us some help. @Seller_t9kvdr2yixQej@Seller_zukQNO61PzGck
In these cases you will have access to the ASIN in question along with photos of the product the sellers are shipping, and their IDs.