Read onlyDid amazon just make a change this month to have all transactions be deferred? Every single purchase is now in deferred with classification of "Delivery Date Policy". Am i correct in assuming that no funds are released until after delivery date plus 7 days now? What is even the point of paying a 1.5% to get access to funds for invoiced orders if they won't actually be dispersed until the product is delivered lol
2024 is shaping up to be some of the worst policy changes for sellers I've seen in the last few years.
All my order in pending status since october,1.
I ask SS they told it's because customer did not paid yet!!!!!!!!
The same thing is happening to my account. I have opened a ticket asking for an explanation and got no reply other than an automatic reply. Their policies does not explain anything about Delivery Date Policy for deferred payments. Also, why would this happen to FBA inventory if they are the ones who ship the item to the client?
Same thing happening to us as well, and they are not invoiced "business" orders. They are standard orders, and the payment status states "payment complete" on the orders.
Can we get an Amazon mod to weigh in on this?
Hello? Amazon? Is this not worth a mention from a mod? Or is there no way to spin this into cheery marketingspeak?
How is this not a violation of your own LEGAL agreement, particularly the two sections about mandatory disclosure periods?
Given what you'd charge for us to borrow money from you, don't you think you owe us a few bucks for withholding payment? How much credit are all sellers combined floating you, and under what pretext? How is it not our money once the sale is made, and until a return comes in?
@Micah_AmazonWe need a MOD to step in here and address what is going on. Im not FBA, I'm Handmade. I've been here 6 years. Ive NEVER had anything deferred until Oct 2 of this year. Now EVERYTHING is deferred. I have an open case 16344023091 that has been transferred supposedly to the payments team with NO answer.
Every single transaction is now listed as Deferred Status. I've NEVER had this before. How do we appeal this change? Who do we talk to? What team is responsible for overnight putting holds on our accounts? I have no open returns, no a-z's, no claims, and yet all of a sudden I'm included in this change. Its NOT invoiced orders. It's Standard regular orders. All of them. No notice, no explanation. HELP.
"What is even the point of paying a 1.5% to get access to funds for invoiced orders if they won't actually be dispersed until the product is delivered lol"
It is Another way for Amazon to make money at the sellers' expenses.
I don't have any deferred transactions but this is the first payment period where I have a zero balance to request early disbursement, I wonder if this is related?
Same as others. Couldn't find anything in the forum until I started to create my own post then magically many related posts poped up. I cannot believe this is a policy change that no one was aware of. @Micah_Amazon@Cooper_Amazon@Roberto_AmazonAnyone?
As of October 1st every new order ( both FBA & FBM ) goes into Deferred Transaction. All transactions say Delivery Date Policy for the reason. The release date is anywhere from 7 up to 18 days from the date of transaction. In over 2 years of selling we Never had any deferred transactions. No our shipping performance has not been hit - there is no performance issues no health issues at all. There has been no changes to the account at ALL.
I was just online with support and they told me it was a policy change as of Sept 24th, 2024 and that it is the same thing as the Account Level Reserve. They said they moved it to deferred transactions so you could see exactly what orders are reserved. Not saying any of this is true. Just sharing what I was told.
Can you show (without showing too much) what this looks like in your account?
Here is what I found:
What is a deferred transaction?
A deferred transaction is a transaction that will be paid out to you at a future date. Most transactions are deferred for some period of time before they are paid out. The "Payment release date" tells you when you will be able to access the funds from deferred transactions. After this date, these transactions will move to the Transaction view page and the funds will become available for disbursement.
Why is my transaction deferred?
A transaction is deferred while an order is awaiting delivery or pending buyer payment. You can use the Deferred transactions page to identify these orders, the reason for deferral, the date when you will receive payments of these orders, and the corresponding amount. The following are the deferral reasons you may see on the Deferred transactions page:
Invoiced orders (Orders are pending buyer payment)
Invoiced orders placed by Amazon Business customers are deferred while awaiting payment by the buyer. These transactions will be released after the customer completes their invoice payment, which typically occurs within 30-45 days after the order date. Note that these orders are also subject to delivery date policies, but in most cases, the invoice due date will be later than the reserve period.
It seems there is a 1-2 week or more deferral of payment on all orders that I am seeing in the transaction report.
Same thing here. All transactions as of 10/01 are now on Deferred status. I have over 30 orders, all Standard Orders, not Invoiced Orders, that Amazon are withholding payments for 7-25 days.
What is going on here???
Full FBA seller here, and brand owner, no account issues and a less than 1% return rate with an average average of 22 units sold daily in normal months.
After the last payout, this just happened happened to me too. Best guess is that Amazon did a surprise payment processing change because when I look at my current statement there's a new tab up top that says Deferred Transactions with a blue NEW badge next to it.
Looking through each transaction, they are pretty much all in deferred status since 10/1 like everyone else here in this thread. (Note: these are all FBA and NON-Business orders)
Sounds like they are going to keep our funds now in escrow to limit their cash on the books for some accounting reason (or maybe to make the shareholders feel better) until the order processes and the "instant regret" return window passes.
The bad part, and I'm not surprised after selling here on Amazon for years, is that is that they didn't share it with us before the change. My best guess is that we will see this sort out across the next 2 payout payout cycles. But... Right here in peak stock-up season when we are all spending crazy capital to get inventory into Amazon before their announced end of October warehouse inbound focus ends is a bad play. (Side note, how are they going to focus on our inbound when they are doing another Prime Day this week? But I digress...)
Anyway, the lack of response here means that the higher ups have left our faithful MODs here in the dark as much as they have left us sellers. I feel bad for them too, as they are our only real lifeline for escalation when we have issues.
If anyone above the MODs actually reads this, (leadership Team, I'm looking at you) please help your frontline team by giving them an answer to this issue.
Meanwhile, I'll ping my rep (luckily I have a Amazon Ad rep this year) and see if he can squeeze an answer to this one out for us. If so, I'll be back with a report.
But from what I can see (I have friends that are sellers too) we are all seeing the same issue... FBA or FBM, good account health or not.
I'm going to tag ALL of the mods i have on my lists now since none of them seem to care to pop in here..
@Roberto_Amazon @Steve_Amazon @KJ_Amazon @Quincy_Amazon @Tatiana_Amazon @SEAmod @Danny_Amazon @CR_Amazon@Joey_Amazon @Dominic_Amazon @Jim_Amazon@TaylorR_Amazon@Micah_Amazon@Bryce_Amazon@Veronica_Amazon@Jameson_Amazon@Rose_Amazon@priscilla_amazon@Cooper_Amazon
this is old news.... amazon will keep money hostage until the item is delivered and you have no current return requests... if your return rate goes up, more funds will be deferred... if you start delivering or shipping late, expect the same.
Amazon's first and only priority is to not make a loss, and if they paid you then a return came later, then they have to pay for it unless your account has funds to cover the return or chargeback.
that is why I put my store on vacation mode when deferred is deferred for too long.
do not put all your eggs in Amazon's basket , sell everywhere, and if you can not do that then you are not cut for business.
sell on Craigslist, ebay, offerup, amazon, etsy, in your own store, your garage, your website, Facebook marketplace, instagram store, tiktok if tiktok has a store,