Read onlyHey Sellers, did you run into an error code?
Have no fear! There are Error Code definitions within Seller Central and Seller University.
You might be wondering, why did I get an error message? Well, error codes appear when submissions for a product do not comply with the Product Detail Page Rules. These error messages are safeguards that prevent incorrect information on your product from being displayed on the Amazon store.
Error codes could be caused by multiple reasons, such as:
For example, if you submit a product with a description that exceeds 1000 characters, this will result in an error in the processing report, and your product will not be included in the catalog. We encourage you to review the processing report after each upload. If you are submitting an inventory file, this report shows up at the bottom of the Add Products via Upload page.
To see error messages, their definitions and suggested solutions, select an error from the list on the left side of the navigation.
Common Error Codes we have seen discussed recently on the Seller Forums are:
Well that just about wraps up today’s discussion on Error Codes. 🚫
If you have questions regarding a specific Error Code you ran into, feel free to begin a new discussion here, select the Create and Manage Listings category, and use the tag, ‘Listings.’
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To see error messages, their definitions and suggested solutions, select an error from the list on the left side of the navigation.
We might add that, when you use the link mentioned above, you can use the search box on that page's menu and enter the error (example - error 8665) and possibly get additional help suggestions with direct links into Seller University videos.