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New Seller Community

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Hello New Seller Community!

Hope you're having fantastic start to the week! I'd love to spark a conversation about those crucial first 180 days of selling on Amazon. Whether you're a new seller still finding your feet or a a a few years under your belt who remembers those early days, we want to hear from you!

🔍 Let's help each other grow! Share your experiences:

  • Hidden Gems: What seller tools, resources, or help pages did you discover later that you wish you'd known about from day one? (We've all had that "I wish I knew this sooner!" moment!)
  • Your Onboarding Experience: How would you rate your setup journey with Amazon? Were there resources that particularly helped you? Any gaps you think we should address?
  • Support Experience: How has your experience been when reaching out to Seller Support as a new Seller who has setup questions? Did you utilize chat, phone, or support cases?

💡 Your insights could be incredibly valuable for sellers just starting their Amazon journey. Plus, our team actively reviews these discussions to identify areas where we can enhance the new seller experience.

Whether you've had smooth sailing or faced some challenges, we want to hear your story! Share your experience below - what worked, what didn't, and what advice would you give to someone just starting out?

Please note: This is a community discussion. While we appreciate your feedback, please ensure all comments adhere to our community guidelines. Individual account issues should be directed to Seller Support.

Join the conversation here or connect with us on X here -

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When I log into my seller account homepage, I see the "Stranded reason" column with the status "Account not fully onboarded." I have opened multiple tickets in the past 20 days, I followed their instructions of re-verifying the account in Seller Central. Despite this, the Dashboard still shows "Fix the Stranded Inventory," and I have no further instructions to follow. I keep receiving automated responses asking me to follow the on-screen instructions, but none works.

Additionally, my seller account status remains "Inactive" despite completing all necessary actions, including payment and identity verification. Since Feb 5th, I refreshed the toggle switch by deactivating/ activating the "Off-Vacation" setting for all three countries in North America with assistance from Amazon Customer Support. However, my U.S. Marketplace vacation setting still shows "On-Vacation," even though I have set it to "Off-Vacation" on my end in the edit section and saved it like that several times. As I mentioned before, I also discussed this issue with an Amazon Customre Service representative, but there has yet to be an update or change in my account's status.

Please help clarify all the possible reasons for this issue and how best to resolve it. I am committed to addressing any outstanding issues promptly.

Additionally, any assistance ensuring my account shows "Off-Vacation" for the U.S. Marketplace is greatly appreciated. If any additional information is required for identity verification, please specify the details and location so I can provide it immediately.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

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One of listing been inactive for no reason. But the point is there are no options for apreal... How to deal with this????

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Brand Registry - Proper Review for Appeal
by Seller_Oqt7b6VDGeMzB
Amazon replied

Hi Team,

I’m in the process of appealing my second rejection for Brand Registry application. Unfortunately the second rejection came in within minutes so it seems it was routed to an automated review. Is there someone I can connect with to confirm the following?

Case ID: 17182047451

My Amazon Business Development rep was also unsure as to why the application was Rejected after reviewing the details. I've gone through the criteria line by line, here's the detail:

a) your account was engaging in conduct that violates Brand Registry’s policies, such as, but not limited to, invalid notice submissions through our notice submission channels or tampering with the catalog;

This does not apply as I have not submitted any notice submissions or tampered with the catalog.

b) your application or account is related to other Amazon accounts or brands that have violated Amazon or Brand Registry’s policies,

This does not apply as I have only 1 Amazon seller account and Sunshine State Goods is my only 1 brand.

c) you are associated with one or more selling accounts as a primary owner and all of them have failed seller verification,

This does not apply as I have only 1 Amazon seller account and have completed all required steps for seller verification.

d) inability to provide sufficient evidence of branding on products/packaging;

This does not apply as I have provided evidence of branding on the product on my original application. I have included evidence here with a photo of my product packaging. The branding is clearly on the package. (Photo attached on the original application and the appeal)

e) you have a selling account that is de-activated, or f) your trademark application appears to be filed by a filing firm that may be violating US federal regulations and USPTO rules (explained below).

This does not apply as I have 1 active Amazon seller account. This does not apply as my filing firm is in good standing with US federal regulations and USPTO rules.


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Convert account from individual to LLC
by Seller_w9TPy0I0aWHqI

Hello Seller Community,

I currently have an Amazon seller account registered under my personal name, but I am planning to open an LLC in the USA and would like to transition my account details from personal to business.

Could anyone guide me on the process? Specifically, I’d like to know:

1. What steps are required to update my legal entity and tax details?

2. Do I need to create a new account, or can I update my existing one?

3. Are there any verification requirements or documents I should prepare?

Any insights or experiences would be greatly appreciated!

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Welcome to week 3 of the four week curriculum geared towards new sellers on Amazon. This workbook will guide you through the process of getting your products from manufacturers to customers. Learn how to choose a suitable fulfillment channel for your needs, the various Amazon fulfillment programs, such as Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), and how to enroll for them, as well as how to calculate fulfillment fees.

How to choose a fulfillment channel

  • Understand the pros and cons of each shipping method
  • Know what are the requirements and dimensions for each shipment
  • Learn how to properly prepare your products for shipment

Fulfillment by Amazon programs

  • Know what are the benefits of enrolling in FBA
  • Understand the objectives and eligibility in FBA programs
  • Consider the FBA New Selection benefits and eligibility

Master these tools and services

  • Send to Amazon workflow
  • FBA dashboard
  • FBA Revenue Calculator

⬇️ Download your Week 3 Workbook here

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Altered your shipping rate during checkout.
by Seller_GwptDYC18iGOq
Amazon replied

I have no idea how this situation happens. Been selling the same item for 3 yrs never once had this issue. Can anyone explain this in further detail. I have 1st class template and typically use usps and the rates are steady. Once a customer pays for the item, how can I change any pricing afterwards. The only people that can change the price is Amazon and USPS, not me.

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Dear Amazon Support Team,

My account, which was recently deactivated. A few days ago, I was asked to provide certain documents for verification, which I promptly submitted through support ticket #17276644691. After reviewing my submission, my account was successfully reinstated, and everything was functioning as expected.

Today, after adding the tracking number for my goods shipment, I noticed that my account has been inactive again, and I am being asked to provide the same documents I had already submitted and verified. Additionally, I surprised that my previous support ticket (#17276644691) has been removed, which makes it difficult to reference my previous communication with you.

I need your guidance on how to proceed, as my inventory has already been shipped and is currently on its way to Amazon fulfillment centers.

Is anyone know if Amazon have bugs in their system which is deleteing the tickets and documents or what?

I opened another ticket 17321967001 and my account inactive and my goods on the way !!!!

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trouble with brand registry
by Seller_28xvzPE4AQZRK
Amazon replied


"Upload a copy of any recent sourcing/manufacturing/supply invoice (1 or more) published in the last 6 months which includes one or more of the brand’s product names. Please ensure to hide any sensitive data (Example: pricing details)."

I manufacture my own products.

Any idea what I do if i don't outsource manufacturing??

it is so hard to get help from anyone

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product compliance request approval
by Seller_pHT27IUPrgfkj
Amazon replied

How long does product compliance approval take i have sent in all the necessary information for it and received no response yet, my product is in the toys and games category and it has been over 15 days already with no response from anyone

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Is there an expectation in writing from Amazon that provides some kind of guideline from once inventory is received at an Amazon warehouse to be distributed to achieve 2 day prime shipping? I have spoken to several people in customer service who have given me a 22 day or longer window. When I ask about something in writing, no one can provide an answer. I have not read anything on this and have learned the hard way about this very lengthy process. I did not expect instant 2 day prime but with the level of distribution Amazon has, I expected to be up and running much sooner. Basically, I feel like Amazon has no obligation to complete this process in a timely manner nor to communicate any expectations that a business can rely on. I shipped both products on the same day and one product has been available for prime shipping for a couple weeks while my other product, as of this weekend, is showing out of stock, unlisted, while 50 units are and have been in reserved status. I shipped both products on January 17th, 2025. Due to this delay, I would be throwing money away on sponsored ads despite Amazon's recommendations. I don't buy anything that takes 2 weeks to get to me so why would anyone else, especially when anything longer than 2 days from Amazon seems like an eternity? The future issue is, how much inventory is it going to take on hand to cover for these long delays each time Amazon receives inventory and has to go through this extremely variable and immeasureable distribution process.

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About New Seller Community

Welcome to the New Seller Community, we're excited you're here!

As a new seller and member of the community, you'll have the ability to ask questions, get advice from peers, and learn from educational posts highlighting best practices and programs available to help you sell in Amazon's store during your first 18 months. We hope you'll become an active member by posting, commenting, and sharing your experience with other new sellers. Once a seller reaches 18 months of being part of the New Seller Community, they will be automatically removed from the group and will be provided an in-forum notification once removed.

Just getting started? We recommend visiting these threads to acquaint yourself with the New Seller Community.
Welcome to the New Seller Community

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who is eligible for membership in the New Seller Community and how can I join?
    Only sellers registered to sell in Amazon's store for less than 18 months are eligible to participate in the New Seller group. You will be automatically added to this group based on your eligibility. You will receive a notification before you are removed from the group.
  2. I'm new to selling in Amazon's store. Why don't I have access to this group?
    We're adding new sellers to the group every few days, so there might be a short delay between the time you're approved and when you can post. If you don't yet have access, please check back in a couple of days. In the meantime, we encourage you to visit other threads in Seller Forums to ask a question or take part in a discussion.
  3. Who can contribute and post in the New Seller Community?
    All Seller Forums members can read New Seller group threads but only group members can post or interact in the New Seller group.
  4. Can I still post and engage in the larger Amazon seller forum after I leave the New Seller Community?
    Absolutely! The purpose of this change is not to remove you from the broader seller community. After your 18-month tenure is up and you transition out of the New Seller group, you'll still be able to participate fully in the general Amazon seller forums just like all of thousands of other sellers who are not a part of a group today.
  5. What is the reasoning behind this 18-month tenure?
    The New Seller Community group was created to provide specialized support and resources for individuals who are new to selling with Amazon. After 18 months, we've found that most sellers have developed a solid foundation and are ready to engage beyond just the "new seller" designation and even have the ability to share their experiences and guidance with others. Transitioning members out of the New Seller group at that 18-month mark allows us to keep the community focused on supporting those who are truly in the earliest stages of their Amazon selling journey. It ensures the group remains useful and welcoming for new sellers coming in. Of course, just because you leave the New Seller group doesn't mean you lose access to the wealth of information and community support available to all Amazon sellers.
  6. How do I opt-out of the New Seller Community?
    If you decide you don't want to be a member of the New Seller group, you may opt-out here at any time. Please note that removal can take up to 7 business days.