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Handmade Community

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Handmade Community

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7.2K discussions
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[Now Closed] Ask Amazon - GET ANSWERS on the New Handmade Listing Experience on January 30th

Welcome to our Ask Amazon Q&A with the Handmade partner team, focusing on your questions about the New Handmade Listing Experience!


⚡️ What You Need to Know:

The Handmade partner team will answer all your questions posted in this event thread on Thursday, January 30th from 8 am - 5 pm PST.


🔍 Key Details:

Amazon Handmade recently launched a new listing experience for Handmade products. The new experience provides Makers with added features and tools to showcase their handcrafted goods, which may improve products’ discoverability and increase their sales. To create a product on Amazon Handmade, sellers will use the standard Amazon listing experience with a new “Handmade Classification” attribute. Have any questions about the new listing experience? Please provide them as a reply in this event thread.


💡 Submit questions below!

Post all your questions below! Our partner team will be reviewing the questions that come in throughout the day (as well as those submitted in advance), and we’ll do our best to respond as soon as possible during the day of the event.


Note: We cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

90 replies
Tags:Ask Amazon
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[Now Closed] Ask Amazon - GET ANSWERS on the New Handmade Listing Experience on January 30th

Welcome to our Ask Amazon Q&A with the Handmade partner team, focusing on your questions about the New Handmade Listing Experience!


⚡️ What You Need to Know:

The Handmade partner team will answer all your questions posted in this event thread on Thursday, January 30th from 8 am - 5 pm PST.


🔍 Key Details:

Amazon Handmade recently launched a new listing experience for Handmade products. The new experience provides Makers with added features and tools to showcase their handcrafted goods, which may improve products’ discoverability and increase their sales. To create a product on Amazon Handmade, sellers will use the standard Amazon listing experience with a new “Handmade Classification” attribute. Have any questions about the new listing experience? Please provide them as a reply in this event thread.


💡 Submit questions below!

Post all your questions below! Our partner team will be reviewing the questions that come in throughout the day (as well as those submitted in advance), and we’ll do our best to respond as soon as possible during the day of the event.


Note: We cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

90 replies
Tags:Ask Amazon
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So what I want to know is since the reclassification- are our existing listing essentially brand new to the catalog? Because the evidence of all the data from my listing suggest that. My third party software shows that you guys keep changing my category ( yet my inventory listing report does not reflect that change) What about all of the work we did to build search- SEO- advertising data- sales ranking- for HANDMADE. EVERYTHING we did to build all of our handmade listings...what has happened to that? That's what I want to know. Are we essentially starting from scratch? I spent 5 years to build my listing to have history, ranking, sales and in just a few short months I went from making SIX figures a year to making maybe a few hundred a month. NOTHING I DO TO MY EXISTING LISTINGS IS HELPING AND SELLER SUPPORT HAS NOTHING TO SAY. Please answer these questions.

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when will our listings be live on Amazon, in the general marketplace?

Mine still appear to be guild.

user profile

@Jameson_AmazonIs this the only place that you posted this notification? I received no email or notification of this event so I am going to assume the answer for that is yes. In fact, the last email I received from Amazon Handmade was Oct 17, 2024. Handmade Hub has had no updates since Nov 2024 and Amazon Handmade social media... well that's so long ago that we consider it ancient history at this point.

I doubt that you will have many in attendance as very few handmade sellers come to the forums now.

user profile

Will you be answering other Handmade related questions?

Why does Handmade neglect its social media profiles. Why are they not featuring handmade sellers?

Why does there not seem to be anyone from the Handmade department involved in the forums? You can look on linked in and see the names of head of handmade etc, but no one has actually ever seen them post in the forums. Why do they not want to be involved at all with the sellers in handmade? Michael’s Makerplace has quite a few people involved in making their marketplace better.

Why is Handmade so neglected? When there are serious things wrong it takes months to get fixed?

What is going on with the reclassification it was supposed to be finished now right?

This is what I can think of in 5 minutes. When I give more thought to this I’ll probably be back with a handful more questions. Or to save you time maybe just go thru my post history 😂

user profile

1. Are you still recommending that we delete existing listings and re-enter them through the new handmade listing experience so we can get our items into the proper browse nodes faster?

2. If not, are there any time frames as to when existing listings will be cut over? It seems like the team really jumped the gun to take away our existing browse nodes during the holiday sales season when they didn't have any legit browse nodes to put us back into.

3. I have received feedback from a team within Amazon that using the self serve tool (located here to manually move our listings into the new browse nodes could cause problems during the cutover - can that be confirmed?

user profile

How does this work if we already have a parent listing we want to add to?

user profile

Do we need rebuild our existing listings or can they stay exactly as is?

user profile

I am unable to update key information on my listings, such as ingredients or important manufacturer details. After many back-and-forth discussions with the help center team, they recommended deleting my listings and re-listing them again. However, if I do that, I would need to wait at least 24 hours before I can re-list them, during which no sales can be made—and there’s no guarantee it will work.

Is this still the best way to update listings under the new Handmade listing experience so we can get our products into the proper category and actually be searchable? Please provide as many details and guidance as possible, this change is really hurting us.

user profile

I have had issues with variant products being separated from their parents. I hope the new experience helps this in the future.

One question related to the ones above about re-creating listings. Is there a way to retain rankings from old listing on new listing?


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Will the answers contain information NOT copied and pasted from the inaccurate PDF that is shared as an answer to every question regarding Handmade?

You are not a member of this group
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[Now Closed] Ask Amazon - GET ANSWERS on the New Handmade Listing Experience on January 30th

Welcome to our Ask Amazon Q&A with the Handmade partner team, focusing on your questions about the New Handmade Listing Experience!


⚡️ What You Need to Know:

The Handmade partner team will answer all your questions posted in this event thread on Thursday, January 30th from 8 am - 5 pm PST.


🔍 Key Details:

Amazon Handmade recently launched a new listing experience for Handmade products. The new experience provides Makers with added features and tools to showcase their handcrafted goods, which may improve products’ discoverability and increase their sales. To create a product on Amazon Handmade, sellers will use the standard Amazon listing experience with a new “Handmade Classification” attribute. Have any questions about the new listing experience? Please provide them as a reply in this event thread.


💡 Submit questions below!

Post all your questions below! Our partner team will be reviewing the questions that come in throughout the day (as well as those submitted in advance), and we’ll do our best to respond as soon as possible during the day of the event.


Note: We cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

90 replies
Tags:Ask Amazon
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[Now Closed] Ask Amazon - GET ANSWERS on the New Handmade Listing Experience on January 30th

Welcome to our Ask Amazon Q&A with the Handmade partner team, focusing on your questions about the New Handmade Listing Experience!


⚡️ What You Need to Know:

The Handmade partner team will answer all your questions posted in this event thread on Thursday, January 30th from 8 am - 5 pm PST.


🔍 Key Details:

Amazon Handmade recently launched a new listing experience for Handmade products. The new experience provides Makers with added features and tools to showcase their handcrafted goods, which may improve products’ discoverability and increase their sales. To create a product on Amazon Handmade, sellers will use the standard Amazon listing experience with a new “Handmade Classification” attribute. Have any questions about the new listing experience? Please provide them as a reply in this event thread.


💡 Submit questions below!

Post all your questions below! Our partner team will be reviewing the questions that come in throughout the day (as well as those submitted in advance), and we’ll do our best to respond as soon as possible during the day of the event.


Note: We cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

90 replies
Tags:Ask Amazon
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[Now Closed] Ask Amazon - GET ANSWERS on the New Handmade Listing Experience on January 30th

by Jameson_Amazon

Welcome to our Ask Amazon Q&A with the Handmade partner team, focusing on your questions about the New Handmade Listing Experience!


⚡️ What You Need to Know:

The Handmade partner team will answer all your questions posted in this event thread on Thursday, January 30th from 8 am - 5 pm PST.


🔍 Key Details:

Amazon Handmade recently launched a new listing experience for Handmade products. The new experience provides Makers with added features and tools to showcase their handcrafted goods, which may improve products’ discoverability and increase their sales. To create a product on Amazon Handmade, sellers will use the standard Amazon listing experience with a new “Handmade Classification” attribute. Have any questions about the new listing experience? Please provide them as a reply in this event thread.


💡 Submit questions below!

Post all your questions below! Our partner team will be reviewing the questions that come in throughout the day (as well as those submitted in advance), and we’ll do our best to respond as soon as possible during the day of the event.


Note: We cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

Tags:Ask Amazon
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So what I want to know is since the reclassification- are our existing listing essentially brand new to the catalog? Because the evidence of all the data from my listing suggest that. My third party software shows that you guys keep changing my category ( yet my inventory listing report does not reflect that change) What about all of the work we did to build search- SEO- advertising data- sales ranking- for HANDMADE. EVERYTHING we did to build all of our handmade listings...what has happened to that? That's what I want to know. Are we essentially starting from scratch? I spent 5 years to build my listing to have history, ranking, sales and in just a few short months I went from making SIX figures a year to making maybe a few hundred a month. NOTHING I DO TO MY EXISTING LISTINGS IS HELPING AND SELLER SUPPORT HAS NOTHING TO SAY. Please answer these questions.

user profile

when will our listings be live on Amazon, in the general marketplace?

Mine still appear to be guild.

user profile

@Jameson_AmazonIs this the only place that you posted this notification? I received no email or notification of this event so I am going to assume the answer for that is yes. In fact, the last email I received from Amazon Handmade was Oct 17, 2024. Handmade Hub has had no updates since Nov 2024 and Amazon Handmade social media... well that's so long ago that we consider it ancient history at this point.

I doubt that you will have many in attendance as very few handmade sellers come to the forums now.

user profile

Will you be answering other Handmade related questions?

Why does Handmade neglect its social media profiles. Why are they not featuring handmade sellers?

Why does there not seem to be anyone from the Handmade department involved in the forums? You can look on linked in and see the names of head of handmade etc, but no one has actually ever seen them post in the forums. Why do they not want to be involved at all with the sellers in handmade? Michael’s Makerplace has quite a few people involved in making their marketplace better.

Why is Handmade so neglected? When there are serious things wrong it takes months to get fixed?

What is going on with the reclassification it was supposed to be finished now right?

This is what I can think of in 5 minutes. When I give more thought to this I’ll probably be back with a handful more questions. Or to save you time maybe just go thru my post history 😂

user profile

1. Are you still recommending that we delete existing listings and re-enter them through the new handmade listing experience so we can get our items into the proper browse nodes faster?

2. If not, are there any time frames as to when existing listings will be cut over? It seems like the team really jumped the gun to take away our existing browse nodes during the holiday sales season when they didn't have any legit browse nodes to put us back into.

3. I have received feedback from a team within Amazon that using the self serve tool (located here to manually move our listings into the new browse nodes could cause problems during the cutover - can that be confirmed?

user profile

How does this work if we already have a parent listing we want to add to?

user profile

Do we need rebuild our existing listings or can they stay exactly as is?

user profile

I am unable to update key information on my listings, such as ingredients or important manufacturer details. After many back-and-forth discussions with the help center team, they recommended deleting my listings and re-listing them again. However, if I do that, I would need to wait at least 24 hours before I can re-list them, during which no sales can be made—and there’s no guarantee it will work.

Is this still the best way to update listings under the new Handmade listing experience so we can get our products into the proper category and actually be searchable? Please provide as many details and guidance as possible, this change is really hurting us.

user profile

I have had issues with variant products being separated from their parents. I hope the new experience helps this in the future.

One question related to the ones above about re-creating listings. Is there a way to retain rankings from old listing on new listing?


user profile

Will the answers contain information NOT copied and pasted from the inaccurate PDF that is shared as an answer to every question regarding Handmade?

user profile

So what I want to know is since the reclassification- are our existing listing essentially brand new to the catalog? Because the evidence of all the data from my listing suggest that. My third party software shows that you guys keep changing my category ( yet my inventory listing report does not reflect that change) What about all of the work we did to build search- SEO- advertising data- sales ranking- for HANDMADE. EVERYTHING we did to build all of our handmade listings...what has happened to that? That's what I want to know. Are we essentially starting from scratch? I spent 5 years to build my listing to have history, ranking, sales and in just a few short months I went from making SIX figures a year to making maybe a few hundred a month. NOTHING I DO TO MY EXISTING LISTINGS IS HELPING AND SELLER SUPPORT HAS NOTHING TO SAY. Please answer these questions.

user profile

So what I want to know is since the reclassification- are our existing listing essentially brand new to the catalog? Because the evidence of all the data from my listing suggest that. My third party software shows that you guys keep changing my category ( yet my inventory listing report does not reflect that change) What about all of the work we did to build search- SEO- advertising data- sales ranking- for HANDMADE. EVERYTHING we did to build all of our handmade listings...what has happened to that? That's what I want to know. Are we essentially starting from scratch? I spent 5 years to build my listing to have history, ranking, sales and in just a few short months I went from making SIX figures a year to making maybe a few hundred a month. NOTHING I DO TO MY EXISTING LISTINGS IS HELPING AND SELLER SUPPORT HAS NOTHING TO SAY. Please answer these questions.

user profile

when will our listings be live on Amazon, in the general marketplace?

Mine still appear to be guild.

user profile

when will our listings be live on Amazon, in the general marketplace?

Mine still appear to be guild.

user profile

@Jameson_AmazonIs this the only place that you posted this notification? I received no email or notification of this event so I am going to assume the answer for that is yes. In fact, the last email I received from Amazon Handmade was Oct 17, 2024. Handmade Hub has had no updates since Nov 2024 and Amazon Handmade social media... well that's so long ago that we consider it ancient history at this point.

I doubt that you will have many in attendance as very few handmade sellers come to the forums now.

user profile

@Jameson_AmazonIs this the only place that you posted this notification? I received no email or notification of this event so I am going to assume the answer for that is yes. In fact, the last email I received from Amazon Handmade was Oct 17, 2024. Handmade Hub has had no updates since Nov 2024 and Amazon Handmade social media... well that's so long ago that we consider it ancient history at this point.

I doubt that you will have many in attendance as very few handmade sellers come to the forums now.

user profile

Will you be answering other Handmade related questions?

Why does Handmade neglect its social media profiles. Why are they not featuring handmade sellers?

Why does there not seem to be anyone from the Handmade department involved in the forums? You can look on linked in and see the names of head of handmade etc, but no one has actually ever seen them post in the forums. Why do they not want to be involved at all with the sellers in handmade? Michael’s Makerplace has quite a few people involved in making their marketplace better.

Why is Handmade so neglected? When there are serious things wrong it takes months to get fixed?

What is going on with the reclassification it was supposed to be finished now right?

This is what I can think of in 5 minutes. When I give more thought to this I’ll probably be back with a handful more questions. Or to save you time maybe just go thru my post history 😂

user profile

Will you be answering other Handmade related questions?

Why does Handmade neglect its social media profiles. Why are they not featuring handmade sellers?

Why does there not seem to be anyone from the Handmade department involved in the forums? You can look on linked in and see the names of head of handmade etc, but no one has actually ever seen them post in the forums. Why do they not want to be involved at all with the sellers in handmade? Michael’s Makerplace has quite a few people involved in making their marketplace better.

Why is Handmade so neglected? When there are serious things wrong it takes months to get fixed?

What is going on with the reclassification it was supposed to be finished now right?

This is what I can think of in 5 minutes. When I give more thought to this I’ll probably be back with a handful more questions. Or to save you time maybe just go thru my post history 😂

user profile

1. Are you still recommending that we delete existing listings and re-enter them through the new handmade listing experience so we can get our items into the proper browse nodes faster?

2. If not, are there any time frames as to when existing listings will be cut over? It seems like the team really jumped the gun to take away our existing browse nodes during the holiday sales season when they didn't have any legit browse nodes to put us back into.

3. I have received feedback from a team within Amazon that using the self serve tool (located here to manually move our listings into the new browse nodes could cause problems during the cutover - can that be confirmed?

user profile

1. Are you still recommending that we delete existing listings and re-enter them through the new handmade listing experience so we can get our items into the proper browse nodes faster?

2. If not, are there any time frames as to when existing listings will be cut over? It seems like the team really jumped the gun to take away our existing browse nodes during the holiday sales season when they didn't have any legit browse nodes to put us back into.

3. I have received feedback from a team within Amazon that using the self serve tool (located here to manually move our listings into the new browse nodes could cause problems during the cutover - can that be confirmed?

user profile

How does this work if we already have a parent listing we want to add to?

user profile

How does this work if we already have a parent listing we want to add to?

user profile

Do we need rebuild our existing listings or can they stay exactly as is?

user profile

Do we need rebuild our existing listings or can they stay exactly as is?

user profile

I am unable to update key information on my listings, such as ingredients or important manufacturer details. After many back-and-forth discussions with the help center team, they recommended deleting my listings and re-listing them again. However, if I do that, I would need to wait at least 24 hours before I can re-list them, during which no sales can be made—and there’s no guarantee it will work.

Is this still the best way to update listings under the new Handmade listing experience so we can get our products into the proper category and actually be searchable? Please provide as many details and guidance as possible, this change is really hurting us.

user profile

I am unable to update key information on my listings, such as ingredients or important manufacturer details. After many back-and-forth discussions with the help center team, they recommended deleting my listings and re-listing them again. However, if I do that, I would need to wait at least 24 hours before I can re-list them, during which no sales can be made—and there’s no guarantee it will work.

Is this still the best way to update listings under the new Handmade listing experience so we can get our products into the proper category and actually be searchable? Please provide as many details and guidance as possible, this change is really hurting us.

user profile

I have had issues with variant products being separated from their parents. I hope the new experience helps this in the future.

One question related to the ones above about re-creating listings. Is there a way to retain rankings from old listing on new listing?


user profile

I have had issues with variant products being separated from their parents. I hope the new experience helps this in the future.

One question related to the ones above about re-creating listings. Is there a way to retain rankings from old listing on new listing?


user profile

Will the answers contain information NOT copied and pasted from the inaccurate PDF that is shared as an answer to every question regarding Handmade?

user profile

Will the answers contain information NOT copied and pasted from the inaccurate PDF that is shared as an answer to every question regarding Handmade?


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