Read onlywe have shipped over 20 orders today 12/8 Sunday - normally orders show up 15-30 minutes after shipping. No orders from today are showing in our transactions page nor has our payout total (scheduled to disperse tomorrow) has shown any increase. Is this just a delay due to overall volume of orders? We have not seen something like this before. Orders are only showing through yesterday 12/7.
case ID 16802549911
Hello....I shipped 6 orders today and none of them have shown up in my transactions yet either. And the same as you, my payout hasn't changed and mine gets dispersed tomorrow too. Hoping it's a glitch.
Exact same issue here. No Total Balance update.
Same here.
Saw a several hour delay last week; but not quite this long. I think it's been about 8-9 hours since I bought shipping, and nothing.
Same issue here. Shipped over 80 orders today and they are not showing up in our updated balance. Would like to see it update since our dispersement is also tomorrow.
LOL! Very reasonable mindset!
I haven't seen any for all day yesterday or today!
I was worried it was only me having this issue, but I am glad to hear others are encountering the same problem. I contacted Seller Support and they copied and pasted my settlement periods, what a joke.
you would think that seller support would be aware of any lags in the system and simply say so. Worst seller support in all of e-commerce if not any major company. That’s why I came here after opening a case. Figured other sellers know more than amazons own seller support.
Below is a screenshot of the response i received from seller support lol
Here is a copy & paste of what i said when opening the case: “we have shipped over 20 orders today 12/8 Sunday - normally orders show up 15-30 minutes after shipping. No orders from today are showing in our transactions page nor has our payout total (scheduled to disperse tomorrow) has shown any increase. Is this just a delay due to overall volume of orders? We have not seen something like this before. Orders are only showing through yesterday 12/7.”
that case generated this response:
I mean there's an attempt, but a users OS and browser won't have an effect on amazons internal data not refreshing. Are you still encountering this? I am I was really hoping for an updated figure this morning.
Same here. We have an escalated case as well. case ID 16806420511. We'll see what happens.
My orders that shipped over the weekend are showing up in the transaction view now.
We shipped last night and this morning and nothing yet as well.
I have been looking at my account every 30 minutes nothing is changing and we shipped out 150 orders on Sunday .
Orders from Sunday daytime are showing - but not orders we shipped Sunday night - also nothing today is showing. Our statement closes at around 4pm - so I wonder if we won't get paid for these until the next disbursement in two weeks...
We are experiencing the same issue. Orders shipped today are not in the payout balance.
Amazon must have fixed the Fed-X issue and BROKE the transactions page!!! I really thought they were going to use the "new" notifications widget to keep us informed of things like this.
I'm TeedOFF with their shipping expectations. They act as if USPS Ground Saver is not good enough for a 4 oz. package for order received the night before. It's time to get out of DODGE!!!
same to me but over 360 orders printed to ship out not showing a penny in my payout since yeatserday 8.00 is now 2.50 pm some has been showing but still not all
Yes, experiencing this this morning. Frustrating as i really on the daily reports to process the orders in QB.
Any one know of a print off a summary of the day's shipments? Seems like it should be a simple operation but :-/ Getting through the transactions page always was clunky but it was all i knew to do to see all the orders with shipping costs and fees in one place.
We shipped $1400 in gross sales today. Earlier today the payments showed $930, which is about right after fees and shipping.
Now it shows $10.
Nice job Amazon. A new terrifying glitch.
facing the same issue. Receiving emails of order has been shipped but no update in transaction or in total balance. From yesterday.
I have had the same issue for two days now.
And not a single mod weighs in. Come on Amazon. This is so frustrating.