For the Love of Infringement! Stop IP Claims Before They Start


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For the Love of Infringement! Stop IP Claims Before They Start

Welcome back to the Listings Lounge!

I hope this year has started off strong for you! In order to ensure that your account stays healthy, today we are going to discuss the importance of deleting listings that you are no longer selling on Amazon.

I'll explain why deleting outdated listings is crucial for maintaining a healthy Amazon seller account and can prevent getting infringement complaints.

Have you ever had issues with receiving infringement complaints on a listing that you have not sold in a long time?

Maybe even just listed it in your account, but you never did buy the product or sell it?

Are you are wondering why you received a Performance Notification about it? Well, this is because your information remains in our system that you have listed it in your account and that you have or considered selling the ASIN.

To prevent getting these types of policy violations, I recommend that you fully delete your listings that you are no longer selling, so that if an infringement complaint comes along against that ASIN, your account does not receive a violation for something you are not selling.

How do I fully remove my data contributions you ask? Good question!

You can fully remove your contributions for any ASIN in your account by uploading a file per the instructions provided in this help page.

Ensure you follow the section that states:

Delete both your offers and item data contributions.

Enter an "x" in the add-delete field in your Inventory Loader file.

This will completely remove all data associated with your SKU. You should also use this process if you receive an infringement complaint on an item you no longer sell before you appeal and include that you have fully removed your offer in your appeal.

Note: This does not remove any order related history for your ASIN. Order information will remain in your Order Reports, and you can still search the ASIN/SKU in your Manage Orders page.

Other Key Reasons to Delete Inactive Listings:

1. Inventory Accuracy

  • Prevents customer disappointment from ordering unavailable items
  • Maintains accurate stock levels
  • Helps avoid negative customer feedback

2. Account Health Metrics

  • Improves order defect rate
  • Reduces cancellation rates
  • Maintains high performance metrics

3. Search Result Quality

  • Ensures only active products appear in searches
  • Improves visibility of current inventory
  • Better customer shopping experience

Note: Removing your data does not remove your images. If you have supplied images, you must delete them from your listing manually in your account before you remove your data with the steps provided above.

Remember: Maintaining clean, accurate listings is essential for long-term success on Amazon and helps prevent account-related issues.

Don't let infringement claims steal your success. Take action today and show your listings some love!


25 replies
Tags:ASIN, Compliance, Listings
25 replies
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Thank you @Michelle_Amazon. What you said it quite true ads sums that end of it up nicely.

In addition, you could talk about how Amazon has tightened up the reporting infringements violations to cut down on problems with false reporting.

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What can we do if we deleted the ASINs years ago but not fully using the listing loader? Is there a report we can get from support of all SKUs/ASINs we've listed in the past and when they were only removed instead of deleted completely?

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The easiest solution would be for Amazon to not allow trademark violations to be submitted until you have a FULLY REGISTERED trademark in USPTO, not just a live application. This would prevent bad actors from registering fake trademarks and IP complaints on high traffic keywords just to take listings down. Several other platforms, including Shopify and TikTok Shop follow this approach.

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That's great, but what if I sell something, but I can't change the title? I sell "Don't Tread on Me" products. Amazon told me it's copyrighted. (Ok, it's crazy, how is it copyrighted, but I guess it is.) But I can't change the title, because those products are all hijacked by someone and that someone inserted a false brand name there. Amazon won't change the title.

So, what now? I can't change it, Amazon won't change it, and if IP or trademark kicks in, I'm going to get punished and my shop is going to be in trouble.

What's the solution? I asked Amazon many times, 2 Amazon agents got mad at me for asking.

So my shop is in constant danger, because like 80% of my products got hijacked and others placed false brand names there. And because of that, I can't change anything about my listings anymore. Amazon is working together with hijackers against me, and setting me up for a catastrophic failure.

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Amazon could use common sense.


Amazon could make it so that when you delete an item from the "manage all inventory" it takes care of the issue. 1) Most sellers do not keep flat files for things they do not replenish. 2) Even if they did, Amazon has been changing the files every few months for the last number of years. A sheet you used even a year ago is "out of date" and doesn't have the needed cell info.

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Hi , I’m sorry about everything that happened with my account just because I’m a new seller on Amazon and I’m going work on it to prevent this happening no more , best regards

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That is nice and all, but Amazon could just create the functionality of the option "Delete this listing" (or add a Thanos Snap option along with the current option) on Seller Central to ACTUALLY delete the listing from your account....

I already stress when deleting listings on Amazon, as I might accidently delete one that is not actually old, which causes all sorts of problems, but Amazon wants me to do it a second time (or first) with an Excel sheet, which is where I am definitely going to make mistakes, without corresponding images to confirm what the item is to myself.

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Can we start by redefining infringement to include something more than stealing a logo, then move on to stopping Amazon from infringing on their own partners? That would be nice.

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