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Our 12mm White Blessing Bracelet - which we have a trademark on and Brand registry - now has 5 "offers" on it all $12 or less - being sold by "new Amazon stores" attached to our listing.
We have NO resellers - and have gotten NO help on how to get these off our listing.
HELP! What do we do??
Hello @Seller_2RT0RjH7JNVnS,
My name is Dougal from the Community Manager Team and I am happy to assist. You need to log into the Brand Registry site and select "Report a violation" from the "Protect menu".
You will provide the ASIN in the search box and search. Your ASIN will display below. Click on Show all Offers and then only select the offers you are reporting infringement on. Next you will select the type of infringement and the complaint page will open for more specific information to be provided by you.
You can reference all of the above and more on the Intellectual Property for Rights Owners help page. This is a very robust help page, but it has everything you need to properly submit an IP complaint.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Best, Dougal