Read onlyTo standardize listings and enhance the shopping experience across our stores, we are updating our title policy (learn more HERE). To ensure compliance, we want you to have all the answers you need to update titles before this change is effective on January 21, 2025.
⚡️ What You Need to Know:
The title requirements partner team will answer all your questions posted in this event thread today, Wednesday, January 8th from 8 am - 5 pm PST.
🔍 Key Changes (Effective January 21, 2025):
To improve the customer experience to ensure product titles are clear, concise, and consistent, we are updating our title policy with the following requirements:
For more information, including character limits by product category and store, go to Product title requirements and guidelines.
💡 Submit questions below!
Post all your questions below! Our partner team will be reviewing the questions that come in throughout the day (as well as those submitted in advance), and we’ll do our best to respond as soon as possible during the day of the event.
Note: We cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.
Are these !, $, ?, _, {, }, ^, ¬, and ¦ the only special characters that are not allowed?
What impact will it have if we don't update? Changing the title like this could significantly affect our search traffic!
Seriously? Amazon is just now noticing this?
These abominable catalog pages have been here just short of forever. They are amateurish and tacky.
BUT - the rules against this type of egregiousness have been in place also just short of forever.
So if Amazon couldn't/wouldn't/didn't enforce these rules previously, why should we think they will be enforced now?
I'm betting they won't.
And the catalog will continue to look more and more like a trashy online flea market.
Hoping to get a thoughtful, relevant reply to the serious question within my "speech."
Really??? Who came up with these HORRIBLE policy!?!? Most sellers have thousands of listings! Now we have to worry about combing through TONS of listings within a SHORT time period of only15 days... Or else they are suppressed or changed inaccurately???? What the heck AMAZON?!?! This should apply to FUTURE listings only OR at least truncate the last duplicate word!!!! I already tried to update a few old listings and they are LOCKED and uneditable!!!!! It should at least be NO MORE than 3 duplicate words because variations often repeat a word - as it is added at the end of new child title!!!! Plus whenever your bots auto-update it separates the all the variations and makes us waste Advertising clicks on an items that show ONLY ONE SIZE - then NO ONE BUYS!!!!
Every few months Amazon makes ANOTHER dumb policy where the bots will AUTO-TURN OFF listings and we all LOSE revenue! We sellers are busy with OTHER things like packing orders, answering emails and ordering inventory! STOP THE CRAZINESS!!!!! 15 days is NOT enough time!!! You should give 3-6 months!!! You have ZERO respect for us sellers. So tired of this platform! Been here 15+ years and it gets WORSE every 3 months!!! SMH!!!!!
New seller - how do I sign up to attend an Ask Amazon?
Regarding this requirement - Titles may not contain the same word more than twice.
Are the plural and singular versions of a word considered the same and count towards the maximum? Or is the plural version of the word counted separately from the singular version.
For example...if you had these words in your title would it be compliant or not? Cake Pan, Loaf Pan, and Muffin Pans
Is the word "Pans" counted the same as "Pan"?
"Titles may not contain the same word more than twice"
What has happened to Seller Central lately? We’re getting so many ridiculous made-up regulations against us, and then Amazon feels like it’s fine to steal/hold our funds without any explanations? Is AI taking over? What’s going on??
Will the words L-Carnitine and L Carnitine be treated as the same word?
I wonder what will happen to my listings if the titles do not comply with the new requirements. Will Amazon automatically update them, or will they just flag them for manual changes? It’d be helpful to know if there’s a grace period before any action is taken. Has anyone experienced something similar in the past with other updates?
The following new requirements will take effect on January 21, 2025: