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New Seller Community

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New Seller Community

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Your Proudest Moment of 2024?

Attention New Seller Community, especially those who joined the ranks in 2024! 🚀

As we stand on the cusp of 2025, it's time to celebrate YOUR journey! This past year has been a whirlwind of opportunities, challenges, and triumphs. Now, we want to hear your success stories that will inspire and motivate our entire community - all of us community managers included!

  • 🌟 Did you take that leap of faith and create your selling account this year?
  • 🎉 Remember the rush of excitement from your first ever sale?
  • 💖 How about that moment when you received your first glowing product review?
  • 🏆 Or perhaps you've reached new heights by trademarking your brand and joining Brand Registry?

Whatever your milestone, big or small, we want to shout it out below! It doesn't even have to be selling related! Did you move to a new location? Have a family addition? Maybe you got married or took your dream vacation, or planned on. Let's hear it!

It's time to pause, reflect, and share your proudest moments of 2024. Let's create a tidal wave of positivity and motivation as we gear up for an even more spectacular 2025! Don't be shy – your story could be the spark of motivation someone else needs to hear.

Who will be the brave soul to share first? ;) We can't wait to hear your wins for 2024!

5 replies
Tags:Success stories
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Your Proudest Moment of 2024?

Attention New Seller Community, especially those who joined the ranks in 2024! 🚀

As we stand on the cusp of 2025, it's time to celebrate YOUR journey! This past year has been a whirlwind of opportunities, challenges, and triumphs. Now, we want to hear your success stories that will inspire and motivate our entire community - all of us community managers included!

  • 🌟 Did you take that leap of faith and create your selling account this year?
  • 🎉 Remember the rush of excitement from your first ever sale?
  • 💖 How about that moment when you received your first glowing product review?
  • 🏆 Or perhaps you've reached new heights by trademarking your brand and joining Brand Registry?

Whatever your milestone, big or small, we want to shout it out below! It doesn't even have to be selling related! Did you move to a new location? Have a family addition? Maybe you got married or took your dream vacation, or planned on. Let's hear it!

It's time to pause, reflect, and share your proudest moments of 2024. Let's create a tidal wave of positivity and motivation as we gear up for an even more spectacular 2025! Don't be shy – your story could be the spark of motivation someone else needs to hear.

Who will be the brave soul to share first? ;) We can't wait to hear your wins for 2024!

5 replies
Tags:Success stories
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In reply to: CR_Amazon's post

felt very excited when I created my account as an Amazon seller. I have no experience here. I am worried that I have not been able to sell my products. I would like some help on how to start out in this facet of selling.

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Hello there @Seller_eb1dfxBuSG4ys

First of all, congrats! Thank you for taking a few minutes to pop in and share with us. That is a great milestone and something to be proud of!

A great resource to bookmark and review of course is Seller University. Tons of resources, videos and information to absorb there. Many new sellers go through this information several times. A great place to start is ensuring all the information you would find on a physical product is present (e.g. sizing, dimensions, materials, etc.). You have to remember that the product is not right in front of the customer as they are shopping on Amazon. Be sure to fill in any informational gaps utilizing your detail page.

I'll also drop some other resources below for you to review as well:

Enhance your detail pages once you have the basics down. Doing so will help to educate your customers on the benefits of your product. A well written detail page can help set you apart from competitors and create more trust with customers.

Wishing you nothing but success in 2025! Keep us posted!


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Hi @Seller_eb1dfxBuSG4ys! I'll tag on here with a further offer of congratulations for jumping into the world of selling on Amazon! There's a lot of information out there, much of which is covered by @CR_Amazon's comment, but I wanted to share another recommendation for taking the time to study Seller University, and add on a couple other resources we see help sellers:

  • First is the Listing Quality Dashboard, which allows you to take a good look at your product detail phase, and consider if the information you would expect to find in a physical store, like sizing, dimensions, materials, is all present for potential customers!
  • Then, this page focused on strategies to optimize your product discoverability, will help you show up in customer keyword searches.
  • Finally, take your selling strategy to the next level and consider Advertising. Ads can help capture new customer bases and increase your brand awareness. Here is their Getting started guide, and some resources on ASIN selection and promotion strategies.

There's a lot more topics out there, but I hope this is enough to chew on in the short term. If there's any topics you'd like us to dig deeper with you on, let us know and stay tuned in to the New Seller Community!

Happy selling,


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In reply to: CR_Amazon's post

Made plenty of profit to keep things going another year. Metrics are good so it looks like I will get another year.

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In reply to: CR_Amazon's post


I have joined Amazon FBA in November. I have listed only one product so far. Most of the time I see a "Your account does not qualify message". So doing my best to see an opportunity to list more products.

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Your Proudest Moment of 2024?

Attention New Seller Community, especially those who joined the ranks in 2024! 🚀

As we stand on the cusp of 2025, it's time to celebrate YOUR journey! This past year has been a whirlwind of opportunities, challenges, and triumphs. Now, we want to hear your success stories that will inspire and motivate our entire community - all of us community managers included!

  • 🌟 Did you take that leap of faith and create your selling account this year?
  • 🎉 Remember the rush of excitement from your first ever sale?
  • 💖 How about that moment when you received your first glowing product review?
  • 🏆 Or perhaps you've reached new heights by trademarking your brand and joining Brand Registry?

Whatever your milestone, big or small, we want to shout it out below! It doesn't even have to be selling related! Did you move to a new location? Have a family addition? Maybe you got married or took your dream vacation, or planned on. Let's hear it!

It's time to pause, reflect, and share your proudest moments of 2024. Let's create a tidal wave of positivity and motivation as we gear up for an even more spectacular 2025! Don't be shy – your story could be the spark of motivation someone else needs to hear.

Who will be the brave soul to share first? ;) We can't wait to hear your wins for 2024!

5 replies
Tags:Success stories
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Your Proudest Moment of 2024?

Attention New Seller Community, especially those who joined the ranks in 2024! 🚀

As we stand on the cusp of 2025, it's time to celebrate YOUR journey! This past year has been a whirlwind of opportunities, challenges, and triumphs. Now, we want to hear your success stories that will inspire and motivate our entire community - all of us community managers included!

  • 🌟 Did you take that leap of faith and create your selling account this year?
  • 🎉 Remember the rush of excitement from your first ever sale?
  • 💖 How about that moment when you received your first glowing product review?
  • 🏆 Or perhaps you've reached new heights by trademarking your brand and joining Brand Registry?

Whatever your milestone, big or small, we want to shout it out below! It doesn't even have to be selling related! Did you move to a new location? Have a family addition? Maybe you got married or took your dream vacation, or planned on. Let's hear it!

It's time to pause, reflect, and share your proudest moments of 2024. Let's create a tidal wave of positivity and motivation as we gear up for an even more spectacular 2025! Don't be shy – your story could be the spark of motivation someone else needs to hear.

Who will be the brave soul to share first? ;) We can't wait to hear your wins for 2024!

5 replies
Tags:Success stories
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Your Proudest Moment of 2024?

by CR_Amazon

Attention New Seller Community, especially those who joined the ranks in 2024! 🚀

As we stand on the cusp of 2025, it's time to celebrate YOUR journey! This past year has been a whirlwind of opportunities, challenges, and triumphs. Now, we want to hear your success stories that will inspire and motivate our entire community - all of us community managers included!

  • 🌟 Did you take that leap of faith and create your selling account this year?
  • 🎉 Remember the rush of excitement from your first ever sale?
  • 💖 How about that moment when you received your first glowing product review?
  • 🏆 Or perhaps you've reached new heights by trademarking your brand and joining Brand Registry?

Whatever your milestone, big or small, we want to shout it out below! It doesn't even have to be selling related! Did you move to a new location? Have a family addition? Maybe you got married or took your dream vacation, or planned on. Let's hear it!

It's time to pause, reflect, and share your proudest moments of 2024. Let's create a tidal wave of positivity and motivation as we gear up for an even more spectacular 2025! Don't be shy – your story could be the spark of motivation someone else needs to hear.

Who will be the brave soul to share first? ;) We can't wait to hear your wins for 2024!

Tags:Success stories
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In reply to: CR_Amazon's post

felt very excited when I created my account as an Amazon seller. I have no experience here. I am worried that I have not been able to sell my products. I would like some help on how to start out in this facet of selling.

user profile

Hello there @Seller_eb1dfxBuSG4ys

First of all, congrats! Thank you for taking a few minutes to pop in and share with us. That is a great milestone and something to be proud of!

A great resource to bookmark and review of course is Seller University. Tons of resources, videos and information to absorb there. Many new sellers go through this information several times. A great place to start is ensuring all the information you would find on a physical product is present (e.g. sizing, dimensions, materials, etc.). You have to remember that the product is not right in front of the customer as they are shopping on Amazon. Be sure to fill in any informational gaps utilizing your detail page.

I'll also drop some other resources below for you to review as well:

Enhance your detail pages once you have the basics down. Doing so will help to educate your customers on the benefits of your product. A well written detail page can help set you apart from competitors and create more trust with customers.

Wishing you nothing but success in 2025! Keep us posted!


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Hi @Seller_eb1dfxBuSG4ys! I'll tag on here with a further offer of congratulations for jumping into the world of selling on Amazon! There's a lot of information out there, much of which is covered by @CR_Amazon's comment, but I wanted to share another recommendation for taking the time to study Seller University, and add on a couple other resources we see help sellers:

  • First is the Listing Quality Dashboard, which allows you to take a good look at your product detail phase, and consider if the information you would expect to find in a physical store, like sizing, dimensions, materials, is all present for potential customers!
  • Then, this page focused on strategies to optimize your product discoverability, will help you show up in customer keyword searches.
  • Finally, take your selling strategy to the next level and consider Advertising. Ads can help capture new customer bases and increase your brand awareness. Here is their Getting started guide, and some resources on ASIN selection and promotion strategies.

There's a lot more topics out there, but I hope this is enough to chew on in the short term. If there's any topics you'd like us to dig deeper with you on, let us know and stay tuned in to the New Seller Community!

Happy selling,


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In reply to: CR_Amazon's post

Made plenty of profit to keep things going another year. Metrics are good so it looks like I will get another year.

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In reply to: CR_Amazon's post


I have joined Amazon FBA in November. I have listed only one product so far. Most of the time I see a "Your account does not qualify message". So doing my best to see an opportunity to list more products.

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In reply to: CR_Amazon's post

felt very excited when I created my account as an Amazon seller. I have no experience here. I am worried that I have not been able to sell my products. I would like some help on how to start out in this facet of selling.

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In reply to: CR_Amazon's post

felt very excited when I created my account as an Amazon seller. I have no experience here. I am worried that I have not been able to sell my products. I would like some help on how to start out in this facet of selling.

user profile

Hello there @Seller_eb1dfxBuSG4ys

First of all, congrats! Thank you for taking a few minutes to pop in and share with us. That is a great milestone and something to be proud of!

A great resource to bookmark and review of course is Seller University. Tons of resources, videos and information to absorb there. Many new sellers go through this information several times. A great place to start is ensuring all the information you would find on a physical product is present (e.g. sizing, dimensions, materials, etc.). You have to remember that the product is not right in front of the customer as they are shopping on Amazon. Be sure to fill in any informational gaps utilizing your detail page.

I'll also drop some other resources below for you to review as well:

Enhance your detail pages once you have the basics down. Doing so will help to educate your customers on the benefits of your product. A well written detail page can help set you apart from competitors and create more trust with customers.

Wishing you nothing but success in 2025! Keep us posted!


user profile

Hello there @Seller_eb1dfxBuSG4ys

First of all, congrats! Thank you for taking a few minutes to pop in and share with us. That is a great milestone and something to be proud of!

A great resource to bookmark and review of course is Seller University. Tons of resources, videos and information to absorb there. Many new sellers go through this information several times. A great place to start is ensuring all the information you would find on a physical product is present (e.g. sizing, dimensions, materials, etc.). You have to remember that the product is not right in front of the customer as they are shopping on Amazon. Be sure to fill in any informational gaps utilizing your detail page.

I'll also drop some other resources below for you to review as well:

Enhance your detail pages once you have the basics down. Doing so will help to educate your customers on the benefits of your product. A well written detail page can help set you apart from competitors and create more trust with customers.

Wishing you nothing but success in 2025! Keep us posted!


user profile

Hi @Seller_eb1dfxBuSG4ys! I'll tag on here with a further offer of congratulations for jumping into the world of selling on Amazon! There's a lot of information out there, much of which is covered by @CR_Amazon's comment, but I wanted to share another recommendation for taking the time to study Seller University, and add on a couple other resources we see help sellers:

  • First is the Listing Quality Dashboard, which allows you to take a good look at your product detail phase, and consider if the information you would expect to find in a physical store, like sizing, dimensions, materials, is all present for potential customers!
  • Then, this page focused on strategies to optimize your product discoverability, will help you show up in customer keyword searches.
  • Finally, take your selling strategy to the next level and consider Advertising. Ads can help capture new customer bases and increase your brand awareness. Here is their Getting started guide, and some resources on ASIN selection and promotion strategies.

There's a lot more topics out there, but I hope this is enough to chew on in the short term. If there's any topics you'd like us to dig deeper with you on, let us know and stay tuned in to the New Seller Community!

Happy selling,


user profile

Hi @Seller_eb1dfxBuSG4ys! I'll tag on here with a further offer of congratulations for jumping into the world of selling on Amazon! There's a lot of information out there, much of which is covered by @CR_Amazon's comment, but I wanted to share another recommendation for taking the time to study Seller University, and add on a couple other resources we see help sellers:

  • First is the Listing Quality Dashboard, which allows you to take a good look at your product detail phase, and consider if the information you would expect to find in a physical store, like sizing, dimensions, materials, is all present for potential customers!
  • Then, this page focused on strategies to optimize your product discoverability, will help you show up in customer keyword searches.
  • Finally, take your selling strategy to the next level and consider Advertising. Ads can help capture new customer bases and increase your brand awareness. Here is their Getting started guide, and some resources on ASIN selection and promotion strategies.

There's a lot more topics out there, but I hope this is enough to chew on in the short term. If there's any topics you'd like us to dig deeper with you on, let us know and stay tuned in to the New Seller Community!

Happy selling,


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In reply to: CR_Amazon's post

Made plenty of profit to keep things going another year. Metrics are good so it looks like I will get another year.

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In reply to: CR_Amazon's post

Made plenty of profit to keep things going another year. Metrics are good so it looks like I will get another year.

user profile
In reply to: CR_Amazon's post


I have joined Amazon FBA in November. I have listed only one product so far. Most of the time I see a "Your account does not qualify message". So doing my best to see an opportunity to list more products.

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In reply to: CR_Amazon's post


I have joined Amazon FBA in November. I have listed only one product so far. Most of the time I see a "Your account does not qualify message". So doing my best to see an opportunity to list more products.

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