Read onlyI was using a Virtual Assistant services for my Amazon Account and he was providing services to other clients as well, then i stopped selling in amazon and I ask my virtual assistant to put a hold on my account for now Now i am not sure what went wrong, Amazon deactivated my USA market place on my account,
then after some time I made a new amazon account and in Australian Market and Usa market place and started wholesale business in USA market, after listing 1 product and stared selling that product , suddenly amazon deactivated my USA market place and told me that your account is related to some other account,
then i logged into my old Amazon account , then i realize this account is also deactivated for the same reason,
now amazon is accusing me to be related to an account, which i have nothing to do and i do not know anything about that account
i need serious help as my inventory is idle sine last 15 days
You cannot open multiple accounts (unless under specific policies). You should have done some research before deciding to hand over your account to a VA. You are pretty much going to have to activate the first account with documentation from the VA (whether you terminated that relationship) or somehow write a very good appeal.
Hello @Seller_tODjUg9mMeP0A,
I appreciate you posting about your account deactivation concerns.
I was using a Virtual Assistant services for my Amazon Account and he was providing services to other clients as well, then i stopped selling in amazon and I ask my virtual assistant to put a hold on my account for now Now i am not sure what went wrong, Amazon deactivated my USA market place on my account,
then after some time I made a new amazon account and in Australian Market and Usa market place and started wholesale business in USA market, after listing 1 product and stared selling that product , suddenly amazon deactivated my USA market place and told me that your account is related to some other account,
then i logged into my old Amazon account , then i realize this account is also deactivated for the same reason,
This deactivation was the cause of our code of conduct: multiple account policy, It sounds like the virtual assistant may have been a common factor in this situation.
You should have done some research before deciding to hand over your account to a VA. You are pretty much going to have to activate the first account with documentation from the VA (whether you terminated that relationship)
As mentioned by @Seller_OvL8C4BJWiuS9, due to the situation you will need to ensure your original account is reinstated. This entails offering supporting documentation that shows the reason for the association to the other account along with proof of separation.
Do you have any contracts, proof of payment or employment documentation to so that you hired a VA? Additionally, do you have separation documentation that confirms there is no longer an association to them?
Outside of showing proof of separation, if the original associated store is reactivated, than your original US store would be eligible for reactivation.
Here's a video from our seller university on how to address a multiple account policy violation. This will offer a little bit more information surrounding the violation and requirements to move forward.
The forums community and I are here to support you. Please let us know how we can help you from this point forward.