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Locked discussions in the New Forums Experience

imgHave you ever tried to upvote or downvote a reply but it didn’t seem to register? The likely cause is that the thread was locked.

We denote a locked thread with a lock icon in the upper right-hand corner next to the discussion title. Once a Community Manager locks a thread, it's closed to all further comments or votes. We lock discussions for a variety of reasons, such as if the original poster requests it, or if a discussion thread goes off topic and/or violates our Community Guidelines.

imgIn addition to the lock icon, you'll know a discussion is locked if you receive a yellow pop-up message (shown below) when you attempt to reply or vote on it.

imgWe lock certain discussion in order to provide an inclusive, helpful, and welcoming community for all. If you see a thread you believe should be locked (or otherwise moderated), please flag the post for moderation.

And as always, see the Seller Forums FAQs for additional details about the forums.

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Locked discussions in the New Forums Experience

imgHave you ever tried to upvote or downvote a reply but it didn’t seem to register? The likely cause is that the thread was locked.

We denote a locked thread with a lock icon in the upper right-hand corner next to the discussion title. Once a Community Manager locks a thread, it's closed to all further comments or votes. We lock discussions for a variety of reasons, such as if the original poster requests it, or if a discussion thread goes off topic and/or violates our Community Guidelines.

imgIn addition to the lock icon, you'll know a discussion is locked if you receive a yellow pop-up message (shown below) when you attempt to reply or vote on it.

imgWe lock certain discussion in order to provide an inclusive, helpful, and welcoming community for all. If you see a thread you believe should be locked (or otherwise moderated), please flag the post for moderation.

And as always, see the Seller Forums FAQs for additional details about the forums.

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Not being able to upvote or downvote posts in a locked thread, or interact in any way at all, basically kills the whole thing.

Who knows what to consider as good once a thread is closed if no one can vote.


You can't even flag the post, which STILL contains a reference to a site selling accounts.

Also, a question. Is there a time out auto lock after a certain amount of days in the NSFE?

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This one is the most interesting use of moderation and locked thread we have seen.

account suspended - where do you get your new accounts from?

The thread should have been pulled down. Just this line makes us cringe ...


Thank you for creating this post so we could give feedback on that thread and how locking the thread was used.

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I have no words. If I did, my comment will just be deleted again. Only reason I even still come is because I am sorry for posters not getting ANY reply for days

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Locked discussions in the New Forums Experience

imgHave you ever tried to upvote or downvote a reply but it didn’t seem to register? The likely cause is that the thread was locked.

We denote a locked thread with a lock icon in the upper right-hand corner next to the discussion title. Once a Community Manager locks a thread, it's closed to all further comments or votes. We lock discussions for a variety of reasons, such as if the original poster requests it, or if a discussion thread goes off topic and/or violates our Community Guidelines.

imgIn addition to the lock icon, you'll know a discussion is locked if you receive a yellow pop-up message (shown below) when you attempt to reply or vote on it.

imgWe lock certain discussion in order to provide an inclusive, helpful, and welcoming community for all. If you see a thread you believe should be locked (or otherwise moderated), please flag the post for moderation.

And as always, see the Seller Forums FAQs for additional details about the forums.

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Locked discussions in the New Forums Experience

imgHave you ever tried to upvote or downvote a reply but it didn’t seem to register? The likely cause is that the thread was locked.

We denote a locked thread with a lock icon in the upper right-hand corner next to the discussion title. Once a Community Manager locks a thread, it's closed to all further comments or votes. We lock discussions for a variety of reasons, such as if the original poster requests it, or if a discussion thread goes off topic and/or violates our Community Guidelines.

imgIn addition to the lock icon, you'll know a discussion is locked if you receive a yellow pop-up message (shown below) when you attempt to reply or vote on it.

imgWe lock certain discussion in order to provide an inclusive, helpful, and welcoming community for all. If you see a thread you believe should be locked (or otherwise moderated), please flag the post for moderation.

And as always, see the Seller Forums FAQs for additional details about the forums.

Tags:Quick tips
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Locked discussions in the New Forums Experience

by TaylorR_Amazon

imgHave you ever tried to upvote or downvote a reply but it didn’t seem to register? The likely cause is that the thread was locked.

We denote a locked thread with a lock icon in the upper right-hand corner next to the discussion title. Once a Community Manager locks a thread, it's closed to all further comments or votes. We lock discussions for a variety of reasons, such as if the original poster requests it, or if a discussion thread goes off topic and/or violates our Community Guidelines.

imgIn addition to the lock icon, you'll know a discussion is locked if you receive a yellow pop-up message (shown below) when you attempt to reply or vote on it.

imgWe lock certain discussion in order to provide an inclusive, helpful, and welcoming community for all. If you see a thread you believe should be locked (or otherwise moderated), please flag the post for moderation.

And as always, see the Seller Forums FAQs for additional details about the forums.

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Not being able to upvote or downvote posts in a locked thread, or interact in any way at all, basically kills the whole thing.

Who knows what to consider as good once a thread is closed if no one can vote.


You can't even flag the post, which STILL contains a reference to a site selling accounts.

Also, a question. Is there a time out auto lock after a certain amount of days in the NSFE?

user profile

This one is the most interesting use of moderation and locked thread we have seen.

account suspended - where do you get your new accounts from?

The thread should have been pulled down. Just this line makes us cringe ...


Thank you for creating this post so we could give feedback on that thread and how locking the thread was used.

user profile

I have no words. If I did, my comment will just be deleted again. Only reason I even still come is because I am sorry for posters not getting ANY reply for days

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Not being able to upvote or downvote posts in a locked thread, or interact in any way at all, basically kills the whole thing.

Who knows what to consider as good once a thread is closed if no one can vote.


You can't even flag the post, which STILL contains a reference to a site selling accounts.

Also, a question. Is there a time out auto lock after a certain amount of days in the NSFE?

user profile

Not being able to upvote or downvote posts in a locked thread, or interact in any way at all, basically kills the whole thing.

Who knows what to consider as good once a thread is closed if no one can vote.


You can't even flag the post, which STILL contains a reference to a site selling accounts.

Also, a question. Is there a time out auto lock after a certain amount of days in the NSFE?

user profile

This one is the most interesting use of moderation and locked thread we have seen.

account suspended - where do you get your new accounts from?

The thread should have been pulled down. Just this line makes us cringe ...


Thank you for creating this post so we could give feedback on that thread and how locking the thread was used.

user profile

This one is the most interesting use of moderation and locked thread we have seen.

account suspended - where do you get your new accounts from?

The thread should have been pulled down. Just this line makes us cringe ...


Thank you for creating this post so we could give feedback on that thread and how locking the thread was used.

user profile

I have no words. If I did, my comment will just be deleted again. Only reason I even still come is because I am sorry for posters not getting ANY reply for days

user profile

I have no words. If I did, my comment will just be deleted again. Only reason I even still come is because I am sorry for posters not getting ANY reply for days

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