Got everything which was asked by Amazon, they still reply with same generic response.


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Got everything which was asked by Amazon, they still reply with same generic response.

My Account got deactivated on June 19th due to IP violation. Amazon wanted me to get either a retraction from Brand Owner or Letter of Authorization from the brand owner along with detailed Plan of Action.

Brand Owner agreed for Letter of Authorization.

Now I have uploaded detailed Plan of Action and Letter of Authorization. I thought Amazon will be reading through it and will give me some good response, but again I got the same response from them stating that I need to give Letter Of Authorization and Plan of Action. I already did it

I can not Call health specialist again since I downgraded my account.

I am helpless and want help

My Case ID is 15758059461.

Please help me

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Tags:Account Health, Deactivated, Product authenticity
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"Brand Owner agreed for Letter of Authorization."

Does the LOA from the brand SPECIFICALLY state that you are allowed to sell on Amazon?

Also, does it have any wording saying that you are permitted AFTER the date of the letter?

Many times a brand will put in effective dates (such as the date of the letter) and Amazon will NOT recognize it for sales made prior to when you got it.

The other possibility is where you sourced from. If it is not a recognized and authorized wholesale supplier Amazon will not permit sales.

Post the Plan of Action so we can see other possible issues. If it is a wall of text they won't even look at it.

Treat Amazon like a three year old -- short sentences, small words and bullet points.

You will be dealing with people who have SOME English but it is most likely NOT their primary language.

IF you are given another chance to appeal think SMALL.

Short sentences

Bullet points

SMALL WORDS that someone reading it can understand when English is NOT their primary language.

AND, Amazon does NOT want to hear what you WILL DO.

They want to be told what you HAVE DONE already.

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Hello @Perish_Grocery,

Thank you for posting your concerns with your intellectual property complaint.

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Now I have uploaded detailed Plan of Action and Letter of Authorization. I thought Amazon will be reading through it and will give me some good response, but again I got the same response from them stating that I need to give Letter Of Authorization and Plan of Action. I already did it
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My Case ID is 15758059461.
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I have reached out to the appropriate teams to confirm the situation. At this time the account is deactivated for a very serious intellectual property violation. A plan of action will not be accepted by it self as we will also required valid documentation to verify there was never a violation of these policies. Thus a retroactive LOA will never be accepted. The brand or rights owner who issued the violation will need to issue a retraction directly to amazon to resolve this situation.

A letter of authorization is required to be issued by the brand or rights owner, if this is provided or issued by the supplier or distributor it will not be accepted.

This is the information requested by our team:

Why did this happen?

One or more of your listings may be infringing the intellectual property rights of others and the appeal you provided did not adequately address the intellectual property infringement.

How do I reinstate my account?

Please provide one of the following:

-- Proof of product authenticity (e.g., letter of authorization). It must clearly prove that your products do not infringe on the intellectual property of the rights owner.

If you think that the rights owner has made an error in sending the notice, please reach out to the rights owner and ask them to submit a retraction of this notice. We may only accept retractions that the rights owner submits to us directly. We do not accept forwarded or attached retractions.


An appeal with the following:

-- Greater detail on the actions you have taken to resolve the complaint.

-- Greater detail on evidence or examples that demonstrate your account has complied with our policy.

Has your account been deactivated in error?

If you believe there has been an error, please tell us why. Your explanation should include the following information:

-- How your listings have not violated the brand’s intellectual property.

As noted in this notification, an appeal can only be used to help explain the situation but requires supporting evidence that you have not or ever violated this policy. They have advised, if we cannot confirm compliance the account may not be eligible for reactivation. At this time we cannot guarantee a favorable outcome if these documents do not exist or do not meet our requirements.

The forums community and I are here to support you. Please let us know how we can help you from this point forward.


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