Used sold as New Appeal - Where to submit?


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Used sold as New Appeal - Where to submit?

Yesterday the listing for our top revenue item, a product we manufacture and have been selling on Amazon since 2013 was shut down due to a ‘Used sold as new’ violation.

I am working on crafting an appeal based on the super-useful tutorial thread by @Shelf_Cleaning_Capit How to Handle Used as New Complaints Version 2

Prior to submitting the appeal - or even posting it here for review I have 2 questions:

  1. Should I request a Bin check prior to submitting the appeal?
  • If so should I wait until the bin check is complete to submit the appeal, how long do those usually take?
  1. How do I submit the appeal? I don’t see any way to submit the appeal to Amazon.
    The issue is not yet listed in our Account Health Dashboard and the link from “Action Required: Listing Removed from” email leads to the performance dashboard. I can confirm the listing is closed, if I attempt to edit the listing from the FBA inventory dashboard I am shown:

* You need approval to relist this ASIN

* Refurbished condition
* You cannot list the product in this condition.

Go to your Seller Account [ Request approval]"

It doesn’t feel like “request approval” is what I want to do to appeal this used sold as new case.

Any insight or advice is appreciated.

Jimmy B.

29 replies
Tags:ASIN, Fees, Listings
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Most helpful replyThis reply was marked most helpful by the original poster.

Too much information in the issues that led to the complaints…

This is not an essay.

It is a bullet point report to the CEO.

Problems: A, B, C.

Root cause: inadequate product packaging at manufacture.

We will not sell any additional units of this item on Amazon until we have taken appropriate steps in working with our manufacturing partner to improve packaging to prevent potential damage in transit or FBA warehousing.

Too many words.

We will fix and confirm that we fixed the packaging problem before selling this again.

  • Improve internal packaging and protection of components contained within to better withstand rigors of warehousing and shipping without damage.
    1. To all new production of this item we have added a poly sleeve to each steel tube contained within the package to prevent scratches caused by rubbing of parts in warehousing and transit. Additionally this will further improve the packaging presentation as a new item.
    2. We have added additional protection to 3 specific steel component parts within that we identified as susceptible to bending and scratching damage in shipping. These parts each have open receiving tubes which will now be covered and surrounded by corrugated cardboard packing within the main box.
    3. Both above packaging improvements (addition of poly sleeves and corrugated cardboard parts protection) will cover all raw metal parts. This will insulate metal parts from contact with netting material and prevent any tears to netting material.

Too many words.

Overall, you understand the problem. Now you need to communicate it better.

29 replies
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Hello @JimmyB,

Pax here from Amazon.

I cannot advise to number one, as that is not my area of expertise. However, I can advise you on how to submit your appeal.

If you received a complaint regarding used sold as new, you most likely received a performance notification detailing the complaint for whichever ASIN it was. That notification should contain the email it was sent to you from, you can always submit your proactive appeal to that email address in the absence of an appeal button.

As you have reviewed @Shelf_Cleaning_Capit’s post on how to appeal, I will leave you to construct your appeal. I will be happy to provide some feedback on your plan of action once you do post it here, though.

I hope this helps you find your path for your appeal.


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Hi Pax,

Thank you very much for the prompt response and advice.

I look forward to any feedback from you or the seller community once I post my appeal. As to that - We are located in Kent, WA and under the stay-at-home order currently in place I am working from home and do not have immediate access to the requested documents which are located in my office. I hope to retrieve those and post my appeal draft here sometime next week for feedback. What I am getting at is - is there a deadline to submit an appeal?

Thank you,
Jimmy B.

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  1. Should I request a Bin check prior to submitting the appeal?
  • If so should I wait until the bin check is complete to submit the appeal, how long do those usually take?

Request a bin check if you do not know the problem.

You do not have to wait to complete it to appeal. It all depends on what the problem is.

There is no hard deadline. However an account can be suspended if you ignore these.

To give relevant advice, we need to see a draft of a response. The next step depends on what the problem is.

Go through the tread and do as it states to do, from there you can get relevant advice.

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Thank you @Shelf_Cleaning_Capit

Will do, I’ve read through your complete post a couple of times now and am tracking back all FBM and FBA returns, product reviews, seller feedback, NX feedback, buyer messages to specifically identify the issue(s).

I want to make every attempt to get this right the first time and plan to post my draft here by EOD Monday (or sooner) for feedback.

Thanks again,

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How many ASINs do you have removed?

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Just 1

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I wasn’t sure if I should start a new threat for the actual draft appeal review, if you think I should let me know. I really appreciate any advice you can offer, I did my best to follow your instructions to the letter. I want to ensure that both my formatting and the information I am providing is sufficient.

First the email from Amazon regarding the case:

Dear Seller,

We removed some of your listings because of customer complaints about items listed at the end of this email. Customers may be complaining because the items they received did not accurately match the condition or description of the product mentioned in the product detail page of your listings.

Why did I receive this message?
Amazon has several product detail and listing policies to ensure customers have a consistent buying experience and receive items in the condition they expect. Products listed in "new" condition are expected to arrive in brand new, unopened condition with no signs of damage or wear. If customers receive a product that does not match this description, it may lead them to perceive the item as being previously opened or used.

Learn more about our policies in Seller Central Help:

How do I reactivate my listings?
To reactivate your listings, please provide us the following information:

  1. A plan of action that explains:
  • The issue(s) that led to the complaints about the product condition or description of your items.
  • The actions you have taken to resolve the issue(s) that caused the complaints about the product condition or description of your items.
  • The steps you have taken to prevent future complaints about the condition of your items.

Here are a few things to consider as you create your plan:

  • Sourcing: Are you sourcing the product from a trusted supplier that sells items in condition?
  • Listing: Is the product accurately described on Amazon? Have you ensured that there is no ambiguity and the customer is well informed?
  • Packaging: Is the product in its original manufacturer packaging as listed on Amazon?
  • Shipping: Have you taken all appropriate steps and quality checks to ensure that the product is stored, packed, and shipped appropriately, and will not be damaged when shipped?
  • Review your communications, reviews, and feedback from buyers to better understand the issues.
  • Be as specific as possible in your plan.
  • Do not limit your plan to issues with specific orders.
  1. Copies of invoices or receipts from your supplier issued in the last 365 days for the ASINs listed below:
  • These documents should reflect your sales volume on Amazon during the last 365 days.
  • Please include contact information for your supplier, including name, phone number, address, and website. We may contact your supplier to verify the documents. We will maintain the confidentiality of your supplier contact information.
  • You may remove pricing information, but the rest of the document must be visible. For ease of our review, you may highlight or circle the ASIN(s) under review.

You can only send .pdf, .jpg, .png, or .gif files. These documents must be authentic and unaltered.

How do I send the required information?
To send us the above information, please visit your Account Health Dashboard ( in Seller Central and click on the appeal link next to the impacted ASIN…

What happens if I do not send the requested information?
If we do not receive the requested information your listings will remain deactivated. If we receive additional complaints about your listings, we may deactivate your Amazon seller account.

We’re here to help
You can get help creating your plan in Seller Central Help (

You can view your account’s performance at (
or select Account Health on the home screen of the Amazon Seller app on your iOS (
or Android ( device.
The Account Health dashboard shows how well your account is performing against the performance metrics and policies required to sell on Amazon.

Thank you,


My Proposed Appeal:

  1. A plan of action that explains:
  • The issue(s) that led to the complaints about the product condition or description of your items.
    • The notification regarding the closure of our listing for this product indicated “Customers may be complaining because the items they received did not accurately match the condition or description of the product mentioned in the product detail page of your listings.”
    • After reviewing return comments, buyer-seller messaging, recent product reviews, Voice of the Customer CX Health and inspecting returns of this item we have identified 3 issues that led to customer dissatisfaction and complaints about ASIN *******. (This item is a portable sports net that contains a snap-together steel tube frame and associated net.)
      1. Scratches to surface paint on net frame steel tubing
      2. Bends or dents in steel net frame tubing
      3. Tears in netting material
    • We determined all 3 types of damage had taken place in warehousing and shipping after leaving our warehouse due to insufficient product packaging from our manufacturing facility.
  • The actions you have taken to resolve the issue(s) that caused the complaints about the product condition or description of your items.
    • We have requested removal of all units of this item from FBA fulfilment centers back to our warehouse so each unit can be inspected and confirmed as new without any damage.
    • We will not sell any additional units of this item on Amazon until we have taken appropriate steps in working with our manufacturing partner to improve packaging to prevent potential damage in transit or FBA warehousing.
    • Once we have implemented improved internal packaging (detailed below) will we resume selling new units this ASIN on
  • The steps you have taken to prevent future complaints about the condition of your items.
    • Improve internal packaging and protection of components contained within to better withstand rigors of warehousing and shipping without damage.
      1. To all new production of this item we have added a poly sleeve to each steel tube contained within the package to prevent scratches caused by rubbing of parts in warehousing and transit. Additionally this will further improve the packaging presentation as a new item.
      2. We have added additional protection to 3 specific steel component parts within that we identified as susceptible to bending and scratching damage in shipping. These parts each have open receiving tubes which will now be covered and surrounded by corrugated cardboard packing within the main box.
      3. Both above packaging improvements (addition of poly sleeves and corrugated cardboard parts protection) will cover all raw metal parts. This will insulate metal parts from contact with netting material and prevent any tears to netting material.

Here are a few things to consider as you create your plan:

  1. Sourcing: Are you sourcing the product from a trusted supplier that sells items in condition?
    Yes. We are the sole brand owner of this product and have worked with the same production facility to manufacture this product for us since 2013. Our manufacturer has agreed to implement the above packaging improvements. We have included the relevant invoices as requested.
  2. Listing: Is the product accurately described on Amazon? Have you ensured that there is no ambiguity and the customer is well informed?
    Yes. We have traced the source of the customer complaints and issues to deficiencies in product packaging rather than listing details.
  3. Packaging: Is the product in its original manufacturer packaging as listed on Amazon?
    Yes. We are the manufacturer and sell this item only in factory original packaging.
  4. Shipping: Have you taken all appropriate steps and quality checks to ensure that the product is stored, packed, and shipped appropriately, and will not be damaged when shipped?
    We have now done this. While return rate is low we found deficiencies in product packaging that have not adequately prevented damage in warehousing and shipping to the end customer. We have taken appropriate steps (described above) to improve packaging and prevent future issues.
  5. Review your communications, reviews, and feedback from buyers to better understand the issues.
    We have reviewed all available information regarding this product and returns including but not limited to buyer-seller communications, product reviews, seller feedback, CX feedback, returns inspections, return requests.
  6. Be as specific as possible in your plan.
  7. Do not limit your plan to issues with specific orders.
  • Copies of invoices or receipts from your supplier issued in the last 365 days for the ASINs listed below:

    1. These documents should reflect your sales volume on Amazon during the last 365 days.
    • Documents Attached
    1. Please include contact information for your supplier, including name, phone number, address, and website. We may contact your supplier to verify the documents. We will maintain the confidentiality of your supplier contact information.
    • Will include in a separate document attached to appeal
    1. You may remove pricing information, but the rest of the document must be visible. For ease of our review, you may highlight or circle the ASIN(s) under review.

Learn more about our policies in Seller Central Help:

  • Condition Guidelines (
    • We have read and understand the Condition Guidelines. Specifically we have realized that damage to packaging and contents during warehousing and shipping may have caused customers to believe that the item they received of the ASIN in question was not new due to said damage. We have taken appropriate steps to improve packaging to ensure every unit arrives to the end customer in perfect brand-new condition.
  • Amazon Product Authenticity and Quality Help Page (
    • We have read and understand Amazon’s Amazon Product Authenticity and Quality guidelines and restrictions.
  • Product Detail Page Rules (
    • We have read and understand Amazon’s Product Detail Page Rules.
  • Best Practices in Product Authenticity and Quality (
    • We have read and reviewed the Seller University course on Best Practices in Product Authenticity and Quality. We have read and understand the guidance in subsections: Sourcing Products Listing Products & Storing and Shipping.
    • We have taken and passed the Product Quality – Appeal Quiz
  • Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions (
    • We have read and understand the Selling Policies and Seller Code of Conduct and Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions.
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Most helpful replyThis reply was marked most helpful by the original poster.

Too much information in the issues that led to the complaints…

This is not an essay.

It is a bullet point report to the CEO.

Problems: A, B, C.

Root cause: inadequate product packaging at manufacture.

We will not sell any additional units of this item on Amazon until we have taken appropriate steps in working with our manufacturing partner to improve packaging to prevent potential damage in transit or FBA warehousing.

Too many words.

We will fix and confirm that we fixed the packaging problem before selling this again.

  • Improve internal packaging and protection of components contained within to better withstand rigors of warehousing and shipping without damage.
    1. To all new production of this item we have added a poly sleeve to each steel tube contained within the package to prevent scratches caused by rubbing of parts in warehousing and transit. Additionally this will further improve the packaging presentation as a new item.
    2. We have added additional protection to 3 specific steel component parts within that we identified as susceptible to bending and scratching damage in shipping. These parts each have open receiving tubes which will now be covered and surrounded by corrugated cardboard packing within the main box.
    3. Both above packaging improvements (addition of poly sleeves and corrugated cardboard parts protection) will cover all raw metal parts. This will insulate metal parts from contact with netting material and prevent any tears to netting material.

Too many words.

Overall, you understand the problem. Now you need to communicate it better.

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Got it - thank you for the feedback, I will update prior to submitting to Amazon. I really appreciate your time.

Have a good rest of your weekend.


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Pay it forward.

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Definitely will,. I always try to help other sellers so long as I am confident I have correct or valuable information. The forums have been an amazing resource for me and our business since I began managing our Amazon sales in 2016.

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Hi @Shelf_Cleaning_Capit

Our appeal was denied, I am working on updating our appeal attempting to follow the extremely vague (need more information) notification from Amazon. When I went to look at submitting the new plan there is no option to do so - it just says “plan submitted”. I guess I’m at a bit of a loss.

I used the appeal form in the Product Policy Compliance page UI, I’m wondering if I should have submitted by email. Also - all of our invoices were scanned into 1 .pdf rather than being separate documents, I do not know if these could issues could have contributed.

Here is the response we received from Amazon:

"Dear seller, We received your submission but do not have enough information to reactivate your listings at this time.

Please send an updated plan of action that explains:
– Greater detail on the issues(s) that you believe caused the complaints about the condition of your items.
– Greater detail on the actions you have taken to resolve the issue(s) that caused the complaints about the condition of your items.
– Greater detail on the steps you have taken to prevent future complaints about the condition of your items.

Here are a few things to consider as you create your plan:
–Sourcing: Are you sourcing the product from a trusted supplier?
–Listing: Is the product accurately described on Amazon? Have you ensured that there is no ambiguity and the customer is well informed?

–Packaging: Is the product in its original packaging as listed on Amazon?

–Shipping: Have you taken all appropriate steps and quality checks to ensure that the product is stored, packed, and shipped appropriately?

–Review your communications from buyers to better understand the issues.

–Be as specific as possible in your plan.

–Do not limit your plan to issues with specific orders.

To send us the required information, please visit your Account Health Dashboard ( in Seller Central and click on the appeal link next to the impacted ASIN.

What happens if I do not send the requested information? If we do not receive the requested information your listings will remain deactivated. If we receive additional complaints about your listings, we may deactivate your Amazon seller account.

We’re here to help You can get help creating your plan in Seller Central Help (

You can view your account’s performance at ( or select Account Health on the home screen of the Amazon Seller app on your iOS ( or Android ( device.

The Account Health dashboard shows how well your account is performing against the performance metrics and policies required to sell on Amazon.

------------------------------------- Complaint type: USED SOLD AS NEW ASIN:********* -------------------------------------

Sincerely, Seller Performance Team

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JimmyB - I have the same request. would you be willing to share your updated POA? I too am going through a similar appeal. Thank you in advance for any additional help/advice. Cheers.

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I’ve sent this to a couple people in DM’s primarily because the formatting is messed up and I didn’t want to post here with weird formatting but it seems this is useful information and while I don’t have time to figure out the formatting I’m happy to share as-is:

  1. The issue(s) that led to the complaints about the product condition or description of your items.
* The notification regarding the closure of our listing for this product indicated “Customers may be complaining because the items they received did not accurately match the condition or description of the product mentioned in the product detail page of your listings.”
* **We have reviewed return comments, buyer-seller messaging, recent product reviews, Voice of the Customer CX Health and have inspected returns.**
* **Root cause: inadequate product packaging at manufacture causing product parts to be damaged in transit giving the appearance these items were used.**
* **We identified 3 specific issues that led to customer dissatisfaction and complaints about ASIN B00******* caused by inadequate packaging.**
  1. **Scratches to surface paint on frame steel tubing**
  2. **Bends/dents in steel frame tubing openings**
  3. **Tears in *********
  1. The actions you have taken to resolve the issue(s) that caused the complaints about the product condition or description of your items.
* **Requested removal of all units of this item from FBA fulfilment centers back to us for inspection.**
* **We have ensured our product description and product condition reflect that this is a new item. All products of ASIN B00******* we ship Amazon and to customers meet this description exactly.**
* **We will fix the root cause of the problem (inadequate internal packaging) and confirm that we fixed the packaging problem before we resume selling ASIN B00******* on Amazon.**
  1. **Improve internal packaging and protection of components to better withstand rigors of warehousing and shipping.**

    * **Add a sealed poly sleeve to each steel tube contained within the package to prevent scratching of painted metal parts.**
    * **Add additional protection to 3 parts that we identified as susceptible to bending. Each part will get a protective rubber cap to prevent damage in transit.**
    * **Prevent ***** damage by insulating the *** from contact with steel frame parts. All components will be protected by internal packaging.**
  1. The steps you have taken to prevent future complaints about the condition of your items.
* **Improve internal packaging and protection of components to better withstand rigors of warehousing and shipping.**
  1. **Add a poly sleeve to each steel tube contained within the package to prevent scratching of painted metal parts.**
  2. **Added additional protection to 3 parts that we identified as susceptible to bending. Each part will get a protective rubber cap to prevent damage in transit.**
  3. **Prevent ******* damage by insulating from contact with steel frame parts. All components will be protected by internal packaging.**

Here are a few things to consider as you create your plan:

  1. Sourcing: Are you sourcing the product from a trusted supplier that sells items in condition?
* **Yes. We are the sole brand owner of this product and have worked with the same production facility to manufacture this product for us since 2013. Our manufacturer has agreed to implement the above packaging improvements. We have included the relevant invoices as requested.**
  1. Listing: Is the product accurately described on Amazon? Have you ensured that there is no ambiguity and the customer is well informed?
* **Yes. We have traced the source of the customer complaints and issues to deficiencies in product packaging rather than listing details.**
  1. Packaging: Is the product in its original manufacturer packaging as listed on Amazon?
* **Yes. We are the manufacturer and sell this item only in factory original packaging.**
  1. Shipping: Have you taken all appropriate steps and quality checks to ensure that the product is stored, packed, and shipped appropriately, and will not be damaged when shipped?
* **We have now done this. While return rate is low we found deficiencies in product packaging that have not adequately prevented damage in warehousing and shipping to the end customer. We have taken appropriate steps (described above) to improve packaging and prevent future issues.**
  1. Review your communications, reviews, and feedback from buyers to better understand the issues.
* **We have reviewed all available information regarding this product and returns including but not limited to buyer-seller communications, product reviews, seller feedback, CX feedback, returns inspections, return requests.**
  1. Be as specific as possible in your plan.
  2. Do not limit your plan to issues with specific orders.
  • Copies of invoices or receipts from your supplier issued in the last 365 days for the ASINs listed below:
  1. These documents should reflect your sales volume on Amazon during the last 365 days.
    • Commercial Invoice Documents included below in body and attached.
  1. Please include contact information for your supplier, including name, phone number, address, and website. We may contact your supplier to verify the documents. We will maintain the confidentiality of your supplier contact information.
  • **Supplier: *************
  • **Address: *************
  • **Email: *************
  • Telephone: ***************
  • Website: None
  1. You may remove pricing information, but the rest of the document must be visible. For ease of our review, you may highlight or circle the ASIN(s) under review.

Learn more about our policies in Seller Central Help:

  • Condition Guidelines (
    • We have read and understand the Condition Guidelines. Specifically we have realized that damage to packaging and contents during warehousing and shipping may have caused customers to believe that the item they received of the ASIN in question was not new due to said damage. We have taken appropriate steps to improve packaging to ensure every unit arrives to the end customer in perfect brand-new condition.
  • Amazon Product Authenticity and Quality Help Page (
    • We have read and understand Amazon’s Amazon Product Authenticity and Quality guidelines and restrictions.
  • Product Detail Page Rules (
    • We have read and understand Amazon’s Product Detail Page Rules.
  • Best Practices in Product Authenticity and Quality (
    • We have read and reviewed the Seller University course on Best Practices in Product Authenticity and Quality. We have read and understand the guidance in subsections: Sourcing Products Listing Products & Storing and Shipping.
    • We have taken and passed the Product Quality – Appeal Quiz
  • Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions (
    • We have read and understand the Selling Policies and Seller Code of Conduct and Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions.
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