Read onlyWell not sure if anyone else is having an issue with this automated handling time vrs sku set times. We mailed out over 176 items in previous 14 days and 159 were delivered on time.
The issue is when checking the shipments listed under On-Time Delivery Rate we have fallen to 90.34%.
But when you go through the orders all shipped on time and were scanned by carrier on or prior to promised shipping time or even had two orders picked up two days early (we have a sku handling time of 3 days for our handmade products)
But as they were late being delivered by carrier I am at fault as I turned off Automated handling time and set back to sku handling time as it was having us ship in a day which we could not maintain. Been selling for a few years and always ship by promised date and if carrier has issue not my fault. No longer is this the case
I know have been informed, because I turned out Automated handling time even though orders were scanned in by carrier on or before promised ship date it will from now forward hurt your on-time delivery metrics unless you have the Automated handling time enabled if the package is late due to carrier.
Hi SweetSynn,
According to the help pages, there's an important distinction in how Amazon handles metrics with and without Automated Handling Time (AHT):
With AHT enabled (
Without AHT (
For handmade products specifically (, you can request an exception through Seller Support to manually set SKU-specific handling times that override AHT, while still maintaining the benefits of having AHT enabled.
This might be the best solution for your situation - keeping AHT enabled for the metric protection while getting approval for your 3-day handling time for handmade items.
Best regards, Michael
I have the same issue.
If you don't turn it on, no ODR protection. If you do turn it on, you can't buy First Class Ground shipping. If you do buy it, no ODR protection.
Why would a customer want to pay $10 shipping on a $6 product? :-/
Just another way to destroy small sellers. :-(