Read onlyCASE ID# 15599552651
We recently had our GTIN exemption removed, our registered brand has always been GTIN exempt. According to Seller support we can not renew, because our brand is enforced by the GTIN authority (Who is the GTIN authority?). Our day to day business does not require UPC's, because we are just a small store front in Downtown Fashion District. Is anyone going through this and why is this happening? Hopefully there is a path for us to not be enforced by the GTIN authority and way to get our exemption back. Please HELP.
I don't know the price in USA, but where I live I can get 100'000 codes from GS1 for about $ 60.--. Is it not affordable for you to buy codes from GS1?
Hello @Seller_dDLD3rBsYQVQs,
My name is Dougal from the Community Manager Team and I would be happy to review the case you provided. Your brand is not being "enforced," You already have a Global Trade Item Number according to the GS1 database and therefore need to list your products with a Product ID. Please reference the List products that do not have a Product ID (UPC, EAN, JAN or ISBN) help page for more detail.
I hope this helps to clarify the answer you received on the case ID you provided.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Best, Dougal