🚨[Process Update] - Video Review Appeals🚨
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🚨[Process Update] - Video Review Appeals🚨

Hello Sellers,

Have you experienced issues with video uploads being rejected due to Community Guidelines? If so, we recommend that you report this to the Amazon Community team using the following method:

1. Visit Customer Service

2. Select Help with something else (if this button is displayed)

3. Select Something else

4. Select Amazon Community

5. Select Customer Reviews

6. Select Moderation Process

7. Select I need more help

8. Select Send us an email under Email us

This will send an email to the Community Moderation team where you can discuss your video rejection reason and appeal.

The community-help@ is no longer an active email for appeals, so you will need to use the path mentioned above to appeal video rejections going forward.

If you have submitted via the method above and haven't heard back in 3-5 business days, please let us know by creating a new thread in the “Create and Manage Listings” category, choose the "Video" tag, include your support case ID, and we'll look into escalation options.


- Manny

5 replies
5 replies
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In reply to: Manny_Amazon's post

@Manny_Amazon I don't have an Amazon Community. How else can I send an email to Community Moderation?

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In reply to: Manny_Amazon's post

Seller Support is still telling me to email them as of 2 days ago:


2:48 PM

Upon checking from my end there is no issue with the uploaded video, Hence I request you to contact the community-help@amazon.com team to proceed further with the issue."

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