Hello Sellers,
Over the past couple of months we have gone over a few topics around images, including these 2 posts around Product Image Requirements and @Michelle_Amazonhas posted about Multi-Pack Images. Today we will go over some key points about Image Issues and how to troubleshoot.
Take the following steps to troubleshoot your image uploading issues:
1. Image processing time: It can take up to 72 hours after adding an image for it to appear on Amazon.
2. Image requirements: Every detail page requires at least one product image. Follow the product image requirements to ensure your images are eligible to be displayed. Images that don't meet the requirements may be prevented from being displayed, or the product listing may be suppressed from search.
3. Main image: Ensure you have a main image and that it meets all the criteria listed in the help page. Listings missing a main image will not be displayed in the store.
4. Image selection: Amazon may select images from multiple sellers to provide the best customer experience. Uploading an image doesn't guarantee it will be displayed, even if you have Brand Registry.
5. Variation listings: For variation families, Amazon will automatically select the most popular child ASIN's image to display for all size variations. You should not add an image to the parent ASIN.
6. Troubleshooting steps:
7. Inventory file issues: Errors in inventory files can prevent images from being retrieved. Common issues include invalid image URLs or incorrect file formats.
8. Getting support: If you've followed troubleshooting steps and images are still missing, contact Selling Partner Support with details like the troubleshooting steps taken, ASIN for affected products, error codes, and your inventory management method. If you have uploaded a feed for your listings, ensure that you provide your batch ID so they can review the file for any errors.
Remember to always provide clear, high-quality images that meet Amazon's requirements for the best chance of having your images displayed on product detail pages.
Let us know:
What kind of issues have you ran into with your images that you were able to resolve?
If you have an existing issue that you can’t resolve with Support, please create a new thread, choose the "Create and Manage Listings" category, add the "Images" tag, include your case ID in that thread, and a Community Manager will assist.
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Best regards,
- Manny
This is all very helpful, however I'm experiencing an issue where I'm trying to fix existing images that don't meet Amazon's standards (the listings are search suppressed now because of this) and when I upload an image to replace the offending one it says it's successful but after 72 hours nothing changes. This is impacting 4 different ASINs but not my other ASINs.
I've called into support several times and got my case escalated to a "leadership team" however they just come back with a standard reply regarding my original images not meeting Amazon standards and that I should re-upload and wait 72 hours.
It's been going on for 2 weeks now and now we have to throw away a bunch of Valentines merchandise.
What are sellers supposed to do in this instance? How do we fix our ASIN? Are we able to get compensation?