Read onlyWhen you hide a recommendation on the restock inventory tab, will it also hide future recommendations for this ASIN/SKU moving forward or just that specific one? I hide the recommendation and add the ASIN to a personal spreadsheet.
Example Below
Item A runs out of stock and shows up on the restock report
I hide the recommendation and buy Item A
If the item goes out of stock again will it be hidden because I hid that SKU/ASIN before? Or will it show up as a new recommendation?
Hoping it will show up as a new recommendation.
Thanks for your help!
Hey @Seller_tpV9aiJEJZXx6,
Thanks for taking the time to post, sorry to see this go unanswered by other sellers! To my knowledge, hiding the recommendation would keep it hidden in the future as well rather than having a new recommendation pop up. Let me know if that's not what you experience though!
- Bryce