[Now Closed] Ask Amazon - GET ANSWERS on tax season and managing finances on February 25


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[Now Closed] Ask Amazon - GET ANSWERS on tax season and managing finances on February 25

Welcome to our Ask Amazon Q&A with QuickBooks, focusing on your questions about preparing for tax season and managing your finances in Seller Central.


⚡️ What You Need to Know:

The experts from Intuit’s QuickBooks team will answer all your questions posted in this event thread on Tuesday, February 25th from 8 am - 5 pm PST.


🔍 Key Details:

Tax season is right around the corner, so now is time to organize your finances to maximize your deductions and minimize your tax liabilities. To learn proven strategies for putting your finances in order, and simplifying your tax planning year-round, register for our upcoming webinar featuring the experts from QuickBooks.

Register now.

QuickBooks will be the first financial management solution embedded directly in Amazon Seller Central. Starting in mid-2025, you can benefit from seamless access to Intuit accounting, tax, and lending solutions from within Seller Central – making it easier for you to understand and optimize profitability, manage cashflow, access capital, and simplify taxes with confidence.

For more information about the QuickBooks app, visit its detail page in the Selling Partner Appstore.


💡 Submit questions below!

Post all your questions below! Our partner team will be reviewing the questions that come in throughout the day (as well as those submitted in advance), and we’ll do our best to respond as soon as possible during the day of the event.


Note: We cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

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Tags:Ask Amazon
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Where should the deferred transaction amount go? Holdback Receivable? Do we even need to count deferred transactions into the current year's income tax return?

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Dont you think its Illegal for Amazon to hold sellers money in deferred transactions for up to 30 days after an item is delivered?

Shouldnt sellers get paid for an item, when an item is confirmed shipped like all other platforms do?

They way we used to get paid and now Amazon holds all sellers money hostage for 30 days after delivery.

Where is our money being held and what are they doing with it?

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I use Intuit Quickbooks Essentials and the built-in "Commerce" Channel Connections that imports and summarized Amazons transactions, conveniently to my various Sales and COGs accounts.

It is actually a simple program that saves a tremendous amount of time, and I am sure that is a big draw for Intuit.

My question is why after 2.5 years of promoting this, the program is NOT RELIABLE? Over the course of 30 months and 60+ Amazon Payouts, the import has FAILED 4 times.

Each time, it is impossible to find an agent that knows anything about this, and no information can be found on your help pages. But with hours of persistent, one is able to find the secret COMMERCE department that is inundated with this problem.

So that others know, one needs to go thru hoops, finding them, then screen printing the Amazon transaction, for them to refresh. In my case, refreshing the back end by Intuit has never solved the issue.

Then you are in a cat and mouse waiting game for 2 to 3 weeks.

This last time for me was late October 2024, and 10 follow calls/and 2 closed cases (why I do not know), I was told I MIGHT have to manually download the transactions, and to consolidate and post myself. I demanded it to be marked urgent and a supervisor to call, and in January the cases again closed.

Imagine that. ! Paying now $700 per year, and at year end when you are attempting to close your books, you are told that you must do your self. AND I might say this is not an easy task if you have 1000s of transactions and wish to stay consistent with Intuits posting.

SO MY question is


2. Why does Intuit ignore, or close cases when the ERROR IS A BUG in the intuits software.

Lastly, PLEASE do not say SORRY, or anything of the like as a response.

It is always said, as it is easy to say, with no cost.

Hint to your customer service team. Saying SORRY to your customers may seem logical, but it is highly disingenuous, it is offensive, and shows most business people that in fact you do NOT CARE.

THE response should always be "WE will take care of our errors quickly". Full stop.

Edit : I am actually quite interested in how (or if) you will respond. One more hint. The Intuit Customer Service COMMERCE agents (twice) blamed Amazon.

How does that sit with you Amazon? Your partner calling out your software as the issue.

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now is time to organize your finances to maximize your deductions and minimize your tax liabilities. To learn proven strategies for putting your finances in order, and simplifying your tax planning year-round
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But how can you say this, and yet add (as you always do) this:

We cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

How much help can this thread really offer?

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When is Amazon going to resolve the Deferred Transactions Book Keeping Nightmare?

No softwares are able to account this properly. A2x etc do not do it. Amazon has made book keeping virtually impossible and there is no way to see real time accurate data.

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Amazon 1099 shows taxes received as income, but sellers do not actually receive this money... how should this be accounted for ?

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Looking through my Tax Invoice Library, I am able to find all of my invoices ie. Advertising, Seller Fees - However I am not able to see an invoice for "Fulfillment Fees" as the invoices value does not match up with the fees being charged when looking at a sales summary for the month. Are these invoices supposed to be available??

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Is Webgility the best software to integrate Amazon with QuickBooks?

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On my 2024 Summary Report, it shows gross sales amount, the expenses amount, when I subtract the expenses from the sales it should equal the transfers amount right? The transfer amount is $447.96 less than the sales minus expenses. Last year the difference was $200. Why is this?

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My 1099-K does not have any federal or state tax taken. How can I set this up to be withheld?


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