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Good bye Amazon ...your practices are unfair

by Seller_AhMYrOT6SHf1P

It is with a bit of sadness I write this post. I began listing on Amazon in the fall of   2000. I have seen the company expand their catalog and resellers ability to make money. I was blessed to keep going between job layoffs from the sales I made.

But Amazon has gotten way too big for its britches. They continually cut reseller off from selling items and are focusing on the “big guys”. Last week I was notified that I had “Broken their drop shipping rules”. I initially reached out to gain more information…they refused to tell me anything. I have since appealed 2 more times. Again no information or guidance on how to address the issue. 

Back in 2021 I was also shut down and was able to appeal this with changes to my protocols. Let me slip in here and say that I have never had as a business model drop shipping. However, if for some reason I can’t or do not want to mail an item I have reached out to a whole variety of on line stores to fulfill my orders. When purchasing from these sources I include a message approved by Amazon back in 2021. It has been 4 Yrs ago with no issues since.

And I can’t even get a confirmation on if it truly was a drop ship issue or someone trying to sabotage my business. They refuse to give me any information at all or get to someone who could help. They arbitrarily closed me out of fulfillment but merchant. My business do not move items out quickly enough to make FBA an option. I tried it when it first was introduced and ended up shipping back to myself 90% of my FBA inventory after 2 yrs. Tomorrow I ship out my last two orders. I will pull down my inventory records and move on to other online stores. I will cancel my marketplace account as of 7/1. I have been faithful to Amazon for the last 24 yrs. To bad they can’t be even fair with me.

Tags: Account Health, Deactivated, Seller Support
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In reply to: Seller_AhMYrOT6SHf1P's post

What does the notice you received say? Sounds like drop shipping.

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In reply to: Seller_AhMYrOT6SHf1P's post

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I have reached out to a whole variety of on line stores to fulfill my orders.

The term for that is "Dropshipping", and it's violating the rules. You can include any message on your purchase that you like, but if the source you are buying from does not show YOU as the "seller of record", then you have violated the policies.

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In reply to: Seller_AhMYrOT6SHf1P's post

I had the exact problem. Selling books for 20 years, always with buyers best interest in mind. But sending the buyers shipping/home address to any another seller to fulfill an order is the kiss of death, even if it is another Amazon seller. The seller can have his home address hanging out there for the whole world to see, but by God you better not share the buyers address, with another loyal, trusted, verified, and honest Amazon seller or your FUBAR

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In reply to: Seller_AhMYrOT6SHf1P's post

" However, if for some reason I can’t or do not want to mail an item I have reached out to a whole variety of on line stores to fulfill my orders. When purchasing from these sources I include a message approved by Amazon back in 2021. It has been 4 Yrs ago with no issues since."

This is the issue and against Amazon's TOS of "Drop-shipping from retail (stores/online stores) to customers". You can see it in the Seller University Video (also on Youtube).

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In reply to: Seller_AhMYrOT6SHf1P's post

goodbye my son. See you on the other side

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In reply to: Seller_AhMYrOT6SHf1P's post

Great! I am leaving too. WORST SELLING PLATFORM FOR ME

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In reply to: Seller_AhMYrOT6SHf1P's post

Congratulations, Amazon FBA is a scam, with thousands of fees, they blatantly steal

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In reply to: Seller_AhMYrOT6SHf1P's post

Everyone deserves clarity and an opportunity to make changes in my opinion. Mistakes are made but it is about intent, and if the intent is honest changes should be allowed. Consistency, clarity and compassion should be the baseline.

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In reply to: Seller_AhMYrOT6SHf1P's post

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Everyone deserves clarity and an opportunity to make changes in my opinion. Mistakes are made but it is about intent, and if the intent is honest changes should be allowed. Consistency, clarity and compassion should be the baseline.

This is a great post, Amazon is a black box with ZERO transparency and even less accountability.

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In reply to: Seller_AhMYrOT6SHf1P's post

Like it or not. Amazon is changing all the time. You got to change with Amazon. It does not matter whether it was allowed 24 years ago or 4 years or 4 months or 4 days ago. That is Amazon for you.

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