Read onlyI am starting a new case for the same problem started by our team member Nuvorainc_134 in the hope that we can finally solve this problem, especially since Amazon has inconsistently fixed it across our 6 products. In short, with respect to the following two ASINs, the product title is truncated to remove "Dentiva" from it. This is our product name as you can see on the box. But it is also our brand name (instead of Nuvora, Inc.) and therefore Amazon has deemed it not necessary to have!
Please help us address this problem so the product titles are listed correctly. In the back end of our store, under Inventory Management, the product titles are listed as we want them but they do no display that way for customers.
Dear Forum Support,
This is the answer we received today - it does NOT fix the problem!! With our Salese products (e.g. ASIN B003BQYA3I) Amazon fixed the problem, not us. Doing what is suggested in the response will not guarantee the fix we are asking for. This is why it is massively frustrating to work with any of the support teams. They paste in a canned answer and it hugely impacts us. Were we to go to the full effort to do what they state will "fix the problem" when we didn't create the problem and only Amazon can actually fix the problem is absolutely maddening. Would you please do the right thing and escalate this as before (we worked with Glenn_Amazon under our other login Nuvorainc_134 and somehow 4 product titles ended up being corrected). Thank you.
I had that happen too there are many posts about it. Check the forum for brand name not showing in title. I started the A/B test thing to at least get my brand 50% of the time and then the winning version gets published which was my brand and thus it got fixed. Took a while but at least you get it in there half of the time while waiting.
Hello @Seller_Texmw636Sbxvb,
Thanks for posting to the Forums. I've gone ahead and contacted my partner team and requested their assistance with reviewing this issue. I'll follow up as soon as I hear back from the team.
- Manny
We have the same problem. The truncated title makes no sense.