Hello @Seller_fLvvZO4xNMu0D Thanks for sharing that screenshot, and I apologize for the delay in responding to your post.
I have seen a few similar cases recently, and I have escalated them to our partner team. Was your adjustment for a return shipment (or if that's not clear, was it for an order that was returned)?
over 60,000 end of last year in adjustments using amazon buy shipping. One shipment
3600 for 6 boxes adjusted was the one that took the cake and my dinner
but so many similar to yours and for orders that were much much less then that
they don't care
ups didn't care
You call the carrier they say its under amazons account if we refund it will go to them , you'll not be able to track it or get it
amazon says call the carrier
the carrier says call amazon
amazon sends you the buy shipping FAQ page
you flip out
they escalate the case
supervisor responds and closes the case with
the link to the buy shipping amazon FAQ page
you again waste your time explaining to them for the 300 time as if they really don't understand
they escalate again
another supervisor responds with the same initial respond from the first time you contacted seller support
you do this over and over
then you give up and decide it was the cost of doing business
FOr all of us its just going to cost us our business
Hopefully we can all still access the forums to let each other know if we landed back on our feet
Hello @Seller_fLvvZO4xNMu0D
I am following up on your request to dispute the carrier adjustment for your USPS return shipment reported in this thread and elsewhere.
There was an error affecting the calculations for some USPS return shipments. While in some cases there were updated carrier-audited dimensions/weights that are not displayed in Buy Shipping, the adjustment amounts are being investigated.
I am happy to let you know that your dispute was successfully processed, and the adjustment will be reversed. @Seller_vVRyXIE5pp6Xf, your adjustment was also successfully reviewed and will be reversed.
The team is reviewing similar disputes/adjustments, and I will provide updates as they are available.