I am a brand owner new to Amazon. We have been selling our own branded supplements on Shopify for one year and have a trademark to our brand. After attempting to list these products on Amazon we get the following error.
You need approval to list this ASIN
We are not accepting applications to sell:
Other Health & Personal Care category in Used, Refurbished, Collectible condition
Other products
The customer support on Amazon has been unable to provide any additional information or guidance on how to remove the block. Our company is established, with existing products, and clear rights to the brand. I've been working on this problem for several weeks and no progress. Any suggestions on how we can proceed?
Thank you.
I am a brand owner new to Amazon. We have been selling our own branded supplements on Shopify for one year and have a trademark to our brand. After attempting to list these products on Amazon we get the following error.
You need approval to list this ASIN
We are not accepting applications to sell:
Other Health & Personal Care category in Used, Refurbished, Collectible condition
Other products
The customer support on Amazon has been unable to provide any additional information or guidance on how to remove the block. Our company is established, with existing products, and clear rights to the brand. I've been working on this problem for several weeks and no progress. Any suggestions on how we can proceed?
Thank you.
Hi @Seller_rH69m99fXZ9Tt
I noticed a nearly identical case from two weeks ago: https://sellercentral.amazon.com/seller-forums/discussions/t/f7806034-502d-4710-8f7f-04c0e38925f9
Another seller encountered the exact same error message while trying to list supplements in the Health & Personal Care category. You might want to check out that discussion thread - it includes several helpful links and explanations.
Kind regards, Michael
Hello @Seller_rH69m99fXZ9Tt,
In some instances Amazon isn't currently accepting any applications to sell a product. In this instance the product is also prohibited from being sold in those other conditions. However, this product isn't accepting to sell products as New either. You can learn more about applying to sell products on the Categories and products that require approval help page.
- Manny
I am a brand owner new to Amazon. We have been selling our own branded supplements on Shopify for one year and have a trademark to our brand. After attempting to list these products on Amazon we get the following error.
You need approval to list this ASIN
We are not accepting applications to sell:
Other Health & Personal Care category in Used, Refurbished, Collectible condition
Other products
The customer support on Amazon has been unable to provide any additional information or guidance on how to remove the block. Our company is established, with existing products, and clear rights to the brand. I've been working on this problem for several weeks and no progress. Any suggestions on how we can proceed?
Thank you.
I am a brand owner new to Amazon. We have been selling our own branded supplements on Shopify for one year and have a trademark to our brand. After attempting to list these products on Amazon we get the following error.
You need approval to list this ASIN
We are not accepting applications to sell:
Other Health & Personal Care category in Used, Refurbished, Collectible condition
Other products
The customer support on Amazon has been unable to provide any additional information or guidance on how to remove the block. Our company is established, with existing products, and clear rights to the brand. I've been working on this problem for several weeks and no progress. Any suggestions on how we can proceed?
Thank you.
I am a brand owner new to Amazon. We have been selling our own branded supplements on Shopify for one year and have a trademark to our brand. After attempting to list these products on Amazon we get the following error.
You need approval to list this ASIN
We are not accepting applications to sell:
Other Health & Personal Care category in Used, Refurbished, Collectible condition
Other products
The customer support on Amazon has been unable to provide any additional information or guidance on how to remove the block. Our company is established, with existing products, and clear rights to the brand. I've been working on this problem for several weeks and no progress. Any suggestions on how we can proceed?
Thank you.
Hi @Seller_rH69m99fXZ9Tt
I noticed a nearly identical case from two weeks ago: https://sellercentral.amazon.com/seller-forums/discussions/t/f7806034-502d-4710-8f7f-04c0e38925f9
Another seller encountered the exact same error message while trying to list supplements in the Health & Personal Care category. You might want to check out that discussion thread - it includes several helpful links and explanations.
Kind regards, Michael
Hello @Seller_rH69m99fXZ9Tt,
In some instances Amazon isn't currently accepting any applications to sell a product. In this instance the product is also prohibited from being sold in those other conditions. However, this product isn't accepting to sell products as New either. You can learn more about applying to sell products on the Categories and products that require approval help page.
- Manny
Hi @Seller_rH69m99fXZ9Tt
I noticed a nearly identical case from two weeks ago: https://sellercentral.amazon.com/seller-forums/discussions/t/f7806034-502d-4710-8f7f-04c0e38925f9
Another seller encountered the exact same error message while trying to list supplements in the Health & Personal Care category. You might want to check out that discussion thread - it includes several helpful links and explanations.
Kind regards, Michael
Hi @Seller_rH69m99fXZ9Tt
I noticed a nearly identical case from two weeks ago: https://sellercentral.amazon.com/seller-forums/discussions/t/f7806034-502d-4710-8f7f-04c0e38925f9
Another seller encountered the exact same error message while trying to list supplements in the Health & Personal Care category. You might want to check out that discussion thread - it includes several helpful links and explanations.
Kind regards, Michael
Hello @Seller_rH69m99fXZ9Tt,
In some instances Amazon isn't currently accepting any applications to sell a product. In this instance the product is also prohibited from being sold in those other conditions. However, this product isn't accepting to sell products as New either. You can learn more about applying to sell products on the Categories and products that require approval help page.
- Manny
Hello @Seller_rH69m99fXZ9Tt,
In some instances Amazon isn't currently accepting any applications to sell a product. In this instance the product is also prohibited from being sold in those other conditions. However, this product isn't accepting to sell products as New either. You can learn more about applying to sell products on the Categories and products that require approval help page.
- Manny