Listings Lounge: Upload images in Image Manager


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Listings Lounge: Upload images in Image Manager

Welcome back to the Listings Lounge! I hope you all had some time to relax and unwind with family and friends over the holidays.

As we start of the new year, lets start off by ensuring that your listings are compliant. We will build off our post from October around Product Image Requirements!

An easy way to add your images to your listings is by using the Image Manager to upload your images.

Every product detail page requires at least one product image. The first image on the product detail page is the "main" image and is shown to customers in search. Good images make it easy for customers to evaluate the product. Images must be clear, informative, and attractive. Providing more than one image is beneficial as it allows your customers to have different views of your product or show them how it could be used or look in a specific setting.

Before adding your images you should review:

If you want to upload a single image globally or for US, follow the instructions as follows:

Click the Catalog tab and select Upload images.

Click the Image manager tab.

On the left pane, search for your product using either ASIN or SKU.

From the search results, select your product for which you want to change the images.

To change image variants, under Images submitted by you, select from the dropdown menu the variant code for the image you want to upload (MAIN, FRNT, PT01, PT02 and so on) for your product, then click Upload.

Select an image from your computer, and click Open. This action will submit the image to that variant.

For more information about image variants, go to Image variants.


  • Uploading an image doesn’t guarantee that your image will be displayed on the detail page. We combine images from different sources to ensure that customers see the best images available. If your image is selected, it can take up to 72 hours for it to appear on the detail page.
  • Some image variants may be required to prove your compliance with applicable laws, regulations, standards, and our policies related to those products and product listings. If this is the case, you will receive an email with instructions.
  • To preview the current images associated with your product, click the Live images drop-down.
  • The preselected image variant recommendations are specific to your product's category style guide. To include a variant that's not preselected, select the drop-down next to its name to replace it with another variant ID, before you upload an image.
  • Image files must be named by ASIN + variant code + file extension (for example, B000123456.MAIN.jpg). File names that have incorrect naming or file type listed twice will be rejected (for example, B000123456.MAIN.jpg.jpg).

For more information, go to Name your image files and to Upload a video.

Be sure to check out our Product Image Requirements post!

Don't miss out on the Ask Amazon event Wednesday, January 15th from 8 am to 5 pm PST, and the Image Listings team will answer your questions live!

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Tags:Detail page, Images, Listings
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