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Seller Submits 10+ False Counterfeit Complaints Against Me

Strap in, because what initially seemed like an odd counterfeit claim that I figured would easily be rebuked, has led me down a rabbit hole on a seller on Amazon that has become a more substantial dilemma than I could have imagined.

First incident: On July 2nd, 2022 I received my first ever counterfeit claim from Amazon on behalf of an owner of a listing for selling “counterfeit products without a test buy.” The product in question is a 15-pack of Powerade White Cherry 28 oz. While I investigated the listing, I began receiving more notifications about counterfeit claims from the same seller, totaling 6 for that day for other similar product variations. It was a very busy business week for us as July 4th was coming up so I decided to tend to this issue afterward the weekend.

Second Incident: On July 4th, 2022 I began receiving even more counterfeit claims from the same seller for other listings, this one being a variety pack for “Big Red and Big Blue 20 oz Sodas” At this point, despite our account health still being “good” I began to get concerned and decided to start the appealing process immediately, starting with the “Big Red/Big Blue” listing mentioned. I submitted an invoice and was rejected because the manufacturer name and brand name on the listing did not match the invoice according to Amazon. I was puzzled as I receive the product directly from the manufacturer Dr. Pepper themselves, but sure enough, the owner of the listing has claimed that EVAXO is the Brand and Manufacturer of those goods. I contact Seller Support, and explained the issue, they understand that there is false information but explained to me that they can not easily make those changes to the listing and there is some process for that to be done. I submitted all the photos, invoices, and URL links to the manufacturer’s website for them to further investigate the matter. In the end, I was able to have some listings unblocked from my account but not all while the investigation continued.

Third incident: On July 15 and 19th, the owner of this EVAXO brand will submit 2 more violations, totaling 13 altogether.

After taking the time to evaluate all the violated listings, here is what I discovered; all listings have the same misinformation with the name EVAXO attached to most of them in the title. All say EVAXO is the brand and manufacturer for some well-established products like Coca-Cola or Dr. Pepper. I was able to have 2 of the listing details changed by some miracle when contacting Seller Central but again, for some reason, this seems to be an impossible task to have done. Even with all the evidence I have submitted to this point, all the details on these pages still say EVAXO as the brand and manufacturer. It’s been 3 weeks and still no change.

I then wondered why I was the only one being targeted by the seller, there were multiple sellers on the listing so I started looking into the profiles and discovered that all the sellers on the listings I was removed from, all share the same address. I won’t disclose the seller’s real name but after a brief Google search, it appears the EVAXO brand was created by a single person and that individual is the sole owner of the EVAXO company as well as all of the LLCs attached to multiple seller accounts with the same address, selling the same products. From my understanding, Amazon is very strict about sellers having multiple selling accounts, especially from the same address. I know there is room for an exception but one thing I know for a fact is that you can not have multiple selling accounts, with the same address, selling the same products. Yet, I have confirmed the EVAXO owner has at least 3 seller accounts on Amazon, potentially 5 total with the main 3 being, QUALITY GOURMET, PROMAX LIFE, EXPECT MORE (the capitalization are how he has them).

I will attach one of his ASINs here as an example so you may see it for yourself, check the sellers listed for their details: B085LM73J4

While I have no vendetta against this gentleman, I am astonished that a seller of this magnitude is able to exploit Amazon’s Policies to this degree. To recap, he has over 100 listings with false information by falsely claiming to be the brand and manufacturer of well-established products like the ones mentioned previously and also has multiple selling accounts, all from the same address, all selling the same items. Meanwhile, he has the audacity to claim that I am selling counterfeit items despite me purchasing the goods from the actual manufacturers themselves while his whole operation is essentially on a house of cards it seems.

At this point, all I want is the violations removed. I am currently going through the painstaking process of trying to do that myself by appealing each violation but it has been an uphill battle, as a lot of seller central employees are not familiar with the Big Red brand for example, and are questioning my invoice because it says Dr. Pepper instead of Evaxo on it.

Finally, while I can not prove this, I have a feeling these false claims have greatly impacted my sales. My account is in good health but ever since the claims were made, I have lost all buy box eligibility. I initially thought it was due to padded times on delivery but that was resolved and I am still without a single buy box, whereas before this incident I would have 10-25% of my listings have a buy box. Now it is 0, not an exaggeration, I do not have a single buy box on any of my listings. I will attach a screenshot of my sales and you can look at the data yourself; notice an interesting change in sales after these claims were made against me

Ultimately, I just wanted to bring light to this situation as what this seller is doing is egregious, to say the least. I would greatly appreciate any help on the matter.

Thank you,

Ethan McCloud

82 replies
Tags:Address, Billing, Seller Central
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Seller Submits 10+ False Counterfeit Complaints Against Me

Strap in, because what initially seemed like an odd counterfeit claim that I figured would easily be rebuked, has led me down a rabbit hole on a seller on Amazon that has become a more substantial dilemma than I could have imagined.

First incident: On July 2nd, 2022 I received my first ever counterfeit claim from Amazon on behalf of an owner of a listing for selling “counterfeit products without a test buy.” The product in question is a 15-pack of Powerade White Cherry 28 oz. While I investigated the listing, I began receiving more notifications about counterfeit claims from the same seller, totaling 6 for that day for other similar product variations. It was a very busy business week for us as July 4th was coming up so I decided to tend to this issue afterward the weekend.

Second Incident: On July 4th, 2022 I began receiving even more counterfeit claims from the same seller for other listings, this one being a variety pack for “Big Red and Big Blue 20 oz Sodas” At this point, despite our account health still being “good” I began to get concerned and decided to start the appealing process immediately, starting with the “Big Red/Big Blue” listing mentioned. I submitted an invoice and was rejected because the manufacturer name and brand name on the listing did not match the invoice according to Amazon. I was puzzled as I receive the product directly from the manufacturer Dr. Pepper themselves, but sure enough, the owner of the listing has claimed that EVAXO is the Brand and Manufacturer of those goods. I contact Seller Support, and explained the issue, they understand that there is false information but explained to me that they can not easily make those changes to the listing and there is some process for that to be done. I submitted all the photos, invoices, and URL links to the manufacturer’s website for them to further investigate the matter. In the end, I was able to have some listings unblocked from my account but not all while the investigation continued.

Third incident: On July 15 and 19th, the owner of this EVAXO brand will submit 2 more violations, totaling 13 altogether.

After taking the time to evaluate all the violated listings, here is what I discovered; all listings have the same misinformation with the name EVAXO attached to most of them in the title. All say EVAXO is the brand and manufacturer for some well-established products like Coca-Cola or Dr. Pepper. I was able to have 2 of the listing details changed by some miracle when contacting Seller Central but again, for some reason, this seems to be an impossible task to have done. Even with all the evidence I have submitted to this point, all the details on these pages still say EVAXO as the brand and manufacturer. It’s been 3 weeks and still no change.

I then wondered why I was the only one being targeted by the seller, there were multiple sellers on the listing so I started looking into the profiles and discovered that all the sellers on the listings I was removed from, all share the same address. I won’t disclose the seller’s real name but after a brief Google search, it appears the EVAXO brand was created by a single person and that individual is the sole owner of the EVAXO company as well as all of the LLCs attached to multiple seller accounts with the same address, selling the same products. From my understanding, Amazon is very strict about sellers having multiple selling accounts, especially from the same address. I know there is room for an exception but one thing I know for a fact is that you can not have multiple selling accounts, with the same address, selling the same products. Yet, I have confirmed the EVAXO owner has at least 3 seller accounts on Amazon, potentially 5 total with the main 3 being, QUALITY GOURMET, PROMAX LIFE, EXPECT MORE (the capitalization are how he has them).

I will attach one of his ASINs here as an example so you may see it for yourself, check the sellers listed for their details: B085LM73J4

While I have no vendetta against this gentleman, I am astonished that a seller of this magnitude is able to exploit Amazon’s Policies to this degree. To recap, he has over 100 listings with false information by falsely claiming to be the brand and manufacturer of well-established products like the ones mentioned previously and also has multiple selling accounts, all from the same address, all selling the same items. Meanwhile, he has the audacity to claim that I am selling counterfeit items despite me purchasing the goods from the actual manufacturers themselves while his whole operation is essentially on a house of cards it seems.

At this point, all I want is the violations removed. I am currently going through the painstaking process of trying to do that myself by appealing each violation but it has been an uphill battle, as a lot of seller central employees are not familiar with the Big Red brand for example, and are questioning my invoice because it says Dr. Pepper instead of Evaxo on it.

Finally, while I can not prove this, I have a feeling these false claims have greatly impacted my sales. My account is in good health but ever since the claims were made, I have lost all buy box eligibility. I initially thought it was due to padded times on delivery but that was resolved and I am still without a single buy box, whereas before this incident I would have 10-25% of my listings have a buy box. Now it is 0, not an exaggeration, I do not have a single buy box on any of my listings. I will attach a screenshot of my sales and you can look at the data yourself; notice an interesting change in sales after these claims were made against me

Ultimately, I just wanted to bring light to this situation as what this seller is doing is egregious, to say the least. I would greatly appreciate any help on the matter.

Thank you,

Ethan McCloud

82 replies
Tags:Address, Billing, Seller Central
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is this another store owned by that brand? Curious all same asins all same address, some leaving ste# off lol
pls… amazon do something!

the listings seem to be seller branded created bundles

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Disappointing news. Let’s recap the suspected charges we’re talking about here, I will be providing screenshots for each alleged violation:

  • The brand owner EVAXO has 300+ listings with false information on his listings by claiming to be the brand owner and manufacturer of well-established products like Coke. This has already been confirmed to be illegal and an act of infringement by my legal counsel.


The brand owner EVAXO has multiple selling accounts and continues to be making new ones with a total of 4 confirmed accounts, all selling from the same address and selling on the same listings. I am aware of the rare exceptions where multiple selling accounts are allowed but there is no exception to having multiple accounts, from the same address, selling on the EXACT same listings and this gentleman here has 5+ but here are the 4 confirmed. (EXPECT MORE, PROMAX LIFE, QUALITY GOURMET and Bit-Store)


For any moderator that wants to make the claim that this is allowed because the business names are different so there’s a chance that it could be different companies in the same location selling the same products, it’s not. A simple google search will show that the owner of EVAXO is also the registered LLC owner of every company listed here.

After a long and frustrating 2 month battle with Amazon going back and forth with their “internal team” here is the conclusion they were able to provide me. After investigating the matter, they have stated that the EVAXO brand was able to provide documentation showing the trademark he has for his listing. This was extremely disappointing as they had completely missed the whole point of the issue. The problem is not with this Trademark, it’s with the blatant infringement he’s doing by claiming to be the brand owner and manufacturer of a product that he isn’t the brand owner of nor the manufacturer of. When I responded to the associate with this as well as showing him the same evidence provided here, instead of addressing the point, he asked, “Why would I add the listing if the information was incorrect?” Not a great response when being asked about a law-breaking violation but I’ll play along, it’s a legitimate question. I responded by stating that I did notice it and after evaluating everything, it appeared the listing had incorrect information so I did as every seller should when encountering an issue like this, I contacted seller support to have it corrected. It took me almost 2 hours to get 2 listings updated, at that point I was informed that the associate would forward the rest of the listings to be investigated so I wouldn’t have to bear the burden of correcting all 300+. When I told this to the associate asking why I added them, he basically responded with well this was their conclusion and if I wanted to have the violations removed, I would need to submit an appeal. When I inquired about the other violation about the multiple accounts, he said that if the seller did in fact have multiple accounts, the team has a way of being notified and would investigate it. This was concerning as I had already made this “internal team” aware over a month ago. I wanted to know if there was already an investigation pending on the matter and he can’t tell me.

So this is where we are now. I don’t know why Amazon is batting so hard for this guy that’s already been confirmed to have been breaking the law and multiple Amazon policies. It just doesn’t make sense. I have seen other cases here where a seller gets suspended for some of the most mundane things but rules are rules and I respect that, meanwhile, somehow EVAXO is able to get by unscathed while committing legal crimes. I still have my Buy Box eligibility at this point despite the false claims he gave me so my business is not being impacted as harshly as it was before but I was hoping even still, Amazon would uphold their own policies and some action would be taken to resolve this whole dilemma. It appears I may end up having to take this on legally myself, I would recommend anyone else being affected to do the same; you have a case.

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It’s hilarious that Amazon continues to let these bad actors change the catalog like this.

It must be to improve the buying experience!

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The EVAXO brand owner has created another Amazon seller account SHEERY selling under the same listings as his previous 4 so now we have a confirmed 5 accounts.

Once again tied to the same address (9208 Palm River Dr)

Amazon is supposedly investigating the issue, but Buy Box eligibility for him is not affected. He apparently can just continue to make new selling accounts with no signs of stopping. If Amazon’s policy followed the US penal system approach of “Innocent until proven guilty” I would absolutely understand the delay here while they investigate but as we all know, that is not how things are done. You are guilty until proven innocent and could have your account status and funds suspended until proven otherwise. I refuse to allow this to be swept under the rug and will continue to update until there is a resolution and/or explanation.

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I have already tried. I have made every effort you can imagine besides contacting the FBI to look into the matter. I’ve made multiple cases with Seller Central with each associate agreeing that multiple policies have been broken and all cases being forwarded to an “internal team” for further investigation. I’ve made this post that has gotten very little results from any moderator. I have already threatened him with legal action which at least has caused him to stop submitting false IP claims to me. However, all other efforts with Amazon has led to zero change in his account status. Still has buy box despite abysmal reviews across all accounts, and is still able to have them all active and in healthy condition I imagine. I’d like to think this guy has his day coming but given the lack of effort on Amazon’s part here, I doubt it will ever come.

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Seller Submits 10+ False Counterfeit Complaints Against Me

Strap in, because what initially seemed like an odd counterfeit claim that I figured would easily be rebuked, has led me down a rabbit hole on a seller on Amazon that has become a more substantial dilemma than I could have imagined.

First incident: On July 2nd, 2022 I received my first ever counterfeit claim from Amazon on behalf of an owner of a listing for selling “counterfeit products without a test buy.” The product in question is a 15-pack of Powerade White Cherry 28 oz. While I investigated the listing, I began receiving more notifications about counterfeit claims from the same seller, totaling 6 for that day for other similar product variations. It was a very busy business week for us as July 4th was coming up so I decided to tend to this issue afterward the weekend.

Second Incident: On July 4th, 2022 I began receiving even more counterfeit claims from the same seller for other listings, this one being a variety pack for “Big Red and Big Blue 20 oz Sodas” At this point, despite our account health still being “good” I began to get concerned and decided to start the appealing process immediately, starting with the “Big Red/Big Blue” listing mentioned. I submitted an invoice and was rejected because the manufacturer name and brand name on the listing did not match the invoice according to Amazon. I was puzzled as I receive the product directly from the manufacturer Dr. Pepper themselves, but sure enough, the owner of the listing has claimed that EVAXO is the Brand and Manufacturer of those goods. I contact Seller Support, and explained the issue, they understand that there is false information but explained to me that they can not easily make those changes to the listing and there is some process for that to be done. I submitted all the photos, invoices, and URL links to the manufacturer’s website for them to further investigate the matter. In the end, I was able to have some listings unblocked from my account but not all while the investigation continued.

Third incident: On July 15 and 19th, the owner of this EVAXO brand will submit 2 more violations, totaling 13 altogether.

After taking the time to evaluate all the violated listings, here is what I discovered; all listings have the same misinformation with the name EVAXO attached to most of them in the title. All say EVAXO is the brand and manufacturer for some well-established products like Coca-Cola or Dr. Pepper. I was able to have 2 of the listing details changed by some miracle when contacting Seller Central but again, for some reason, this seems to be an impossible task to have done. Even with all the evidence I have submitted to this point, all the details on these pages still say EVAXO as the brand and manufacturer. It’s been 3 weeks and still no change.

I then wondered why I was the only one being targeted by the seller, there were multiple sellers on the listing so I started looking into the profiles and discovered that all the sellers on the listings I was removed from, all share the same address. I won’t disclose the seller’s real name but after a brief Google search, it appears the EVAXO brand was created by a single person and that individual is the sole owner of the EVAXO company as well as all of the LLCs attached to multiple seller accounts with the same address, selling the same products. From my understanding, Amazon is very strict about sellers having multiple selling accounts, especially from the same address. I know there is room for an exception but one thing I know for a fact is that you can not have multiple selling accounts, with the same address, selling the same products. Yet, I have confirmed the EVAXO owner has at least 3 seller accounts on Amazon, potentially 5 total with the main 3 being, QUALITY GOURMET, PROMAX LIFE, EXPECT MORE (the capitalization are how he has them).

I will attach one of his ASINs here as an example so you may see it for yourself, check the sellers listed for their details: B085LM73J4

While I have no vendetta against this gentleman, I am astonished that a seller of this magnitude is able to exploit Amazon’s Policies to this degree. To recap, he has over 100 listings with false information by falsely claiming to be the brand and manufacturer of well-established products like the ones mentioned previously and also has multiple selling accounts, all from the same address, all selling the same items. Meanwhile, he has the audacity to claim that I am selling counterfeit items despite me purchasing the goods from the actual manufacturers themselves while his whole operation is essentially on a house of cards it seems.

At this point, all I want is the violations removed. I am currently going through the painstaking process of trying to do that myself by appealing each violation but it has been an uphill battle, as a lot of seller central employees are not familiar with the Big Red brand for example, and are questioning my invoice because it says Dr. Pepper instead of Evaxo on it.

Finally, while I can not prove this, I have a feeling these false claims have greatly impacted my sales. My account is in good health but ever since the claims were made, I have lost all buy box eligibility. I initially thought it was due to padded times on delivery but that was resolved and I am still without a single buy box, whereas before this incident I would have 10-25% of my listings have a buy box. Now it is 0, not an exaggeration, I do not have a single buy box on any of my listings. I will attach a screenshot of my sales and you can look at the data yourself; notice an interesting change in sales after these claims were made against me

Ultimately, I just wanted to bring light to this situation as what this seller is doing is egregious, to say the least. I would greatly appreciate any help on the matter.

Thank you,

Ethan McCloud

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Tags:Address, Billing, Seller Central
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Seller Submits 10+ False Counterfeit Complaints Against Me

Strap in, because what initially seemed like an odd counterfeit claim that I figured would easily be rebuked, has led me down a rabbit hole on a seller on Amazon that has become a more substantial dilemma than I could have imagined.

First incident: On July 2nd, 2022 I received my first ever counterfeit claim from Amazon on behalf of an owner of a listing for selling “counterfeit products without a test buy.” The product in question is a 15-pack of Powerade White Cherry 28 oz. While I investigated the listing, I began receiving more notifications about counterfeit claims from the same seller, totaling 6 for that day for other similar product variations. It was a very busy business week for us as July 4th was coming up so I decided to tend to this issue afterward the weekend.

Second Incident: On July 4th, 2022 I began receiving even more counterfeit claims from the same seller for other listings, this one being a variety pack for “Big Red and Big Blue 20 oz Sodas” At this point, despite our account health still being “good” I began to get concerned and decided to start the appealing process immediately, starting with the “Big Red/Big Blue” listing mentioned. I submitted an invoice and was rejected because the manufacturer name and brand name on the listing did not match the invoice according to Amazon. I was puzzled as I receive the product directly from the manufacturer Dr. Pepper themselves, but sure enough, the owner of the listing has claimed that EVAXO is the Brand and Manufacturer of those goods. I contact Seller Support, and explained the issue, they understand that there is false information but explained to me that they can not easily make those changes to the listing and there is some process for that to be done. I submitted all the photos, invoices, and URL links to the manufacturer’s website for them to further investigate the matter. In the end, I was able to have some listings unblocked from my account but not all while the investigation continued.

Third incident: On July 15 and 19th, the owner of this EVAXO brand will submit 2 more violations, totaling 13 altogether.

After taking the time to evaluate all the violated listings, here is what I discovered; all listings have the same misinformation with the name EVAXO attached to most of them in the title. All say EVAXO is the brand and manufacturer for some well-established products like Coca-Cola or Dr. Pepper. I was able to have 2 of the listing details changed by some miracle when contacting Seller Central but again, for some reason, this seems to be an impossible task to have done. Even with all the evidence I have submitted to this point, all the details on these pages still say EVAXO as the brand and manufacturer. It’s been 3 weeks and still no change.

I then wondered why I was the only one being targeted by the seller, there were multiple sellers on the listing so I started looking into the profiles and discovered that all the sellers on the listings I was removed from, all share the same address. I won’t disclose the seller’s real name but after a brief Google search, it appears the EVAXO brand was created by a single person and that individual is the sole owner of the EVAXO company as well as all of the LLCs attached to multiple seller accounts with the same address, selling the same products. From my understanding, Amazon is very strict about sellers having multiple selling accounts, especially from the same address. I know there is room for an exception but one thing I know for a fact is that you can not have multiple selling accounts, with the same address, selling the same products. Yet, I have confirmed the EVAXO owner has at least 3 seller accounts on Amazon, potentially 5 total with the main 3 being, QUALITY GOURMET, PROMAX LIFE, EXPECT MORE (the capitalization are how he has them).

I will attach one of his ASINs here as an example so you may see it for yourself, check the sellers listed for their details: B085LM73J4

While I have no vendetta against this gentleman, I am astonished that a seller of this magnitude is able to exploit Amazon’s Policies to this degree. To recap, he has over 100 listings with false information by falsely claiming to be the brand and manufacturer of well-established products like the ones mentioned previously and also has multiple selling accounts, all from the same address, all selling the same items. Meanwhile, he has the audacity to claim that I am selling counterfeit items despite me purchasing the goods from the actual manufacturers themselves while his whole operation is essentially on a house of cards it seems.

At this point, all I want is the violations removed. I am currently going through the painstaking process of trying to do that myself by appealing each violation but it has been an uphill battle, as a lot of seller central employees are not familiar with the Big Red brand for example, and are questioning my invoice because it says Dr. Pepper instead of Evaxo on it.

Finally, while I can not prove this, I have a feeling these false claims have greatly impacted my sales. My account is in good health but ever since the claims were made, I have lost all buy box eligibility. I initially thought it was due to padded times on delivery but that was resolved and I am still without a single buy box, whereas before this incident I would have 10-25% of my listings have a buy box. Now it is 0, not an exaggeration, I do not have a single buy box on any of my listings. I will attach a screenshot of my sales and you can look at the data yourself; notice an interesting change in sales after these claims were made against me

Ultimately, I just wanted to bring light to this situation as what this seller is doing is egregious, to say the least. I would greatly appreciate any help on the matter.

Thank you,

Ethan McCloud

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Tags:Address, Billing, Seller Central
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Seller Submits 10+ False Counterfeit Complaints Against Me

by Seller_Xg7EwYId6q7le

Strap in, because what initially seemed like an odd counterfeit claim that I figured would easily be rebuked, has led me down a rabbit hole on a seller on Amazon that has become a more substantial dilemma than I could have imagined.

First incident: On July 2nd, 2022 I received my first ever counterfeit claim from Amazon on behalf of an owner of a listing for selling “counterfeit products without a test buy.” The product in question is a 15-pack of Powerade White Cherry 28 oz. While I investigated the listing, I began receiving more notifications about counterfeit claims from the same seller, totaling 6 for that day for other similar product variations. It was a very busy business week for us as July 4th was coming up so I decided to tend to this issue afterward the weekend.

Second Incident: On July 4th, 2022 I began receiving even more counterfeit claims from the same seller for other listings, this one being a variety pack for “Big Red and Big Blue 20 oz Sodas” At this point, despite our account health still being “good” I began to get concerned and decided to start the appealing process immediately, starting with the “Big Red/Big Blue” listing mentioned. I submitted an invoice and was rejected because the manufacturer name and brand name on the listing did not match the invoice according to Amazon. I was puzzled as I receive the product directly from the manufacturer Dr. Pepper themselves, but sure enough, the owner of the listing has claimed that EVAXO is the Brand and Manufacturer of those goods. I contact Seller Support, and explained the issue, they understand that there is false information but explained to me that they can not easily make those changes to the listing and there is some process for that to be done. I submitted all the photos, invoices, and URL links to the manufacturer’s website for them to further investigate the matter. In the end, I was able to have some listings unblocked from my account but not all while the investigation continued.

Third incident: On July 15 and 19th, the owner of this EVAXO brand will submit 2 more violations, totaling 13 altogether.

After taking the time to evaluate all the violated listings, here is what I discovered; all listings have the same misinformation with the name EVAXO attached to most of them in the title. All say EVAXO is the brand and manufacturer for some well-established products like Coca-Cola or Dr. Pepper. I was able to have 2 of the listing details changed by some miracle when contacting Seller Central but again, for some reason, this seems to be an impossible task to have done. Even with all the evidence I have submitted to this point, all the details on these pages still say EVAXO as the brand and manufacturer. It’s been 3 weeks and still no change.

I then wondered why I was the only one being targeted by the seller, there were multiple sellers on the listing so I started looking into the profiles and discovered that all the sellers on the listings I was removed from, all share the same address. I won’t disclose the seller’s real name but after a brief Google search, it appears the EVAXO brand was created by a single person and that individual is the sole owner of the EVAXO company as well as all of the LLCs attached to multiple seller accounts with the same address, selling the same products. From my understanding, Amazon is very strict about sellers having multiple selling accounts, especially from the same address. I know there is room for an exception but one thing I know for a fact is that you can not have multiple selling accounts, with the same address, selling the same products. Yet, I have confirmed the EVAXO owner has at least 3 seller accounts on Amazon, potentially 5 total with the main 3 being, QUALITY GOURMET, PROMAX LIFE, EXPECT MORE (the capitalization are how he has them).

I will attach one of his ASINs here as an example so you may see it for yourself, check the sellers listed for their details: B085LM73J4

While I have no vendetta against this gentleman, I am astonished that a seller of this magnitude is able to exploit Amazon’s Policies to this degree. To recap, he has over 100 listings with false information by falsely claiming to be the brand and manufacturer of well-established products like the ones mentioned previously and also has multiple selling accounts, all from the same address, all selling the same items. Meanwhile, he has the audacity to claim that I am selling counterfeit items despite me purchasing the goods from the actual manufacturers themselves while his whole operation is essentially on a house of cards it seems.

At this point, all I want is the violations removed. I am currently going through the painstaking process of trying to do that myself by appealing each violation but it has been an uphill battle, as a lot of seller central employees are not familiar with the Big Red brand for example, and are questioning my invoice because it says Dr. Pepper instead of Evaxo on it.

Finally, while I can not prove this, I have a feeling these false claims have greatly impacted my sales. My account is in good health but ever since the claims were made, I have lost all buy box eligibility. I initially thought it was due to padded times on delivery but that was resolved and I am still without a single buy box, whereas before this incident I would have 10-25% of my listings have a buy box. Now it is 0, not an exaggeration, I do not have a single buy box on any of my listings. I will attach a screenshot of my sales and you can look at the data yourself; notice an interesting change in sales after these claims were made against me

Ultimately, I just wanted to bring light to this situation as what this seller is doing is egregious, to say the least. I would greatly appreciate any help on the matter.

Thank you,

Ethan McCloud

Tags:Address, Billing, Seller Central
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is this another store owned by that brand? Curious all same asins all same address, some leaving ste# off lol
pls… amazon do something!

the listings seem to be seller branded created bundles

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Disappointing news. Let’s recap the suspected charges we’re talking about here, I will be providing screenshots for each alleged violation:

  • The brand owner EVAXO has 300+ listings with false information on his listings by claiming to be the brand owner and manufacturer of well-established products like Coke. This has already been confirmed to be illegal and an act of infringement by my legal counsel.


The brand owner EVAXO has multiple selling accounts and continues to be making new ones with a total of 4 confirmed accounts, all selling from the same address and selling on the same listings. I am aware of the rare exceptions where multiple selling accounts are allowed but there is no exception to having multiple accounts, from the same address, selling on the EXACT same listings and this gentleman here has 5+ but here are the 4 confirmed. (EXPECT MORE, PROMAX LIFE, QUALITY GOURMET and Bit-Store)


For any moderator that wants to make the claim that this is allowed because the business names are different so there’s a chance that it could be different companies in the same location selling the same products, it’s not. A simple google search will show that the owner of EVAXO is also the registered LLC owner of every company listed here.

After a long and frustrating 2 month battle with Amazon going back and forth with their “internal team” here is the conclusion they were able to provide me. After investigating the matter, they have stated that the EVAXO brand was able to provide documentation showing the trademark he has for his listing. This was extremely disappointing as they had completely missed the whole point of the issue. The problem is not with this Trademark, it’s with the blatant infringement he’s doing by claiming to be the brand owner and manufacturer of a product that he isn’t the brand owner of nor the manufacturer of. When I responded to the associate with this as well as showing him the same evidence provided here, instead of addressing the point, he asked, “Why would I add the listing if the information was incorrect?” Not a great response when being asked about a law-breaking violation but I’ll play along, it’s a legitimate question. I responded by stating that I did notice it and after evaluating everything, it appeared the listing had incorrect information so I did as every seller should when encountering an issue like this, I contacted seller support to have it corrected. It took me almost 2 hours to get 2 listings updated, at that point I was informed that the associate would forward the rest of the listings to be investigated so I wouldn’t have to bear the burden of correcting all 300+. When I told this to the associate asking why I added them, he basically responded with well this was their conclusion and if I wanted to have the violations removed, I would need to submit an appeal. When I inquired about the other violation about the multiple accounts, he said that if the seller did in fact have multiple accounts, the team has a way of being notified and would investigate it. This was concerning as I had already made this “internal team” aware over a month ago. I wanted to know if there was already an investigation pending on the matter and he can’t tell me.

So this is where we are now. I don’t know why Amazon is batting so hard for this guy that’s already been confirmed to have been breaking the law and multiple Amazon policies. It just doesn’t make sense. I have seen other cases here where a seller gets suspended for some of the most mundane things but rules are rules and I respect that, meanwhile, somehow EVAXO is able to get by unscathed while committing legal crimes. I still have my Buy Box eligibility at this point despite the false claims he gave me so my business is not being impacted as harshly as it was before but I was hoping even still, Amazon would uphold their own policies and some action would be taken to resolve this whole dilemma. It appears I may end up having to take this on legally myself, I would recommend anyone else being affected to do the same; you have a case.

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It’s hilarious that Amazon continues to let these bad actors change the catalog like this.

It must be to improve the buying experience!

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The EVAXO brand owner has created another Amazon seller account SHEERY selling under the same listings as his previous 4 so now we have a confirmed 5 accounts.

Once again tied to the same address (9208 Palm River Dr)

Amazon is supposedly investigating the issue, but Buy Box eligibility for him is not affected. He apparently can just continue to make new selling accounts with no signs of stopping. If Amazon’s policy followed the US penal system approach of “Innocent until proven guilty” I would absolutely understand the delay here while they investigate but as we all know, that is not how things are done. You are guilty until proven innocent and could have your account status and funds suspended until proven otherwise. I refuse to allow this to be swept under the rug and will continue to update until there is a resolution and/or explanation.

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I have already tried. I have made every effort you can imagine besides contacting the FBI to look into the matter. I’ve made multiple cases with Seller Central with each associate agreeing that multiple policies have been broken and all cases being forwarded to an “internal team” for further investigation. I’ve made this post that has gotten very little results from any moderator. I have already threatened him with legal action which at least has caused him to stop submitting false IP claims to me. However, all other efforts with Amazon has led to zero change in his account status. Still has buy box despite abysmal reviews across all accounts, and is still able to have them all active and in healthy condition I imagine. I’d like to think this guy has his day coming but given the lack of effort on Amazon’s part here, I doubt it will ever come.

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is this another store owned by that brand? Curious all same asins all same address, some leaving ste# off lol
pls… amazon do something!

the listings seem to be seller branded created bundles

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is this another store owned by that brand? Curious all same asins all same address, some leaving ste# off lol
pls… amazon do something!

the listings seem to be seller branded created bundles

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Disappointing news. Let’s recap the suspected charges we’re talking about here, I will be providing screenshots for each alleged violation:

  • The brand owner EVAXO has 300+ listings with false information on his listings by claiming to be the brand owner and manufacturer of well-established products like Coke. This has already been confirmed to be illegal and an act of infringement by my legal counsel.


The brand owner EVAXO has multiple selling accounts and continues to be making new ones with a total of 4 confirmed accounts, all selling from the same address and selling on the same listings. I am aware of the rare exceptions where multiple selling accounts are allowed but there is no exception to having multiple accounts, from the same address, selling on the EXACT same listings and this gentleman here has 5+ but here are the 4 confirmed. (EXPECT MORE, PROMAX LIFE, QUALITY GOURMET and Bit-Store)


For any moderator that wants to make the claim that this is allowed because the business names are different so there’s a chance that it could be different companies in the same location selling the same products, it’s not. A simple google search will show that the owner of EVAXO is also the registered LLC owner of every company listed here.

After a long and frustrating 2 month battle with Amazon going back and forth with their “internal team” here is the conclusion they were able to provide me. After investigating the matter, they have stated that the EVAXO brand was able to provide documentation showing the trademark he has for his listing. This was extremely disappointing as they had completely missed the whole point of the issue. The problem is not with this Trademark, it’s with the blatant infringement he’s doing by claiming to be the brand owner and manufacturer of a product that he isn’t the brand owner of nor the manufacturer of. When I responded to the associate with this as well as showing him the same evidence provided here, instead of addressing the point, he asked, “Why would I add the listing if the information was incorrect?” Not a great response when being asked about a law-breaking violation but I’ll play along, it’s a legitimate question. I responded by stating that I did notice it and after evaluating everything, it appeared the listing had incorrect information so I did as every seller should when encountering an issue like this, I contacted seller support to have it corrected. It took me almost 2 hours to get 2 listings updated, at that point I was informed that the associate would forward the rest of the listings to be investigated so I wouldn’t have to bear the burden of correcting all 300+. When I told this to the associate asking why I added them, he basically responded with well this was their conclusion and if I wanted to have the violations removed, I would need to submit an appeal. When I inquired about the other violation about the multiple accounts, he said that if the seller did in fact have multiple accounts, the team has a way of being notified and would investigate it. This was concerning as I had already made this “internal team” aware over a month ago. I wanted to know if there was already an investigation pending on the matter and he can’t tell me.

So this is where we are now. I don’t know why Amazon is batting so hard for this guy that’s already been confirmed to have been breaking the law and multiple Amazon policies. It just doesn’t make sense. I have seen other cases here where a seller gets suspended for some of the most mundane things but rules are rules and I respect that, meanwhile, somehow EVAXO is able to get by unscathed while committing legal crimes. I still have my Buy Box eligibility at this point despite the false claims he gave me so my business is not being impacted as harshly as it was before but I was hoping even still, Amazon would uphold their own policies and some action would be taken to resolve this whole dilemma. It appears I may end up having to take this on legally myself, I would recommend anyone else being affected to do the same; you have a case.

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Disappointing news. Let’s recap the suspected charges we’re talking about here, I will be providing screenshots for each alleged violation:

  • The brand owner EVAXO has 300+ listings with false information on his listings by claiming to be the brand owner and manufacturer of well-established products like Coke. This has already been confirmed to be illegal and an act of infringement by my legal counsel.


The brand owner EVAXO has multiple selling accounts and continues to be making new ones with a total of 4 confirmed accounts, all selling from the same address and selling on the same listings. I am aware of the rare exceptions where multiple selling accounts are allowed but there is no exception to having multiple accounts, from the same address, selling on the EXACT same listings and this gentleman here has 5+ but here are the 4 confirmed. (EXPECT MORE, PROMAX LIFE, QUALITY GOURMET and Bit-Store)


For any moderator that wants to make the claim that this is allowed because the business names are different so there’s a chance that it could be different companies in the same location selling the same products, it’s not. A simple google search will show that the owner of EVAXO is also the registered LLC owner of every company listed here.

After a long and frustrating 2 month battle with Amazon going back and forth with their “internal team” here is the conclusion they were able to provide me. After investigating the matter, they have stated that the EVAXO brand was able to provide documentation showing the trademark he has for his listing. This was extremely disappointing as they had completely missed the whole point of the issue. The problem is not with this Trademark, it’s with the blatant infringement he’s doing by claiming to be the brand owner and manufacturer of a product that he isn’t the brand owner of nor the manufacturer of. When I responded to the associate with this as well as showing him the same evidence provided here, instead of addressing the point, he asked, “Why would I add the listing if the information was incorrect?” Not a great response when being asked about a law-breaking violation but I’ll play along, it’s a legitimate question. I responded by stating that I did notice it and after evaluating everything, it appeared the listing had incorrect information so I did as every seller should when encountering an issue like this, I contacted seller support to have it corrected. It took me almost 2 hours to get 2 listings updated, at that point I was informed that the associate would forward the rest of the listings to be investigated so I wouldn’t have to bear the burden of correcting all 300+. When I told this to the associate asking why I added them, he basically responded with well this was their conclusion and if I wanted to have the violations removed, I would need to submit an appeal. When I inquired about the other violation about the multiple accounts, he said that if the seller did in fact have multiple accounts, the team has a way of being notified and would investigate it. This was concerning as I had already made this “internal team” aware over a month ago. I wanted to know if there was already an investigation pending on the matter and he can’t tell me.

So this is where we are now. I don’t know why Amazon is batting so hard for this guy that’s already been confirmed to have been breaking the law and multiple Amazon policies. It just doesn’t make sense. I have seen other cases here where a seller gets suspended for some of the most mundane things but rules are rules and I respect that, meanwhile, somehow EVAXO is able to get by unscathed while committing legal crimes. I still have my Buy Box eligibility at this point despite the false claims he gave me so my business is not being impacted as harshly as it was before but I was hoping even still, Amazon would uphold their own policies and some action would be taken to resolve this whole dilemma. It appears I may end up having to take this on legally myself, I would recommend anyone else being affected to do the same; you have a case.

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It’s hilarious that Amazon continues to let these bad actors change the catalog like this.

It must be to improve the buying experience!

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It’s hilarious that Amazon continues to let these bad actors change the catalog like this.

It must be to improve the buying experience!

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The EVAXO brand owner has created another Amazon seller account SHEERY selling under the same listings as his previous 4 so now we have a confirmed 5 accounts.

Once again tied to the same address (9208 Palm River Dr)

Amazon is supposedly investigating the issue, but Buy Box eligibility for him is not affected. He apparently can just continue to make new selling accounts with no signs of stopping. If Amazon’s policy followed the US penal system approach of “Innocent until proven guilty” I would absolutely understand the delay here while they investigate but as we all know, that is not how things are done. You are guilty until proven innocent and could have your account status and funds suspended until proven otherwise. I refuse to allow this to be swept under the rug and will continue to update until there is a resolution and/or explanation.

user profile


The EVAXO brand owner has created another Amazon seller account SHEERY selling under the same listings as his previous 4 so now we have a confirmed 5 accounts.

Once again tied to the same address (9208 Palm River Dr)

Amazon is supposedly investigating the issue, but Buy Box eligibility for him is not affected. He apparently can just continue to make new selling accounts with no signs of stopping. If Amazon’s policy followed the US penal system approach of “Innocent until proven guilty” I would absolutely understand the delay here while they investigate but as we all know, that is not how things are done. You are guilty until proven innocent and could have your account status and funds suspended until proven otherwise. I refuse to allow this to be swept under the rug and will continue to update until there is a resolution and/or explanation.

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This post has been deleted
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I have already tried. I have made every effort you can imagine besides contacting the FBI to look into the matter. I’ve made multiple cases with Seller Central with each associate agreeing that multiple policies have been broken and all cases being forwarded to an “internal team” for further investigation. I’ve made this post that has gotten very little results from any moderator. I have already threatened him with legal action which at least has caused him to stop submitting false IP claims to me. However, all other efforts with Amazon has led to zero change in his account status. Still has buy box despite abysmal reviews across all accounts, and is still able to have them all active and in healthy condition I imagine. I’d like to think this guy has his day coming but given the lack of effort on Amazon’s part here, I doubt it will ever come.

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I have already tried. I have made every effort you can imagine besides contacting the FBI to look into the matter. I’ve made multiple cases with Seller Central with each associate agreeing that multiple policies have been broken and all cases being forwarded to an “internal team” for further investigation. I’ve made this post that has gotten very little results from any moderator. I have already threatened him with legal action which at least has caused him to stop submitting false IP claims to me. However, all other efforts with Amazon has led to zero change in his account status. Still has buy box despite abysmal reviews across all accounts, and is still able to have them all active and in healthy condition I imagine. I’d like to think this guy has his day coming but given the lack of effort on Amazon’s part here, I doubt it will ever come.

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