Hello again and welcome back to the Listings Lounge.
Continuing the discussion around Detail Page Rules (linking the previous Detail Page Rules - Updating or Adding a Product UPC article in case you missed it), today’s topic is another subject we see often here on the Seller Forums: “What should I do if I update my product?“
Businesses tweak and iterate their products all the time and for several reasons: Maybe new technology comes out? Maybe you found a better manufacture? Maybe you want to improve product packaging by adding a new color or design to grab your customers eye, or you added a larger outer box to protect the product? Or maybe the business is taking customer feedback about their product into consideration and making the appropriate adjustments?
No matter what the reason, per the Product Detail Page Rules Policy: When changes occur to the physical product being sold on Amazon or the products brand gets updated, sellers must not use an existing listing for a new version of a product. To protect Customer trust and ensure catalog quality, we ask that you create a new ASIN for the new product.
This includes changes in color, size, material, features, and product name. Instead, create a new product detail page for each new version. For example, a manufacturer updates its streaming media player by adding a new remote control with four buttons instead of two. This product is materially different from the older version and it must be listed as a new ASIN.
If you do need to create a new ASIN, you can guide customer to the new listing by using the Newer Version Widget in Seller Central. My colleague @Seller_l7Jtck9jxnEA0 wrote a fabulous post about that process -->HERE<--
You do not have to create a new ASIN as long as the edits occurring on the detail page of your product are more accurately describing the product as originally listed. For example, permissible updates include additional details, clarifications, grammatical fixes, or removal of content that violates Amazon policy.‘
If you have questions regarding a specific detail page issue that you would like a Community Manager to review, please begin a new discussion, select the Create and Manage Listings category, and use the tags, ‘ASIN,’ ‘Detail Page’ and ‘Listings’ .
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