Read onlyDoes anyone have any starting recommendations. I'm all good with the seller amp app and figured that all out. I have some products ready to start selling and a thermal printer for shipping labels plus a nice office space for everything.
I've been seeing a lot of people complain about FBA saying there ridiculously pricey but, FBM sales are slow with customers seeing they wont there items for 2-3 weeks when we see only a couple days and ship them out sooner. Is there any way to win and which is better as a starter of Amazon reselling. Looking for recommendations so I don't end up like other people on here saying they have to pay amazon ridiculous $3,000 for removal plus fees already owed or more. I want to be smart about this and am just looking for advise so we can all succeed i don't want to end up in a ditch of debt when I'm trying to make a profit.
have you gone through Seller University? If not, stop and do that now (a few times). Read through these forums daily, a lot of helpful information goes through here all day.
Before you sell anything (or even list it!), spend at least a week reading through the forums. Pay special attention to any threads stating "Deactivated" or "Section 3" or "Inauthentic".
Be aware that Amazon will let you list many items based on the assumption that you are authorized to do so. But if you are not in fact authorized, and the brand complains, then you're done.
Recommendations showing up on any app are a first step only. You need to be sure you are allowed to list before proceeding.
I suggest starting out by fulfilling your own orders so you get to know how things work on this site.
FBA has a steep learning curve and lots of pitfalls.
We have all seen new sellers jump into FBA too quickly, shipping in a ton of merchandise, and losing everything.
Hello there @Seller_mhsoZ2ANfRiXz- and welcome! Thanks for creating your first post here on the seller forums, and great job looking ahead for common pitfalls to avoid.
I would second the recommendations in this thread to take the time to review content in Seller University, as the primary resource for learning Amazon processes and policies. As a new seller, you should also have access to the New Seller Community here on the seller forums, if you navigate to the 'Groups' tab at the top of your forums view. Within that group, we recently shared some other 'getting started' resources and recommendations that may be worthwhile for you to review!
Thanks again for posting, and happy selling!