Read onlySo another seller is claiming to be the rights owner to the product. I was able to get in contact with the CEO of the actual rights holder. He provided with me a letter of authorization and a signed statement saying the complainant has no affiliation with them at all. I provided this to amazon several times before the account suspension along with an appeal stating why I believe this was an error. And they still suspended my account and are now asking for greater detail on everything. I can’t even comprehend how with the documents I provided, this could be happening. When I spoke to the account health specialist prior to the suspension, she basically said amazon already determined that they are the rights holder. This is absolutely insane; the actual owner of the company is extremely upset and said his legal team would contact Amazon. But I doubt that will help with our suspension at all. On their response to the appeal asking for greater detail, they don’t seem to be asking for invoices or a retraction from the owner anymore. But still want greater detail on everything, aren’t those signed documents I gave them enough to prove this was an error. It’s amazing how they allow sellers to be so easily sabotaged. We are in the process of drafting up another appeal and will have our lawyer read it before we send it in
Amazon probably wants Invoices as jpeg format not pdf format.
You’d be smart to post it here too to let the veteran sellers offer any necessary feedback or suggestions before you submit it, because as you may know, once you submit it, you will need to wait to hear back before submitting another draft and thus each failed one can delay your reinstatement by weeks.
Good luck
Thanks for the advice everyone, I highly appreciate it. We are so stressed right now. Our Christmas is ruined, we had to cancel the party I usually host and return all the gifts. My son has no idea what’s going on, and my wife is practically in tears. I can’t believe this is happening to us.
Short bullet points
Easier to read, easier to understand
Do not send your document directly from your computer.
Print the document first, then send them a copy.
For some reason, this is causing a problem within Amazon.
Best of luck,
I’ve never gone through this particular situation myself, but I have had some success with responding when Amazon doesn’t seem to grasp what I’ve already told them. I would approach it something like this:
(Sentence #1 - make the point CLEARLY at the VERY beginning and in no uncertain terms)
This complaint has been filed in error and the complaintant is FALSELY claiming he owns the rights to product xyz widget. Supporting documentation attached.
Supporting documentation includes:
Many times the person reading will already assume you did something wrong, and only read far enough to see that you haven’t offered any solution. So your first statement should make it clear that the problem is a FALSE claim against you. Then immediately move to outlining why.
Don’t give them any chance to think anything other than that the complaint was filed in error. Don’t expect them to read through your whole appeal to reach that conclusion. Don’t expect them to draw any inferences, or reach any conclusions on their own, at all. Lay it out for them like they’re 5 years old. State the main point first, then provide supporting facts.
You want them to understand the gist of your appeal in the first sentence or two, and prompt them to want to read further. Your documents should absolutely support your case, but it’s possible the reviewer didn’t look at them or understand why you were sending them. If that’s what happened, the above approach should get it through to them.
Care to give the FAKE rights owner a dose of their own medicine?
Since you found the actual rights owner, you might get together with him or her and fill out a form complaining against the FAKE rights owner. This will give you greater leverage in Amazon and in court, when you are seen to be on the side of the real owner and have the documents to prove it.
Good Luck.
After reading this trail of comments, I am not sure I want to sell on Amazon at all. I cannot afford attorneys and I handmake all my items. I think I am going to pass.
Very sorry to hear this. Please let us know when you get back on…I’m sure we can help you recover some lost sales. I’ll buy some nonpareil.