I'm aware that you can offer bulk discounts on individual products (for example, if you purchase two or more of Product A, you can get an X% discount, etc).
But can you create a global discount of you order two or more of different products (One of Product A, and one of Product B in the same order)?
Our catalog has over 3,000 products. Most of the time, people only purchase one item. We want to encourage them to purchase two separate items. Is there a way to create a coupon/promotion/discount so that if you buy two or more different items in our Amazon Store, it will apply a certain discount?
Thanks in advance!
I'm aware that you can offer bulk discounts on individual products (for example, if you purchase two or more of Product A, you can get an X% discount, etc).
But can you create a global discount of you order two or more of different products (One of Product A, and one of Product B in the same order)?
Our catalog has over 3,000 products. Most of the time, people only purchase one item. We want to encourage them to purchase two separate items. Is there a way to create a coupon/promotion/discount so that if you buy two or more different items in our Amazon Store, it will apply a certain discount?
Thanks in advance!
I'm aware that you can offer bulk discounts on individual products (for example, if you purchase two or more of Product A, you can get an X% discount, etc).
But can you create a global discount of you order two or more of different products (One of Product A, and one of Product B in the same order)?
Our catalog has over 3,000 products. Most of the time, people only purchase one item. We want to encourage them to purchase two separate items. Is there a way to create a coupon/promotion/discount so that if you buy two or more different items in our Amazon Store, it will apply a certain discount?
Thanks in advance!
I'm aware that you can offer bulk discounts on individual products (for example, if you purchase two or more of Product A, you can get an X% discount, etc).
But can you create a global discount of you order two or more of different products (One of Product A, and one of Product B in the same order)?
Our catalog has over 3,000 products. Most of the time, people only purchase one item. We want to encourage them to purchase two separate items. Is there a way to create a coupon/promotion/discount so that if you buy two or more different items in our Amazon Store, it will apply a certain discount?
Thanks in advance!
I'm aware that you can offer bulk discounts on individual products (for example, if you purchase two or more of Product A, you can get an X% discount, etc).
But can you create a global discount of you order two or more of different products (One of Product A, and one of Product B in the same order)?
Our catalog has over 3,000 products. Most of the time, people only purchase one item. We want to encourage them to purchase two separate items. Is there a way to create a coupon/promotion/discount so that if you buy two or more different items in our Amazon Store, it will apply a certain discount?
Thanks in advance!