Read onlyOur Brand Name is missing from all product titles (we have over 100 ASINS), whereas some other sellers in our categories have brand names displayed in the title. Seller Support says this is a new policy for listing titles to improve the customer experience. But interestingly, many other brands (especially Chinese brands) seem to have their brand names show up. This is not a fair/consistent policy. We are brand registered and customers actually search for our brand name when they buy our products, so it's only hurting the customer. I would like to have our brand name displayed in the title, too.
Looking through other forums, it seems like some sellers can request an exemption from this policy, but seller support is not being helpful. Can a mod please assist in requesting this exemption?
Case ID 16954948521
@Glenn_Amazon, can you assist with this, please? I saw that you helped other sellers with this exemption before on the forums. Our brand name is not displaying on our listings and it makes it look like a generic product. Our competitors have their brand names intact so it doesn't appear to be a category-specific issue. We are an established brand with >100 SKUs and people do search for us by the brand name.
Hello @Seller_9GXpSlu1aIOc1,
Thanks for posting to the Forums. I've gone ahead and contacted my partner team and requested their assistance with reviewing this issue. I'll follow up as soon as I hear back from the team.
- Manny
We have a similar problem...some listings have the brand name, others do not. Even in similar products. I don't get it...can someone explain?