Read onlyThe busy holiday season is approaching, which means it’s time to start sending in your inventory.
We want you to succeed this holiday season, and to ensure you have enough products in stock for peak, we recommend sending your FBA inventory to fulfillment centers in August and September.
Inventory must arrive at our fulfillment centers by October 19, 2024, to guarantee it’s Prime badge-ready by Black Friday.
Our fulfillment center teams will be focused on receiving inventory in September and October to ensure your products are placed in the right fulfillment centers ahead of peak.
In November and December, we’ll shift our focus to processing customer orders as this is our busiest time of year.
This seasonal shift helps us ensure faster delivery speeds and maximizes your sales potential during the holidays. Also, you may see lower estimated capacity limits for October and November. On average, the estimated capacity limits for October and November can help provide enough storage for six months of inventory.
The Capacity Monitor tool helps you stay up-to-date on capacity limits. You can now view estimated capacity limits for October, and November capacity limits will be available starting August 20. All date recommendations are subject to change.
Additionally, to help you simplify operations and manage inventory more efficiently during peak, we eliminated the overage fee for storage effective July 1, 2024. This means if your on-hand inventory exceeds your capacity limit, you will not incur the overage fee. To learn more, go to FBA inventory storage overage fees.
You can find more recommendations and best practices for a successful holiday season in the peak readiness playbook.
So just to confirm, "if your on-hand inventory exceeds your capacity limit, you will not incur the overage fee. " mean that if we have say 20,000 cubic feet in Oct, and we fill it up by end of October and then our limits drop like last year to say 14,000 cubic feet in November we won't get hit with overage charges and it basically won't let us send in anything past October?
Better focus on the current open FBA shipment that are still in receiving status for over 2 months.
How can the FBA centers prepare and get through the holiday season if they can't "receive" units/shipments in a timely manner?
There's no reason to take 2-3 months to "receive" a shipment.
Hopefully the first in first out rule is still being applied in the warehouses.
Some of our products are OOS because we're waiting for them to be scanned. Until they're scanned, we're getting the Low Inventory fee.
Let's get the FBA warehouses educated and get the FBA shipments received faster than 2-3 months.
Not too mention units always "missing", "lost", or less than what was shipped.
So what 1 whole month of storage fees before items are available for sale?
May we have specifics for AWD auto replen? We need to understand what the Q4 plan is for demand that AWD will be using before we can determine what to send.
Im afraid to send inventory as I do not want to ship items then have those items taken down by the price fixing bots forcing me to lower prices below cost. We had to convert 50+ listings to collectible due to this price fixing deleting sales data then setting price of item to a price that was 6-10 years out of date.
Hi @Jim_Amazon
I noticed my estimated capacity limit for October is 100.00 cubic feet. An exact 100.00 cubic feet seems suspicious and does not reflect sufficient storage for six months of inventory.
Will a more accurate capacity limit for October become available August 20?
Or is there some sort of account issue that is penalizing my capacity limit that I am not aware of? (My IPI score is 617)
Current Capacity Limits:
August (Confirmed): 708.48
September (Estimated): 248.64
October (Estimated): 100.00
Where can I find the November capacity limit? It does not seem to show up, yet.
It says inventory must arrive by Oct.19. Does it mean I should consider shipping days before cut off date?