I have now gone 4 rounds with Amazon Seller Support/ Brand Registry Support with the same (lame) generic answer being fed to me*. I have repeatedly pointed out the instance where the brand Kleenex and the product name Kleenex are allowed to remain in the product title whereas ours has been removed. This is a terrible injustice to small brands. We are the only maker and seller of our two oral health products and they have taken our product name out of the listing, making us look incompetent for not having our product name first. It has also affected our Sponsored Products ad sales so we are going to shut them off. I cannot believe I get the same canned answer (and BTW, we implemented all of those suggestions years ago re: A+ content, etc.).
I really would like Amazon to listen to the small brands they are hurting (we've been on since 2009). It is vastly unfair to claim they are "Improving" us when we are showing they are actually hurting our sales.
Does anyone have any advice how to break this deadlock? If I get one more cut-and-paste response like below, there is no going forward.
Hello from Amazon Brand Registry Support,
I understand you are contacting us as to why your brand name isn’t shown on the search result for product titles for ASIN B002R6D3E0
In order to improve the customer shopping experience, we have launched a new way to show product titles that brings the most important information about the product and brand to the forefront with the focus of driving higher conversion and increased sales.
In certain cases, we are giving more space in the title to displaying additional product features that will be more helpful to the customer instead of the brand name. Brand name will continue to be displayed on the product detail page in the “Brand” byline.
Brands that do not have their brand name show in titles, but want their brand name to be displayed, can focus on building a stronger brand by communicating their unique brand story and value proposition with Amazon tools like Brand Stores, Posts, A+ Brand Story and Sponsored Brands.
Furthermore, brands can keep their customers engaged and better informed by communicating with them via Brand Tailored Promotions and Customer Reviews. By using these tools and creating high quality content, sellers can make their brand name more relevant and more likely to be displayed in the title.
Please let us know how we did.
Were you satisfied with the support provided?
P.S. NOT SATISFIED in the slightest.