Read onlyOur listing for our ASIN has been removed by the performance team due to complaints that stated the product was defective. However, the Voice of the Customer dashboard shows the ASIN as "GOOD". Digging in further, we find that our return rate is 0.79% and the Amazon benchmark is 1.75% - that is more than 50% less than the benchmark.
Of the 1900+ units that were sold over the last 30 days, only 12 consisted of NCX orders. Of the 12 NCX orders, 33% can be directly attributed to Amazon FBA associates misclassifying customer returns as sellable, with the remainder of the NCX orders being attributed to Customer Usage Errors.
We have appealed this to the Performance Team 4 times now, and we continue to get the same response stating that we need to provide greater detail without clearly stating what the "greater detail" is or why the item is even shut down with its CX rating. We have provided a great amount of detail and causation on each NCX review found in the Voice of the Customer. We have provided a great amount of information per the "suggestions" of Account Health each time they have suggested possibilities to no avail.
We have opened other cases to be told they aren't sure why the item is shut down and it should be reinstated. Seems each department is not aware of what the other is doing. The nebulous grays place which the Performance Team operates in is unacceptable for a B2B relationship. It is unacceptable that Amazon puts metrics dashboards together that we are supposed to use, and those very metrics mean nothing because Performance Team can just remove what it wants when it wants. The relationship between companies should be that of mutual respect and conversation.
Please help as this is now been deactivated for nearly a 3 weeks.
CASES: 15986399671 | 15876369551 | 15882821921 | 15889322581 | 15918991621 | 15919009171 | 15920643091
@Emet_Amazon @Troy_Amazon @Stevie_Amazon @LeviDylan_Amazon @CR_Amazon @Danny_Amazon @Jim_Amazon @Glenn_Amazon
Hello @Seller_L76AwOW2awwbR
Thank you for the information provided regarding the issues you have been seeing with the defective complaint. I understand that you have opened several cases that have determined that they are not identifying any specific defects with the product. This could be indicative that the issue is not with the product itself, but the listing information. Has your listing been set up to accurately describe the product and its usage? What does the feedback you reviewed seem to indicate is the specific problem?
If our team sees the same issue occurring, they will have to request additional information regarding the concern. You mention customer usage errors, what details have you identified that indicates this? Have you verified the errors regarding the product returns? I did not observe this specific aspect of the concern in the cases. Was there another case pertaining to this or could you clarify where this was communicated?
We will require more information regarding this situation and what you have attempted to provide so that we may better understand and provide more specific guidance.