Read onlyVersion 1 : Sept 2018
I want to first acknowledge @Rushdie’s past threads and posts …
I just feel though that I want to post my own thread to point out some of the most common mistakes sellers make that I have seen when helping them … as well as go over the registration process and areas you need to review for mistakes before replying or appealing to Amazon.
Normally, it just means that either the documents you provided were missing enough information, had information that didn’t match with the account or that they did not fit the format Amazon wanted them in.
It doesn’t matter that you haven’t listed anything to sell yet … or even if you have listed items
Amazon decided to “Review” your account. They do this normally for accounts upgrading from Selling Individually to Selling Professionally when all the documents needed were not originally provided OR as mentioned in #1 something didn’t match up with your account data.
Amazon will send you an email soon, if not already, and likely ask you for more information. This should appear in Seller Central in Performance Notifications
Below I have 2 Summaries of the 2 emails I see most often.
In Summary 1 is the current format of the typical email … in which they ask for more documentation.
We are reviewing your seller account. During our review, you will not be able to sell on
Please ship any open orders. If you have funds in your account, they will be available after any amounts paid for A-to-z claims or chargebacks on your orders have been deducted. This usually takes about 90 days, but funds may be held longer.
You can see your balance and settlement information in the Payments section of Seller Central. If you have questions about those, please send an email to
Please provide the following documents and confirm there is a valid credit card on file:
–Utility bill with name and address visible
–Business license, if applicable
–If you have active listings, include copies of invoices, receipts, contracts or delivery orders from your supplier issued in the last 90 days.
You can send files in .pdf, .png, or .gif format. These documents must be authentic and unaltered. You may remove pricing information, but the rest of the document must be visible. Please submit your documents by following this link (
Once we receive your documents, we will review them and decide whether you may sell on again.
When you are ready to send us your plan, please submit your plan of action by following this link
Seller Performance Team
In Summary 2 is the email sent based on the specific Account reviews help page which some get.
We are reviewing your seller account. During this review, you cannot sell on Funds will not be transferred to you but will stay in your account while we review it. If you have any open orders, please ship them.
To help with the review process, please send us the following information about your business:
To send this information, click the Appeal button next to this message on the Performance Notifications page in Seller Central (
To learn more about account reviews, search for “Velocity Limits and Account Reviews” in Seller Central Help.
To talk to someone about this email, you can ask our Seller Support team to contact you (
We will send you an email when our review is complete.
Utility Bill = Gas, Water/Sewer, Electricity, Waste, TV, Internet or Landline, (not for a Mobile Phone) … is at the address used for registration and in your name. Note: I just recently saw a thread where for some countries it SEEMS Amazon might not be using Utility Bills any more … so not sure you will be asked for that or if it is specific only to that seller. (If things change I’ll update the thread)
–Business license, if applicable (Not required)
–If you have active listings … (Not required unless you have listed items already. If you haven’t listed anything then there is nothing to send Amazon)
We reviewed your account and the information you provided, and we have decided that you may not sell on
Please ship any open orders. If you have funds in your account, they will be available after any amounts paid for A-to-z claims or chargebacks on your orders have been deducted. This usually takes about 90 days, but funds may be held longer.
You can see your balance and settlement information in the Payments section of Seller Central. If you have questions about those, please write to
Seller Performance Team
The most common mistakes sellers make that I have seen while trying to get sellers past this are :
Amazon doesn’t like …
Amazon does like …
Phone Number … should match on all documents and in Seller account
Valid Government-Issued Photo ID …
Color image with both sides of the card must be submitted in one digital file
Front only of Passports submitted in one digital file.
Valid internationally chargeable credit card with a valid billing address located in an eligible country.
**(Note : Amazon does often accept Debit cards that are linked to a bank and chargeable as a credit card from these companies … American Express / Diners Club/Discover / JCB / MC / Visa … but officially the statement is use of pre-paid or debit cards are not accepted for a selling account.)
– Prepaid credit cards
– Gift certificates
– Checks
– Online payment systems like PayPal.
– Debit Cards (Normally are not accepted … although sometimes they are) Amazon has changed the help files to remove mention of not accepting Debit Cards. If it works for you then it works. If it does not and you are in the US then I believe it is because of the type of Debit Card. (There are different types of “Debit” Cards around the world …)
Amazon supports U.S., Canadian, and Mexican bank accounts, as well as bank accounts in other countries across the globe.
If needed you can request for a Payoneer statement.
HyperWallet -
So … in short …
Once you are sure everything is correct reply to the email from Amazon explaining that you have fixed every issue causing your account to fail the review process and attach all the original documents plus the requested ones …
– Valid Government-Issued Photo ID
– Copy of either the Bank or Credit Card Statement
– Utility bill (Like: Gas, Water, Electricity, TV, Internet or Landline … No Mobile Phones)
– Business license, if applicable or you have one
– If you have active listings, include copies of invoices, receipts, contracts or delivery orders from your supplier issued in the last 90 days
DO NOT … I repeat DO NOT open a new (second) account once you have started to open one because you had issues with this one !
Oneida Books
I wish posters would look learn to use the forums and do searches before posting. This same question comes up multiple times on a daily basis.
There MUST BE a resolution to this.
Maybe that spyglass needs to change to SEARCH THE FORUM
Getting ridiculous!!
I am regularly helping my friends to register to sell on (using debit card as the charge method, providing documents in Slovak language) and I have never seen this suspension so it definitely doesn’t apply to all newly registered Pro Sellers.
There must be something wrong with the information or documents which the seller submitted to trigger the new seller suspension and account review.
Thank you @Oneida for the detailed instructions.
Could I clarify one thing:
- If you have active listings, include copies of invoices, receipts, contracts or delivery orders from your supplier issued in the last 90 days
Does this mean that I only need to send these documents IF I have active listings on Amazon?
Hey Rob hello
How are you doing ?
The vendor name and address appear in the document? Utility
gas, electricity, water bill does not accept?
I opened a second account after my first one got suspended before reading this
In your experience will that prolong my account approval process or lead to me not being able to open one at all?
If you need help please start a new thread. You can tag me, @Oneida_Books, if you like but there are many others who can help you in the forums.
A post was merged into an existing topic: Waste Collection Utility Bill
I wish to know any update too, mine was facing same issue
Opened my account and within 20 minutes was suspended. I sent in the two required documents three weeks ago.
LLC license “online articles of organization”: my father is the registered agent at the address and I am the member name and organizer name.
Gas utility bill in my name
Must the registered agent be the same name?