Listing Related to Myrrh Are Being Labelled Synthetic Cannabinoid - Many Sellers Are Affected So We Need Guidance From Amazon
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Listing Related to Myrrh Are Being Labelled Synthetic Cannabinoid - Many Sellers Are Affected So We Need Guidance From Amazon

Dear Amazon Moderators & Team,

The last 30 days was pretty much close to a nightmare as many of my main products was taken down for wrongly being classified as a Synthetic Cannabinoid. I sent in all the documentations and opened many cases, only to get the violation removed from one of the listings, and even that listing, Amazon is not allowing me to relist it again.

As you might be aware, many other sellers of the Frankincense and Myrrh are facing same exact problem.

Below are the reasons why I think this case should be reviewed by a higher team manually:

  • Majority of my competitors listings disappeared (sign is not only me)
  • The reason for taking them all down is the same for all (being classified as a synthetic cannabinoid)
  • The product is not even close to being Cannabis, it’s an incense
  • 5 new forum topics opened in the last 30 days. See links below
  • I followed all the steps and other sellers as in the forums are following the steps required but there seems to be something deeper wrong
  • None of the sellers as far as my knowledge that faced the issue have been able to reinstate their listing.
  • This is a niche product that is not sold by many so the fact that so many sellers have this issue shows an alarming concentration of wrong take downs in the myrrh niche
  • This unfair take downs are possibly leading to the account suspension of so many long term sellers at no vault of their own

Other forums of the same exact issue:

All the above begs the need for Amazon to kindly give guidance on if they have changed there policy or if it’s wrong take downs, please review these cases.

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Tags:Shipping labels
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The answer to this can be searched at the FDA website.
Amazon follows the regulations stated there.

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I hate to say it, but this issue along with similar issues is exactly why I pulled all my listings from Amazon. They refuse to fix their seriously flawed automated system. I got tired of fighting them on this issue. I too sell incense. However, no matter how big Amazon is–the hassle isn’t worth it for me. I have had my account set to vacation mode for the majority of the year just in case I changed my mind, but honestly I doubt I will. Amazon has no interest in fixing their system. They have no interest in actually reviewing things eithers. I am over them, I am over the way they treat us. We are expendable, they’ve made that perfectly clear. They have no interest in actually monitoring the rules they set in place or the automated bots they rely on. I’m sorry, but I gave up on Amazon. I’m sorry you are going through it too, but it’s just not worth the headache for me anymore.

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How is everyone doing with this issue? Any new insights? If you got your product reinstated what measure did you take? Please share.

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Hello @Igneous_Products,

Desi from Amazon here to assist.

Thank you for updating us with this information. It does appear that the current situation exceeds our ability to assist in this space. I have forwarded your information to continue researching this matter further.

Please make sure your contact information is accurate in your seller central account settings. You can update your contact information in your notification preferences and seller account information if needed.

Please let us know if you have any other questions. We are looking forward to assisting you.



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These whole issue just shows how risky it is to rely on Amazon. Inside of the Amazon world common sense is not so common.

Here is all that I have done which should have got my listing reinstated:

  • Signed letter of compliance from manufacturer
  • Gone through a certified Amazon Lab to proof it’s not cannabis
  • Submitted a clear Plan of Action (POA)
  • Proofs that it’s not cannabis (Invoice, customs clearance documents & photos)
  • I have redone all listings to be very very basic. (Like one line titles)

But here is the joke-
One of the listings got the violation removed, but I still can’t relist because the catalogue team is saying it still shows on their side there is restriction

Here is another joke-
seller support said that it has to do with my listing but when I submitted the full listing update, YOU CAN’T DO LISTING CHANGES ON SUSPENDING LISTINGS. And the account health team won’t remove the block until you change your listings. Even brand registry said they can’t until the suspension is removed. SO HOW IN THE WORLD DO YOU GET OUT OF THIS INFINITE PING PONG GAME!!!

Congrats Amazon on creating a disfunctional maze in order to control policy violations.

Now I have been working hard on concentrating on other channels. This is just not worth my time.

And if Amazon cared the slightest, they will atleast respond to this forum that shows the affect it has on so many. But I guess the forum might just be a PR stunt after all

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Amazon Moderators, see the video below from one of the largest full service Amazon agencies, complaining about similar process we are complaining about. Companies listings are being taken down and when they try to fix the issue, they are not allowed to make changes on listings that are taken down.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FIX THIS MESS. We are all really tired of how Amazon is moving towards. How can i rely on a partnership with Amazon if they keep doing this.

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Hi @Igneous_Products

This is Yokie from Amazon to help you with your concerns.

I understand you still have some concerns about your listings. I am here to assist with your questions and concerns.

Desi, I got a call from Amazon, can you please call again and give me heads up or to my email first.

As @Desi_Amazon mentioned please make sure your contact information is accurate in your seller central account settings. You can update your contact information in your notification preferences and seller account information if needed.

In order to best assist you, I have contacted the appropriate department to provide the necessary guidance to help resolve your issue.

Please feel free to contact us here in seller forums if you have more questions or concerns.

Best regards,


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Hey there @The_Home_of_Hot_Deal,

Miguel from Amazon here. If you have a similar issue we ask that you please create and post a new thread so we can help your unique situation and act accordingly. Looking forward to your new post!

Thank you,


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This is the wholesale link to the Myrrh that I have been selling on Amazon for 8 years. It is a Church quality incense. There is no cannabis, organic or synthetic in it. I have appealed with invoice and ingredients all denied. If it weren’t so serious and didn’t put my account in danger of suspension, it would be laughable. Who knew that going to Mass could get you high? [Moderator Edit: Taylorr_Amazon removed external URL to Christian Brands Church Supply - Majesty Incense: Myrrh]

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