Read onlyOur Brand Name is missing from all our product titles, whereas most other sellers in our categories have their brand names displayed in the title.
Seller support has unfortunately not been helpful.
We are brand registered and customers search for our brand name when they buy our products.
I would like to have our brand name displayed in the title, too. Looking through other forums, it seems like established sellers can request an exemption from this policy.
Can a mod please assist in requesting this exemption for all our ASINs?
Case ID 17100356111
@Manny_Amazoncan you assist with this please?
A few months ago Amazon was doing A-B testing on this. I also did not like that they did it.
We set up our/their pages according to the style guide.
They could still be testing this.
Please try to edit listing through the category listing report, In this way you can get your titles updated fast than seller support team
It's an AB Test Amazon is conducting. It's awful
So when you edit the listing and type your brand into the title, then save the listing, what happens?
I found success with this exact problem by moving the brand name from the beginning of the title to the middle.
@Manny_Amazon@Glenn_Amazon@Jameson_Amazon@Rose_Amazon@Michelle_Amazon@Cooper_Amazon Can anyone help with this?
HI there @Seller_cNZ9113N35xTq,
Thank you for reaching out with your concerns. Amazon constantly optimizes customer experience to present the most relevant product and brand information to improve the customer shopping experience. This means that certain information, such as brand name, may or may not be displayed. You can see more about this on the Amazon Search help page.
To improve the chances that your information display you will want to ensure that as a Brand owner you are using the following tools:
If you are using all of these features and the Brand name is still not surfacing on the detail page or Search please create a new case with Seller Support. You will want to indicating that you are looking to ensure that your Brand Name surfaces in search and on the detail page and that you have taken all the steps and utilized all the required tools listed above. If the team closes your case without escalation, reopen and indicate again that you have utilized these tools. I recommend using the e-mail feature, rather than chat to address this specific concern.
If you still are not getting support, provide the new Case ID here and I will attempt to escalate further. Thank you for your understanding.
For anyone else having this issue please take the same steps I mentioned above. If the issue isn't solved please create a new thread with your details and Case ID. Thank you.