Hello!Dear sales partner,
We hereby notify you that the following details page may be removed from our directory. You must take remedial measures before 7/1/2024, UTC, otherwise we will remove your product information from the catalog. You have an obligation to ensure that the provided products comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and Amazon policies.
It has been determined that this product is a live plant or seed product that is not classified as SEEDS-AND-PLANTS or Plant-SEED. Please update the product_type attribute to SEEDS-AND-PLANTS or Plant-SEED value as the relist sales path. If you are unable to make necessary changes, please seek support from your sales partner to help you change the ASIN classification and then apply for a re listing for sale. Publishing live plant or seed products that do not belong to these categories violates Amazon policy. For more information, please refer to the following help page: https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/external/help.html?itemID=201737480&language=en -US&ref=efph_201737480_cont_200164330.
What measures do I need to take?
You have posted THREE TIMES on the same topic. That is a violation of Forum policies. KNOCK IT OFF!
I believe you created multiple duplicate discussions after you posted the first thread here regarding the same topic.
Please only create one thread per question as it can create confusion and duplicate work for the Support Staff. Additionally creating multiple threads on the same topic could be seen as spam on the forums and go against forums guidelines.
I will be closing out this thread in order to avoid duplicative work. Any additional updates will be provided on the original post here.