Read onlyDid you know that you can flag posts that violate Community Guidelines?
To flag a post, navigate to the menu on the top right of the post and select the “Flag post for review” option. Flagging posts help maintain a safe, welcoming, and productive seller community by identifying content that violates Community Guidelines and sending the post for Community Manager review.
A pop-up window will open and provide you with a list of options that help us understand the content you’re reporting. Select one of the radio buttons in the “I am flagging this post because” list and then click the “Submit flag” button to send.
Have you used this feature yet? Tell us what you think!
See the Seller Forums FAQs for additional details about the forums.
Wow! You have some outdated information and links.
This is the updated forum Terms and Conditions for Seller Forums
Maybe, you should just admit the NSFW Experience is a total failure to navigate and use, and pitch the idea of just ditching it, firing everyone that greenlight taking it live, and do a roll-back to your bosses.
A non-link is what I get.
Yes I did, because apparently the NSFE has no way of catching spammers posting their Whatsapp phone number!
No idea what good it did. I flagged at least 20 posts or more from the same spammer (using 2 accounts), and here they still are with posts up ...
... and posting
Hi everyone, try using this link to see the Seller Forums FAQs!
Nice to Know. Now how about some Quick Tips on Why Amazon Does Not Want Experienced Sellers to help New Sellers.
Great module, just like the fair pricing and pesticide scripts that ruined the marketplace, the flaggers ruined the old forum, history will repeat itself here.
We have new users joining us in the new platform, so our Community Management team will continue to post more FAQs on how to navigate! As you've seen, we are recording feedback on these threads to action on with our tech team as well.